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It is true the park is opening on Friday April 9 from 10 am to 8pm. The operating season issue is slightly confusing, depending on the wording. For the park`s 30th anniversary in 2002, it was actually the park`s 31 operating season. So this will have been open for 32 years come the spring, but they will be opening for their 33rd season. I hope i made some sense as it is rather confusing!

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Well I wish I was with you guys when it comes to that many posts, but I try to only post unless I really have something to say. Anyway, I'm a bit surpised that no one has mentioned, to my knowledge, that PKI has added more days for which the park will be open till midnight. I personally welcome the addition.

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Does anyone know why they are open until midnight on some of the Fridays in June? Also, are they doing Fear Fest on both Saturdays and Sundays this coming year? The reason I ask is on Sundays in October they are closing at 9, an hour earlier than they did this past season. Maybe they are going to reopen FearFest on Fridays?

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  SOB/Gun Steve-O said:
First of all, we despise midnight closings.

Yes, yes we do (imagines working on the street until three A.M.). I absolutely despise midnight closes, or worse, BAFFDs coupled with a midnight close. As long as I am not forced to work Vending on those midnight closes I'll be okay though.

The calendar looks like fun, I don't know but it looks like they added a week in May. But once again, they don't have that last week in August open. What a pity. Place your bets now, will that week be added or left off like in 2003?

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  TraderJake said:
  SOB/Gun Steve-O said:
First of all, we despise midnight closings.

Yes, yes we do (imagines working on the street until three A.M.). I absolutely despise midnight closes, or worse, BAFFDs coupled with a midnight close. As long as I am not forced to work Vending on those midnight closes I'll be okay though.

I can understand that. But be happy you can go home and get some sleep. Want a rough night? Try not going to bed at all, and then working the next day, or going to school for that matter. Oh well, be gald its summer. up all night in winters, seem to have a worse effect on your body, and sometimes your mind.

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Yeah, I wish they would have been open the last week in August this year too. Since UC doesn`t start school until almost the end of September, the last week of August would be a wonderful time to visit the park, much like the Friday before Labor Day was this past year.

I know their calendar is subject to change. It seems as if they always change at least one thing about it. By the time October rolls aroound, it will look different. As you mentioned, they didn`t have the late closings in October on the original 2003 calendar when they first announced it last winter. Hopefully, the 2004 operating calendar will also include a change/bonus of having Winterfest added for December of 2004? One can wish, can`t he?

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You all have it wrong:

The worst day I have ever worked was BAFFD, midnight closing, with a meeting I had to be at 815 AM. So I had to work 815-11pm, plus we werent done cleaning till about 230-300 in the morning. Then, to make it worse, I had an open shift the next morning. I slept in my car.

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Midnight closings suck, you have about an hour wait at midnight, so that takes you to 1am, then you have to clean, thats about 2am... hour drive home there is like 3 something. then get back up in the mornind and do it all over again.

And the reason the park can't be open the last week of august (even if UC hasn't started yet) is that not everyone goes to UC, there are alot of high schoolers working there, and people who goto other schools.

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