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What is going on for Beast 25 birthday


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Maybe they'll bake it a cake.

Yours truly the Italian Chef has been asked to bake a large birthday cake for The Beast. Unfortunately, he is diabetic, lactose intolerant, allergic to chocolate and eggs, and has high cholesterol. Hence, I have to make a tofu birthday cake for The Beast.

Have a great day!

Italian Chef


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Maybe they'll bake it a cake.

Yours truly the Italian Chef has been asked to bake a large birthday cake for The Beast. Unfortunately, he is diabetic, lactose intolerant, allergic to chocolate and eggs, and has high cholesterol. Hence, I have to make a tofu birthday cake for The Beast.

Have a great day!

Italian Chef


i can go with that

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I think it would be cool if they put tunnels on Sonny for Daddy's 25 b-day. It would make SOB more enjoyable for me. What does it have to do with Daddy? No idea. Maybe a new logo for SOB? What is up with its trademark; the biochemical hazard symbol? I never understood it.

Maybe Daddy will get new rolling stock from PTC. Leather seats, adjustable headrests, magnetic shock absorbers... laugh.gif ...maybe not. I'm a little excited about this March announcement - we may be seeing some major upgrades in the near future (2004-2005) along with BB.

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What is wrong with Son of Beast`s logo? I like the Son`s logo. I don`t think Son will recieve tunnels, at least not for this season. I`m sure the park will update the 20th anniversary stuff that is hanging in the station, and they might have a 25th anniversary logo.

As for the biochemical hazard thing, it was smart to put it on the trash cans in the line, becuase those things would get nasty and smelly by the end of the day. The way it fits in is you board the PSV, perimeter survelliance vehicles, to try and capture The Beast`s son that through biochmical or something has escaped and gon e wild and its up to the riders aboard the PSVs to find and manage the rambunctious son. The theme had potential, but was not executed very well. They even painted over the tunnel (bridge for the maintenance road) that had Son of Beast Containment area and one of the biohazard symbols on it. Now that tunnel is just plain gray. I think they did that anyway, my brain my be failing me there.

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+h3N pkI wilL bu1lD th3 9I9@ 4F+3R theY t4r4r dOwn 8Ea5+? w00t!

I am 1337 certified, and I will now translate for those on this forum that do not speak 1337.

"Then PKI will build the giga after they tear down Beast? Yes!"

(w00t doesn't have an english translation, its something you say when happy, like "Yes!" or "All right!")

I do hope they do something special for the anniversary. I like the banners and signs in the station they added for the 20th. Maybe an update to the sign with more tidbits and factoids? I dunno, I just hope they don't let it go by without doing anything.

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it was smart to put it on the trash cans in the line, becuase those things would get nasty and smelly by the end of the day.

how does painting a biohazzard symbol on a trash can eliminate stecnh and nastiness?

Good Question! Better question why the hell did they put that crap on the ride at all? Biohazard is something usually reservered for Medical, Hazardous Materials, and other related occupations (like firefighting). Is it the idea its something you are not supposed to mess with or what? personally, I would rather that sysmbol be used what it is designed for, not some park theming.

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well i'm sure PKI had a reason to use the biohazard symbol but it would be nice if they'd tell us what they used it for wink.gif

anyways.. i'm guessing just minor adjustments for the beat. i know the thing could use new trains but that would change the entire ride experience and that's not good at all. um.. tunnels for SOB would be nice. we'll just have to wait and see i guess.

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it was smart to put it on the trash cans in the line, becuase those things would get nasty and smelly by the end of the day.

how does painting a biohazzard symbol on a trash can eliminate stecnh and nastiness?

Good Question! Better question why the hell did they put that crap on the ride at all? Biohazard is something usually reservered for Medical, Hazardous Materials, and other related occupations (like firefighting). Is it the idea its something you are not supposed to mess with or what? personally, I would rather that sysmbol be used what it is designed for, not some park theming.

1) I've never seen the biohazard symbol painted on the trash cans.

2) I think the logo on the SOB trains is slightly altered so that its not the real biohazard logo. I could be wrong about that, though.

3) I would much rather deal with the nasty smelling trash cans than pick up all the crap that people throw on the ground, even when they are right next to the trash can.

4) Why are you asking us why its painted on the train? What, do you think they consult us about these things?

Edited by SOB/Gun Steve-O
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I know what yolu mean about people throwing crap on the ground instead of the trash cans. At Coney, the line for the Scrambler had two trash cans by it. Instead, people insisted on leaving their trash on the rock wall or in the dirt for me to pick up. What is so hard about throwing something in a trash can? About the trash can biohazard thing, I don`t know if they had the similar looking biohazard symbol on them or not but they are some of the only painted cans I can think of in the park.

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1) I've never seen the biohazard symbol painted on the trash cans.

Good point buddy. Totally forgot about that myself. They repainted the cans last year to just straight green. So this past summer there wasnt any biohazzard symbol on the cans. The tunnel being painted made me wonder also when i first saw it.

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The biohazard symbol that you all keep refering to... Thats not it. Its a close representation of it, but its not the actual symbol.

This is the actual biohazard symbol.

Couldn't find the SOB symbol anywhere but the inner circle is replaced by three bars. The outer loops extend farther before they split and then don't slip as far. Hard to describe.

Edited by beastfreak
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New silver rolling stock for Beast...that would be cool. The trains ARE fairly well broken in though. New stock isn't needed but may be appreciated. Maybe they could refurbish the old stuff and restuff the seats or something. That would make my butt smile.

Edited by fryler87
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