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After a long offseason Wonderland will finally open up tomorrow for the Season Passholders Sneak Preview night. As some of you know our new addition this year was a Zamperla Volare (Flying Coaster). PCW named the coaster Tomb Raider The Ride, which upset some of you a few months ago when the announcement was made.

I am semi anxious to ride it tomorrow night, not so much to see if like it but more to how dissapointed I will be. Anyway, Here's the latest picture of the ride that shows some of the theming the park used.


I haven't seen it in person yet, but I think that PKI did a way better job at using the theming. It's easier to do indoors, but it begs the question why they decided to try and theme a rollercoaster.

I will post all the information and how the ride was sometime on Saturday.



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  Scooby_Doo said:
Yeah I was on PCW's homepage the coaster looks cool and all But how could you theme a coaster to Tomb Raider?????

Exactly, We have Top Gun (SLC Vekoma) here which is obviously themed to the movie. The theming really is only used in the queue line and while it may be neat for the first time it loses it's appeal. I expect the new coaster to do the same.

Riding TR:TR at PKI actually involves the ride in the theming, which a coaster cannot really do unless it's a mine coaster.

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This is a sorry excuse for themeing. Its not nearly on par with paramounts standards. Then again we are lucky they keep dumping probly over half the entire paramounts parks budget into PKI alone. This ride couldve been awesome had it been indoors. But the cost is where its at. There are alot more viacom entities that this couldve been named after other then tomb raider. Then it wouldve made alot more sense.

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  TheRickster said:
This ride couldve been awesome had it been indoors. But the cost is where its at. There are alot more viacom entities that this couldve been named after other then tomb raider. Then it wouldve made alot more sense.

I agree with you there, had they built it inside an used the same kind of idea that PKI used for TR:TR, with theming and effects it would of been great.

I've got a feeling that they left it outdoors to try and show the feeling of flying. Which leads us back to the original point, why theme the coaster to Tomb Raider? haha

Ahhh if we had only recieved a B&M or Vekoma instead. sad.gif

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I haven't seen it in person yet, but I think that PKI did a way better job at using the theming. It's easier to do indoors, but it begs the question why they decided to try and theme a rollercoaster.

The reason being that PKI is trying to become a major theme park player and the only way to do that would be theming out the wazoo, including coasters. I for one, am glad we did not get this coaster that went to PCW. It's a joke and I would rather have a kid's coaster than that one.

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It's a joke and I would rather have a kid's coaster than that one.


I just want to know why couldn't we just get it i need a new coaster soon!!!!

Can I get a HELL YEAH!

I WISH PKI could have gotten this coaster. That's right I said I wish PKI could have gotten it, but in the building our TR:TR is in. Think about it, how bad @$$ would that have been to have this coaster themed indoors! I DON'T LIKE PKI'S TR:TR!

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I agree about the ugly colours, something makes me think that theming it was an afterthought. You would think that they would of made the track darker with some deep red, brown and black. Oh well, I'm leaving now for the park. I'll fill you guys in later on how it went.

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  PKI Punk said:
That's right I said I wish PKI could have gotten it, but in the building our TR:TR is in. Think about it, how bad @$$ would that have been to have this coaster themed indoors!

I agree with the statement about how much better that coaster would be if it were in a building. I'm not sure exactly how large Tomb Raider: The Ride's main building is, but an indoor Flyer (WITHOUT THAT TERRIBLE CAGE) with the Island's TR: TR theming would be quite impressive.

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I bet that line moves really slow with the small train capacity. The colour sceme is horrible. There's some dark Tomb Raider sign, and then these bright pastel colours just standing out. There's some pretty well themed coasters out there. Sorry to make another reference to TTD, but that's pretty well themed with the engine sounds, bleachers, christmas tree, finish line sign... And it sounds like Universal's new Mummy coaster is really themed.

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I personally prefer our sign over theirs. The ride's color scheme is most likely due to the fact that they probably didn't know what the ride would be themed to when they placed the order for one. As far as originality goes, this ride gets a zero. If you look at their fun and safety guide sign, it even has the fake rusted steel look that pki's have, and the ride uses PKI's marketing lines. I wonder if in the que they have the recorded woman who says "Attention Tomb Raiders". Anyways, the ride may be fun, but they could've used theming to a much better extent, and came up with some more original ideas as opposed to just taking PKI's marketing ploys and pictures.

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  teenageninja said:
Yea the color scheme is terrible, the ride is supposedly bad (from what people say about the one from SFEG, and the capacity isn't that bad. 600 people per hour is alot better than some of the coasters at KI.

Which coasters?

Other than Scooby, and Beatie?


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Well, I had my first expierence on Tomb Raider last night.

The theming in the queue line is actually pretty well done, there are flames coming out of the torches that supports the main sign. There are some nice props, and the landscaping is well done.

However that's about where anything that is good ends. The line wasnt bad as we got into the park before they were supposed to open the gates. The strange thing about the station is the trains don't stop moving for loading unless they get behind. The riders step down off of the trains while it's moving, and new ones climb up while it is moving.

So up comes our turn, I climb up into this horrible cage which limits you from seeing anything but straight ahead. You can barely look beside you, and it constricts you in every manner.

Here is where the fun begins, as our train moves to the end of the station they stop us. Like I mentioned the trains are supposed to keep moving. We had to wait at the end of the station in this cage for about five minutes while they kept repeating we are expierencing a slight delay.

Finally they send our train up the corkscrew type lift hill, as we reach near the top you can hear the lift stop, and we start rolling backwards. Then the train stopped a few feet from where we stopped and locked there. We were at the very top of the hill just before it goes near the platform before the first drop.

The trains were not comfortable to begin with, but having to be stuck up 50-60 feet in the air and wait isnt the best feeling. We heard the announcements over and over saying we are expierencing a delay. It was funny watching everyone walking by looking up and pointing at how the new ride was broken, and here we are at the top of it.

After about 10 minutes, they finally start the ride back up and it goes through the cycle. The ride is complete crap, there is two heartline spirals, and all it does is jerk you all around and smash your head off of the headrests. Not one point of the ride was enjoyable.

I will ride it once more to see if the fact I was already ****ed off about being stuck played into me not enjoying the ride. However I really doubt my opinion will change.

Good job PCW!

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My guess is that Paramount knew that the ride may have sucked, so they figured why not put it in one of our less-popular parks? That way, if it did/does suck, we'll know not to put it in any other parks. (No offense at all towards Canada's Wonderland, however.)

Just like with Son of Beast, I doubt Paramount Parks, or anyone else for that matter, will build a hyper-looping-"terrain" coaster soon.

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My guess is that Paramount knew that the ride may have sucked, so they figured why not put it in one of our less-popular parks? That way, if it did/does suck, we'll know not to put it in any other parks. (No offense at all towards Canada's Wonderland, however.)

Just like with Son of Beast, I doubt Paramount Parks, or anyone else for that matter, will build a hyper-looping-"terrain" coaster soon.

Now that I think about it you have a realy good point. biggrin.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

Spongebob, there is no reason for double posting. But anyway, I think PKI should have gotten this ride and put it inside and themed it. The ride would be awesome if it were better themed and this could have been done by putting it inside of a building.

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Exactly, We have Top Gun (SLC Vekoma) here which is obviously themed to the movie. The theming really is only used in the queue line and while it may be neat for the first time it loses it's appeal. I expect the new coaster to do the same.

Good point. But, from what I understand the Borg Assimilator coaster at Carowinds utilizes the theming very well. Therefore, it can be done correctly.

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For what it's worth, the ride system at PCW is not exactly top of the line. There have been so many complaints about the Zamperla "Volare" model, that the folks at Zamperla have actally been recieving a mild form of hate mail. I really would never expect PKI to install anything like this.

From what I've been told, there many, many dissapointed and unsatisfied riders already.

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