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If we could get some of KI's defunct flats back...


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Kings Island would have a kick-butt selection of flats had we never removed any of them. While the addition of Wind Seeker in 2011 will probably help Kings Island in the flats area, we still need more flats. Then I thought of this scenario.

If you could choose 5 of the old flats to bring back, which ones would you pick? It's a pretty simple idea. If you need a list of the defunct rides, here they are:


You may bring back any of the flats, plus log flumes, etc, but not the roller coasters. That would be a different topic.

So, which flats would you restore? Enjoy the poll. If you don't like it, click back.;)

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  On 8/25/2010 at 7:41 PM, Coney Islander said:

McSalsaDo you mean "flat" in the literal sense? In other words, would the transportation rides and dark rides be available? (Log Flumes are, so yes?)

Yes, Dark Rides & Log Flumes are also legit picks here. I was using the general term as in "anything that isn't a waterslide or roller coaster, etc etc". And truly "flat" rides are unrideable because...they are flat as squished pancakes!:P

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Well flight commander would have made the list but after that accident i couldn't very well put it on the list.

  1. Phantom theatre
  2. Kenton's Cove Keelboat Canal
  3. Flying Eagles
  4. Antique Cars
  5. Skylab

*Flight Team Aerial Helicopter Tours would of been cool too if the helicopter provider wouldn't of stoped providing the helicopter.

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Antique Cars and Les Taxis (counting this as one ride since it shared the same space and such)

Flying Eagles

Smurf ride (sorry Terpy, but this was a must-ride for us during our annual family trips to KI when I was a kid)

Der Spinnin Keggers (dizzying flat rides are always fun)

Halleys Comet

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  On 8/25/2010 at 11:20 PM, The Interpreter said:

1. Enchanted Voyage

2. Phantom Theater

3. Flying Eagles

4. Antique Cars

5. Zodiac

Yes, 1 AND 2....but no Smurfs, thank you...(with apologies to those who love them).

I'd prefer The Enchanted Voyage the way it originally was as well, however I'd take it anyway I could get it!

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Phantom Theater

Tomb Raider (Original Theme)

And I have a Question. I was unfortunate and was born in the mid 90's. I remember in the early 2000's or so my babysitter would take me to PKI and I somehow remember this, canoe sorta ride. It had water and was sorta a flume ride. Please confirm or denie me!! Oh, and my first coaster was Flight of Fear, hahaha my brother secretly got me in!!! Ever since I've been a coaster boy.

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^You're probably thinking of Kenton Cove Keelboat Canal, or KCKC for short. It was a flume ride that was located where The Crypt is now.

As for my picks:

1. FLYING EAGLES!!!! (sorry for the enthusiasm, but I really miss these)

2. Der Spinnin' Keggers or Winnie Witch's Cauldrons - either one will do

3. Enchanted Voyage - pre-Smurfs!

4. Lion Country Safari Monorail - there really was no better way to cool off on a hot day!

5. It's a toss up between Skylab, Bayern Curve and The Rotor. It's too hard to choose between those three, I loved them all.

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