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New Season Pass Loyalty Program Tidbits


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Greg Scheid, Kings Island's VP and General Manager, mentioned on his Twitter that Kings Island would be rolling out a loyalty program for season pass holders this year. Although the program has not officially launched, they did do a soft launch this past weekend and I was able to get my hands on some early information on it.

- The program will allegedly grant you points for visiting the park as well as purchasing food. We know that you get points for visiting the park, based on the announcement. An associate was being trained by one of their superiors on the program at one of the food locations as I was checking out. They asked if I had a season pass so they could scan it. They scanned the pass and a small extra receipt printed out.

- The name of the program will be FUN Perks... unless of course, that changes before the launch.

- You will be able to manage your points online, but I'm not going to give you the URL quite yet because the site hasn't launched.

- This is a multi-tiered system. The top of my receipt says "Level: One Star" I'm supposing that you get points and that brings you up from level to level. I do not know how many levels there are, and I do not know what perks you get for going from one level to the next.

- I can only assume that you get points for merch, but I asked the guy to scan my Gold Pass when I bought something at one of the gift shops and the system didn't object, but I didn't get an extra receipt. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this is due to the fact that the system isn't 100% yet.

-Rumor has it that the new KI app will allow you to manage your points through that. I sure hope so.

I'm really excited about this program. This should be great!!!

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Is it just me or did that video really seem "Destination Park" feel to it? Even though it's about Season Passes it just had that feel. It might be hard to explain, anyone understand what I'm trying to say?

Watermarks right in the middle of the video definitely scream "destination park" to me. :P

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