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Waldameer to go cashless

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Hmm. That is interesting, and certainly could make cash handling at concession stands easier since workers do not need to make change. However, I sense that there will be quite a bit of a learning curve with this new system. How many people will forgo that impulse buy of a pretzel because they don`t have a Wally card or a credit card? Certainly an interesting concept to say the least. It will be interesting to see how it works and is received by the public.

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Guest TombraiderTy

People are more likely to spend money when they're unable to physically see or hold it, hence why so many Americans have found themselves in credit card debt. Although there were likely be some losses here-and-there as a result of this , I think that, overall, it's a great decision that'll result in an overall increase in profit for the park.

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Wally Cards and respective points are also used to pay for individual rides. So points orginally purchased to pay for rides can also be used to buy food.


This is a brilliant move. The park will spend less resources to prevent employee theft of cash, preparing tills, counting tills, and trying to resolve over/shorts.

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I am against this. People should always have the right to use cash for the petty things like drinks and so forth. If the employee is trained correctly, there will be no problem in giving the correct amount of change, problem with thief and and other cash handling problem. Just pay attention to detail, do ONE transaction at a time and the register will do the work for you and tell you how much change to give back. Is this Wally card just a park issued card? Does it have a Mastercard or Visa logo to be used any place where it is accepted? If not, what if they have funds still on it at the end of the day? Do they feel they must use the card in order to use up all the funds? What if they are short and need to do a split transaction with cash? How many people will keep a running balance on the card? It is one thing to use something like Scooby Bucks and replace it with a card like this, but do not replace cash as the official form of payment, which is good for al debt, both public and private. I see it as another way to increase profits at the expense of the guest that might not want to spend all of their hard earned dollars just to zero out that Wally card.

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I see two problems: whenever the system goes down, the park stops making money... even if it's only for a little while (every time something was down for a "little while" at KI it was always like 30min...) it might make people decide that they don't need to get that drink anyway, so the park will lose revenue on that. Also, since their main marketing push is "you won't lose your cash", what if you lose the card...? Oh, and if you don't spend all the money on it, can you get a refund for the remaining balance? I see no problem with this if it's an option, but it's stupid to require it.

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After thinking about this while at work:

I can see where some may not agree with Waldameer's decision, but also understand Waldameer has free entry for everyone (which is unique for most parks). The only way to ride the rides is to use a Wally Card.

Simply put- cash is not accepted to ride the rides, why not just cut out cash transactions completely and make riding/ purchases consistant throughout the park?

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