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What Kind of Merchandise Would You Like to see at Kings Island?


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Most of you don't recall the merchandise KI USED to carry back in the day. KI used to have some of the most incredible souvenirs... and not everything had KI's logo's plastered on it.

For instance, there was a Bavarian Toy Shop on International Street that carried the most amazing foreign collectible toys. Lots of West German items not found in regualr toy shops in the US. It was an absolutely amazing shop.... and it was one of SEVERAL like this.

When I go to KI now, outiside of items unique to the park logos, there's very little merchandise that interests me. If there were more high-end collectibles, I'd spend big $. (I still have the framed artist prints they used to sell, a replica KI Carousel Lead Horse I shelled out $250 for etc etc etc.)


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Durable souvenir shirts in XL-Tall sizes would be cool (not sure I've seen any). I have two ashtrays from 1973, both purchased at antique shops (though not technically antiques; but rather memorabilia). They have International Street painted on them, with the skyride going across the front of the Eiffel Tower; and each has1/2 inch tiles around the rim, with a golden finish on the back. (I'd provide pics, but can't seem to find what happened to my blog site.)

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^The whole back of the shop has stuff, probably from 2011 or ordered before they made the executive decision to shut my baby down, so it's all on sale. In contrast, the coins you guys got for CFK? Yeah, those are $4 a pop, or 3 for $10! It was worth the 10, though!

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I just bought a Crypt hat yesterday at the Emporium! It was in a back corner... Figures.

EDIT: And a sale! What was a $13 hat is now $4!

Did you see how much a shirt is?

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Video games. Any genre except for roller coaster games. Those are the worst, am I right? Maybe Disney stuff. I'd go for some of that.

Seriously, I'd be down for souvenir maps, like PT said. Really surprised that they haven't been selling those all of these years.

I really like that blue Kings Island shirt that they've been selling this year with the old logo and the original ride list from when the park opened. I just wish that the ride list was on the back of the shirt and the logo was the only thing on the front. That'd be cooler, IMO. I've also had my eye on The Beast metallic-looking car decal that I saw at one of the shops. Pretty sweet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like more shirts that look good. There are too many neon color shirts with oversized logos, and not enought shirts that look like they could be from Abercrombie. Make KI shirts a little more fashionable.

Yes. Thats what I voted for. I bought a KI 40th aniversery shirt but I never wear it. The logo is huge on it. I just got it for the 40th aniversery.

Personally, I dont really like abercrombie though.

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I just bought a Crypt hat yesterday at the Emporium! It was in a back corner... Figures.

EDIT: And a sale! What was a $13 hat is now $4!

Did you see how much a shirt is?

The gift stand thingy by the entrance of X-Base had $7 t-shirts on Monday. They had lots of Firehawk shirts, but I also saw a few Crypt shirts that looked pretty nice. ;)

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