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Diamondback closed July 30th AM

Kirk Sheppard

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whats the point of this topic? I am confused.

Originally, I posted from the park a news tidbit that DB was closed. Then it reopened. At that point, I rode BLSC and it had some technical glitches, as well. After that, people were just having a good time and a few laughs. Hope that clears it up for you!

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That surprised me, too, when I rode it with the lights on last season - the track in the tunnel looks almost like an exact replica of the "swerving between police cars" scene - no more twisted than that. It does genuinely feel like you ride up on the walls a bit, and I still know people who swear you go upside down. It's a really well-done moment of the ride, really!

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I was on DB at the tail-end of ERT yesterday when we got stuck on the mid-course brake. That is what closed it down.

DB went down because you got stuck on the mid-course break?

It has never been down because I went through the mid-course breaks! :)

Just teasin!


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