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Official PKI Unlimited.com Day


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The PKI Unlimited.com Staff has currently began planning an official PKI Unlimited.com day that will occur next year. Currently we are planning on ERT in the morning or after the park closes, and we would like to have some input from the users as to what other special activities you would like, and what time of the year would be best for everyone. Some of the extra activities could possibly include a question and answer session with Jeff Siebert, or maybe a look behind the scenes of PKI. Let your voice be heard!

Thanks for all of the support on the new site! smile.gif

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I know that we would probably be pushing our luck, but it would be nice if we could have the PKIU day close to opening day. I am sure that many of us will have the winter blues during the hiatus, and would love to be amongst one of the first to get dibs on the rides before the rest of the public. I also love the idea of a behind the scenes tour.

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I was going to try and take some backstage pictures and I would be glad to share them with Aaron. Jeff said it would be fine, but I do have to escorted just like anyone else by a rides Manager (any volunteers?) and if I take pictures of the coaster maintenance areas I would probably have to have marketing escort me for that. I'll ask Jeff about that one. It's a pretty neat operation, and I don't think the guests really know how much work goes on for the park's daily operation. Even in the off-season there is tons of stuff going on in the park. We never stop working for our guests!

I would love to be park of a PKIU day at the park. Odds are I would end up working late for a late ride or early for an ERT. Go figure. smile.gif

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Actually from what I've heard, something could be in the works for a PKIU/PKIC day at the park.

Nobody has begged for peace and unity as much as me. I think that a joint venture would be cool.

As for timing....morning suites me better than late at night because I will become a father next year. As a result...my PKI trips will be limited to early morning to early afternoon as I'll need to go home to see and care for my child. I have every intention of being a loving, caring, and great father. I won't give PKI up, but my trips will be shorter in duration.

So please folks...let's schedule it in the morning, especially as pictures in daylight will look better than evening photos.

Have a great day EVERYONE!

Italian Chef


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The event will most likely be all day long, from park opening, to close. We are going to start talking with the park this week so we can get more information for all of the members.

I would love for the event to be in April, but since the park is only open on weekends, that would be very difficult for me to do with soccer season. I our best bet would be early June so the crowds aren't too bad, and we will also possibly be able to get some ERT in Boomerang Bay.

Either me, or someone else on the PKIU Staff will keep everyone informed as we get more information.

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The event will most likely be all day long, from park opening, to close. We are going to start talking with the park this week so we can get more information for all of the members.

I would love for the event to be in April, but since the park is only open on weekends, that would be very difficult for me to do with soccer season. I our best bet would be early June so the crowds aren't too bad, and we will also possibly be able to get some ERT in Boomerang Bay.

Either me, or someone else on the PKIU Staff will keep everyone informed as we get more information.

Hey, June works better for me than April. My baby is due in April...hence I won't be able to go to PKI in April unless he/she is born early. Even then...I doubt I'll go until May or June. At this point in my life, fatherhood excites me even more than my beloved PKI with all of its roller coasters.

I'm most pleased with the way PKIU is progressing. It seems we have attained RESPECT.

Have a groovy week,

Italian Chef

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SCORE! I can't wait for the OFFICIAL PKIU day. Hopefully we can get some ERT in Boomerang Bay, and maybe some night ERT on Beast. That would be nice, maybe some look at some behind the scenes stuff, that's looking great. Keep up the good work Aaron.

Joe-who thinks night and morning ert would be good smile.gif.

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I would think you could take your pictures from any of the park's back access roads without being escorted. However, if you want pictures of rides from any other angle (out and around the rides, coaster tracks, etc...), you need to be escorted by a Rides Area Manager or OD.

I'd be careful where you post/distribute them though. The park's internet usage policy is pretty strict on it (if it's a picture or information about the park that a normal guest can't see or doesn't know, you can't share it).

Just my two cents...

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I would think that June would be a good time for me. I am definitely up for some ERT on any coaster. Would we be able to bring a friend? Like my buddy who goes with me on our summer trips to PKI and CP? He doesn't have internet access either. I would like to see some behind the scenes stuff as well.

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Great idea! Here are my ideas:

Jeff Seibert Q&A

ERT on Beast or any other coaster

Behind the Scenes on FoF (I can give the tour) TRTR, Scooby, and a few other rides.

A really cool shirt!

That's all I can think of, but get us the date before the season starts so I can request this day off!

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I would think you could take your pictures from any of the park's back access roads without being escorted. However, if you want pictures of rides from any other angle (out and around the rides, coaster tracks, etc...), you need to be escorted by a Rides Area Manager or OD.

I'd be careful where you post/distribute them though. The park's internet usage policy is pretty strict on it (if it's a picture or information about the park that a normal guest can't see or doesn't know, you can't share it).

Just my two cents...

Actually, any pictures taken "backstage" would have to be approved by marketing and would still have to be escourted. At least, that is what is supposed to happen.

I have already gotten permission to take the pictures, I just need to get a Rides Manager or OD to walk with me... although I thought another officer would be able to do the same thing, but oh well. I don't mind having an escourt from Rides, they might have better ideas of what to take pictures of than I would. I would really like to get the the actual mechanics of the rides, so things like the lift hills and the coaster maintenance buildings and stuff. Some interesting angles that aren't really "public" of the coasters, like the Rose Bowel of the SOB would be nice as well.

I would also be nice and approve the pictures by Marketing before I submitted any of them to PKIU. I would also give them copies of the pictures.

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I know I don't post here often, but I am a loyal follower of the site. I think that it would really cool to have a PKIU or PKIU/PKIC day at the park. I would definitely by willing to participate. I would even pay money for an official PKIU day shirt for the occasion. I'd love to know the details whenever they are decided. Personally, I think that June would be really good, especially after the first week or so since I'm in school. A behind the scenes tour would be really cool. I'm sure whatever you guys work out will be great. Just keep us informed. Thanks.

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