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A question for coaster operators?


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That is an awesome question...and boy do i have some stories that would go along with that...haha but yea, cant say most of them becuase i would be putting my job at jeporady. The worst thing on a daily basis?!? Thats hard. If your talking strictly coasters (becuase being a supervisor has its own nightmares that come day by day) i would say there are some scenarios when a ride experiences a 'minor delay' that could be considered nightmares...haha but that doesnt happen day by day. I cant think of one thing that happens every day that is just horrible. The job is awesome..i mean its not like every day your coaster does something to **** you off and is worthy of 'nightmare' status.

Yea the worst thing thats ever happened to me on the job, cant really talk about it if i could pin point something...but yea its not a bad job at all...nothing i can think of is really horrible.

Come back and ask me sometime in like 5 years when im not employed there lol

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The problem with the initial question is that we are held to our agreements to not blab on stuff that happens up there. Now coming from SOB/Gun in 2002, I know some of Drews stories (and Im sure Im part of a few).

The nightmare at TR I have day to day is boredom. Thats right, boredom. Its a monster that we all face on every ride. Especially when you get stuck in the TRTR drive box for 3 1/2 hours with no relief in the immediate future. What a last day that was.

Speaking of being boxlocked, whats the longest stent any ride op has gone for driving a ride? My personal one is 19 hours (3 straight shifts but Andy took me out of the box in the third. I was just seeing what mental capasity it would take to drive that long.) Whats yours?

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aren't most of those boxes air conditioned? I know some of them are still oopen but..................You haven't been at the lowest of lows, until you have fought a fire in the middle of winter and had your ass frozen to a road, or better yet an aerial ladder, bouncing in the below freezing wind.

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On a day-to-day basis, the worst thing that happens is confronting the parent of the kid who isn't tall enough to ride. Man, do they get ****ed.

The worst thing that has ever happened to me on the job? Yeah, that would fall under the protection of the gag order. Having BoObKiNoS as my supervisor has definately been an interesting experience. Yes, he is the SOB/Top Gun head supervisor.

Edited by SOB/Gun Steve-O
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aren't most of those boxes air conditioned? I know some of them are still oopen but..................You haven't been at the lowest of lows, until you have fought a fire in the middle of winter and had your ass frozen to a road, or better yet an aerial ladder, bouncing in the below freezing wind.

That sucks. Yeah theres AC but its no fun just sitting on your ass for 10 straight hours in a cramped booth without a break just pushing a couple of buttons and watching a darn ride go up and down. Im sorry, but thats just no fun to me.

Edited by CYoung2003
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You have to remember though, everyone chooses where they want to work. Its not like the old days where parents decided where kids work. Just remember on your lowest of days, we picked this job, and no matter what it is, I wouldnt be here if I didnt enjoy it.

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I feel your pain but, I also have to say that being woken up at 3 a.m. because someone called 911 after stubbing their toe going to the bathroom in the dark, pretty much sucks as well. And Yes, this is true, and has happened on more than one occasion.

Yeah I can believe that. At my school, we've had like 7 false fire alarms in the last 4 weeks. Cincy FD must be ****ed at us.

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Yeah I can believe that.  At my school, we've had like 7 false fire alarms in the last 4 weeks.  Cincy FD must be ****ed at us.

It happens all the time, so I doubt they would be upset. We make numerous false alarms, but they always get treated as the real thing. If you get tunnel vision, and treat everything as a false alarm, you are gonna be surprised when one day something is really going on.

Edited by fyrfyter
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aren't most of those boxes air conditioned? I know some of them are still oopen but..................You haven't been at the lowest of lows, until you have fought a fire in the middle of winter and had your ass frozen to a road, or better yet an aerial ladder, bouncing in the below freezing wind.

Have you ever gotten back to the station from a run and went to take off your helmet only to have your glove completely stuck to it? Happened to me. biggrin.gif

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Have you ever gotten back to the station from a run and went to take off your helmet only to have your glove completely stuck to it? Happened to me. biggrin.gif

Nah. My coat was covered in Ice that same morning and I couldn't get it off, so I had to get some of the other guys to hit the ice and get it to crack so I could separate the front of the coat, and then get my arms out of the sleeves.

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Heres one for ya:

My dad and I run a sound business and we were doing a christmas gig last year. It was snowing and raining, and then the temp dropped to about 15 before the event ended. We had 3 inches of ice on the speakers, and the cords were so iced up that we had to thaw them out before we could detach them at all. we had to spend the night in our car (it was a christmas walk) until the next morning cause we couldnt break the ice without damaging the equipment. WE had to keep music playin too so that the actual pads on the speakers wouldnt become brittle on us. That day sucked.

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