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Snoopy's Starlight Spectacular


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  On 4/28/2010 at 5:38 PM, Shaggy said:

I hardly think that fact matters...

The Racer has been around since opening, is it gone?

the Grand Carousel has been there since opening, is it gone?

I am sick of people accusing CF of "destroying Kings Island" from what it was planned to be. Times have change since 1972, if the park hadn't we would not be discussing this. CF has done a great job with the park, while trying to restore some of that "magic" it had back in the days. Anyone remember the Robbie Knievel event?

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  On 4/28/2010 at 7:10 PM, FF EKU dawg 4 life said:
  On 4/28/2010 at 5:38 PM, Shaggy said:

I hardly think that fact matters...

The Racer has been around since opening, is it gone?

the Grand Carousel has been there since opening, is it gone?

I am sick of people accusing CF of "destroying Kings Island" from what it was planned to be. Times have change since 1972, if the park hadn't we would not be discussing this. CF has done a great job with the park, while trying to restore some of that "magic" it had back in the days. Anyone remember the Robbie Knievel event?

I assume since I was quoted directly that it was directed at me personally. So I have to ask, where did I ever say or post CF was "destroying Kings Island?"

I didn't. Ever. As a matter of fact, my personal opinion is the complete opposite.

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Same here. I have said time and time again that I miss the theme that the park had under Paramount. I know Paramount did their share of theme-destroying, but I'm talking about Tomb Raider, Italian Job, Top Gun, Adventure Express, International Street, etc. But I have always maintained that, love it or hate it, Cedar Fair is the owner of Kings Island now, and has done many great things. Sacrificing theme for thrill seems to be a side effect. The eternal question is, is it worth it? To me, no. Cedar Fair is doing great things for the park and improving it in many areas that needed improvement. In other areas, they're deteriorating just by the nature of their business (which is not theme parks).

I would say take it or leave it, but we don't have a choice - we are owned by a company who specializes in thrill > theme. You may not like it, I may not like it, but apparently the public doesn't mind much at all, or things would change. We should be thankful for the thrill rides we get, but not lose sight of the themeing we deserve.

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I would cut off a toe for Universal to come into the picture. Honestly. And of all the Cedar Fair parks (should they one day be sold off individually) I think Kings Island would be in the Top Three for a big, incredible owner like Universal or Merlin to snatch up.

I imagine fans of Cedar Fair, fans of Paramount, and everyone in between would agree that Universal's Kings Island would be... Wow. Incredible.

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  On 4/28/2010 at 8:38 PM, FF EKU dawg 4 life said:

You asked if this would be the fireworks replacement?

Someone gave you a response with facts.

Then you said that quote. To me it seemed like you were saying just because CF says it wont does not mean they wont? Sorry if i took your quote out of context.

To clarify...

I asked if the fireworks would still continue. (I legitimately wanted to know as I have not followed this news.)

Someone responded with a statement that didn't answer my question. (Their statement simply implied that KI had always had fireworks in the past. It still didn't answer anything about future plans.)

I replied with a response that was meant to redirect back to my question, and clarify that the past has little to do with what they may be planning now. (I was not at all saying anything derrogatory about CF.)

Thankfully, the poster THESONOFBEAST stepped in and answered my question accurately even citing the 5&5 info. That's all I was asking for.

You read a tone that wasn't there. Quite honestly, I think you've been reading a non-existant negative tone in all of my posts. I'm not here to spread nasty, that's not my m.o. There's never been any sort of nasty underlying tone in any of my posts, so please don't presume one. :-)

Back to the subject at hand...

I think this is a great idea... specifically the further illumination of the Eiffel Tower. I'll be anxious to see it. It's also very smart as KI has seemingly (personal assumption) struggled in recent years with keeping most guests in the park late in the day. Couple this with the fireworks (now that I know they'll continue) and it should be quite impressive to see.

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FF EKU dawg 4 life,

You need to take a chill pill and not be so quick to jump on the offensive.

Shaggy asked an honest question and expected an honest answer, which was provided, without someone jumping to conclusions and stating their opinion.

Shaggy does not post often here, but when he does, it would serve you well to head what he has to say. He has been around a while, and generally offers quite insightful and well worded posts. I know I thoroughly enjoy reading his posts, and wish he would post more often.

I agree, that this with the fireworks will certainly keep more families in the park later into the evenings. I know I can`t wait to see this thing. This is yet another family attraction as well, that can be enjoyed by all age groups, young and old alike.

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^ You made me laugh so hard I started coughing!

I also agree that Shaggy has some very insightful posts and always glad when I come across them.

Back to the topic, today I was totally daydreaming about the tower all lit up. I think it could be an amazing display. Can you imagine seeing it from a distance, or re-entring the park at night? I really do have high hopes and think CF is really taking theming or at least visual appearances much more seriously. Think of the fixed AE effects, the Planet Snoopy re-theme, the interest in jazzing up the train experience (if genuine), BBOBH and Even DB's splashdown... and I think DB's logo is probably the coolest of any ride in the chain. It all makes me very anxious to see how themed Shoot the Rapids is. I think it will be an indicator of things to come (still hoping for a GCI in DD's former plot).

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Yes, both paths behind the Eiffel Tower were closed this past weekend to allow for construction of Snoopy`s Starlight Spectacular. Look for both paths to be open again by Memorial Day weekend, when the Starlight Spectacular debuts.

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  • 1 month later...

Which is unfortunate, because I truly believe if done right, and PRICED right, Winterfest could be a wonderful way for Kings Island and the other Cedar Fair parks to extend their season through December and generate additional revenue at a time when the parks are typically operating in a loss mode (no revenue coming in, but off season maintenance/salaries still have to be paid).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Question...... Did anyone else notice that they don't light up the entire Eiffel Tower anymore?? I have only seen the Back lit up so far this season and it looks sad from the front of I-Streeet with the colorful fountains and a dark tower. I just think it would make more sense to light it all up like previous seasons. Anyone notice this or am I missing something?? :/

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Are you talking about the lights used for Snoopy's Starlight Spectacular or the multi-colored floodlights they shine on the tower at night? Because the Starlight Spectacular lights only occupy the back side of the tower. As for the floodlights, I don't know if they still use those with Starlight going on behind it.

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Sure, the tower is [relatively] dark, but we're just at this particular time in history. I'm sure that one day, some talented, creative people with a keen eye for aesthetics (not to mention an ear for musical ambiance), and an understanding of what makes visiting a park like Kings Island so memorable, will re-design the whole International Street experience in ways that will dazzle even beyond what was ever imagined before. It is weird to see the fountains and all the glow-in-the-dark memorabilia without the familiar tower in the picture, but SSS shows that these guys know what they're doing, and just because the tower is dark now doesn't mean it won't be brilliant sometime in the future.


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They should at least use the old white lights on the front. As we can see from how it's lit now, the back lights don't affect the front, I would assume that lighting up the front wouldn't take away from the lighting of the back. Or they could install the new lights all the way around... it does look strange, though.

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Yea i was talking about the Multi-color Floods that used to light up the whole tower.... heck you can still see them all around the tower on the ground and on the 50ft deck while on the elevator. I just dont understand why they are not on this year on the front or sides.

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