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Indiana Beach 7-11-12 PTR


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On Wednesday, 7-11-12, we went to Indiana Beach. I went with my mom and sister. We left at 6:30AM to make it for opening. One of the reasons we went, was because they had a “Walgreens Wednesday” special, where if you purchase $10 or more, you get an offer for buy 1 get 1 free on IB tickets. Anyways, the drive there was, well, boring. There was corn. And corn. And did I mention corn? But eventually, there was more than corn in Indiana! I wanted to park in the lot by the suspension bridge and closer to The Lost Coaster, but we couldn’t find it, and we parked in the lot by Steel Hawg instead. We got our tickets, and headed in, a few minutes later than opening time. We started our trek to the lost coaster, through a quiet Indiana Beach.


Good morning, Steel Hawg!


There is Cornball Express!


A Hoosier Hurricane train hibernates.


We have made it to The Lost Coaster Of Superstition Mountain. There was a small line of people. Due to the terrible capacity of this ride, it was still about 10 minutes, and if the line was this short for Diamondback, it would just be a wait for the train to get here wait.


Absolutely no smoking. That means you.


Elevator lift. Different.

Now we got on. I rode backwards in the 2nd car. We went up the elevator lift, and went through some hills. There was very sharp turns, sudden drops, and more. We went into a tunnel, and it stopped. 5 seconds. 10 seconds. 20 seconds. We are stuck. We talked with the other car, and it turns out none of them have ever rode this either. “Help on 3. 1, 2, 3, HELP!!!!!”! We yelled. “Scream on 3. 1, 2, 3, AHHHHH!” we screamed. We sat there for about 10 minutes. Soon, a mechanic came. I have no idea how he got up here. He told us we were to light, and didn’t make it to the brake. He pushed us to the brake, and in a few minutes, we got going again. Right when we went again was the fun part, a great drop, especially riding backwards. The rest of the ride was pretty fun, and I liked it.

Good: Fun riding backwards, fun unexpected drops, and cool tunnels.

Bad: None of the theming was working!

Overall, a good ride that gets an 8/10. Next up is Galaxi.

There was nobody in line for Galaxi, so I walked onto the front row. I thought I saw that this is a clone of our former Bavarian Beatle coaster. Well, we rode it, and it was a nice little ride. Nothing that special, though.

Good: It’s a fun little ride, with a fun, “never ending” helix. There are some nice drops too.

Bad: Nothing much, just not the biggest coaster or anything


Overall, Galaxi gets a 7/10. Next up, we walked to Steel Hawg.


Here we are, at Steel Hawg! The line was just on the stairs, so probably only about 10 minutes.


Barrel roll!


So, my sister decided to pass, (chicken) so me and my mom went. They called for a group of 2, so me and my mom stepped forward, after waiting about 5 minutes. The lift hill was insanely fast, and we were to the top very quickly. (It’s probably at least 5 times faster than The Beast hill) Then, was the drop, which was great. Crazy drop, with some hang time. The rest of the ride was lots of fun. So, a great ride on Steel Hawg!

Good: Great hang time in the inversions, and the turns banked “the wrong way” were cool.

Bad: The restraints hurt your shoulders a bit.

Overall, this gets a 9/10. Next up is Cornball Express.

Cornball Express was a walk on, and I rode in the front row. I heard the ride ops were really slow for this ride, but they didn’t seem terrible, but they were a little slow. The ride isn’t any taller than The Racer, but is still lots of fun. The ride has sharp turns, great airtime, and more. A really fun ride.

Good: A great wooden coaster with great airtime, sharp turns, and fun drops.

Bad: Not that tall, and a tad rough, but not that bad.

Overall, it gets a 8.5/10. Next up is Tig’rr.


Looks like a nice coaster. There was a short line that was about 5 minutes long, and then we were ready.


Time to board! Tig’rr had a seatbelt, but no lap bars. It was a pretty fun ride. There’s drops, 90 degree turns, helixes, and more. Overall, a pretty fun ride.

Good: Fun ride with fun first drops and sharp turns.

Bad: Not much, just kind of small, and looks like on a busy day it would be another capacity nightmare.

Overall, it gets an 8/10. Next up is our last coaster, Hoosier Hurricane.

We waited 5 minutes for Hoosier Hurricane. Looks like a fun woody.


So, we got on. It was taller than Cornball, so I thought that it might be fun. Well, it was a fun ride, but just a bit rough. It had some airtime, fun drops, and it was an ok woody.

Good: It’s kind of tall, it travels far back, and has some airtime in it.

Bad: It’s kind of rough.

Overall, it gets a 7/10. Lucy wanted to go ride Sea Dragon, so we headed there.

It was a walk onto get onto Sea Dragon.


So, the ride is basically a smaller Viking Fury. It’s a nice ride, and well, not much to say about it. Overall, it gets a 7/10. Lucy then wanted to do the Flying Bobs, so we went there.

We waited 5 minutes to get on Flying Bobs. It’s a Flying Bobs/Matterhorn type of ride. It was pretty long, and goes both forwards and backwards. It was a fun ride, though a bit on the dizzying side. Overall, it gets a 7/10. We saw Paratrooper, so we headed there.

We waited about 5 minutes to get on Paratrooper.


I’ve never rode a ride like it. You sit in seats with umbrellas over them, and then go up over the lake. It’s a pretty cool ride. It goes over the lake, (which gets a nice breeze) and swings a lot. Overall, it gets a 7.5/10. Next, I wanted to do Double Shot, while they wanted to do Tilt-A-Whirl (Which sounded very sickening to me right now), so I went to find Double Shot.

I asked a few employees along the way, but I finally found out how to get to Double Shot. It kind of is in the waterpark. Anyway, literally nobody but the ride ops were there, so I walked right on.


And wow, what an insane ride! There was the unexpected launch, then when you got to the top, crazy airtime! When you went down and up again, even crazier airtime! But, the ride was finished very quickly. If you ever go here, don’t pass it because you can’t find the way. Find the way and ride it. Overall, it gets an 8.5/10.

Now, I wasn’t hungry, but my mom and Lucy were, so they said they would go to the Taco Shoppe. I decided to get a Snow Cone along the way. Unfortunately, the ice wasn’t crunched up all that well. I met my mom and Lucy at the Taco Shoppe, and right then a stunt show started, which was visible from where we were sitting. It was a nice show. Mom and Lucy told me they didn’t see anything special about the taco. But, we then headed to the Giant Wheel.

We had a walk on for Giant Wheel.


Well, it was a Ferris Wheel. It had some nice views. Here are some pics from the Ferris Wheel.







So, the Giant Wheel had great views and gets an 8/10. Next was the Antique Autos.

There was a bit of a line, and we waited 10 minutes for Antique Autos. It goes by the lost coaster, and, well, is a nice little ride. I think it’s the same type of ride as our missed Antique Cars. Overall, it gets a 7/10. Air Crow was closed earlier, but now looked open, so we headed there.

We waited for the cycle to end for Air Crow, then we got on. The ride op noticed my Diamondback shirt. He said “Isn’t that the ride they tore down?” My mom tried to incorrectly correct him by saying “Do you mean Son Of Beast”? I said, no, they did not tear down Diamondback. Wonder where he heard that.



I think this is pretty much the same ride as our missed Flying Eagles. It was a nice ride, and it goes over the water, but for some reason, I didn’t seem to like it as much as our transported one at Carowinds. Mom and Lucy wanted to do the log flume (which they later complained about not getting wet at all, so I missed nothing there) while I decided to take another spin on Hoosier Hurricane.

It was a walk on. I took the risk of riding in the back row, and, ouch. Painful ride. I have learned a lesson there.I met up with mom and Lucy, and we went to Steel Hawg, that Lucy said she would now ride.

It was about a 5 minute wait. It was another, great ride. After that, we headed to get an Elephant ar snack.

The Elephant Ears cost $5. It was pretty good, I guess. I just hate that we had to PAY for a water bottle, because they don’t offer free ice water. After that, Lucy wanted to try Double Shot, (though my mom passed) so we headed there. It was a walk on, and another great ride. She loved it and wanted to ride again, so we walked on again. Now, me and Lucy wanted to do Cornball, and mom wanted to do the sky ride, so we headed to Cornball.

It was a walk on. We rode in the 2nd row, which seemed a little bumpier than the first row. My mom said she come back to Cornball when she was done, but she wasn’t there, so we rode again, in the front row. After that, she STILL wasn’t there, so another walk on in the front row for Cornball. After that ride, she was there. So, 3 fun rides on Cornball. My mom wanted to do Tig’rr again, so we went there.

Tig’rr was a walk on, and another fun ride.




We then went to Galaxi again, which was a 5 minute wait.


It was another nice Galaxi ride. I then went to get some pizza. I waited a long time. They didn’t have individual slices, so I got an individual whole pizza. When I was ordering, a lady barged in and started yelling at the worker. When she left, the worker giggled. Anyway, eventually I got a pizza. It was nice. We decided to go get 1 more ride on Steel Hawg before we left.

There was about a 10 minute wait.




It was another fun Steel Hawg ride.



Yeah, that’s me.


Bye, Indiana Beach! Oh, and sorry for using the word fun so much, even though this isn’t a FUN park.

Thoughts about IB:

*It’s a nice, small park. It’s amazing how they fit that many rides and 6 coasters into such a small area.

*The Falling Star ride was taken apart and sitting in the grass.

*At Indiana Beach, I got stuck on a roller coaster for the first time.

Overall, a good park. But, is there such thing as a bad amusement park?

Oh, and all 123 of my photos can be found here. http://s1251.photobucket.com/albums/hh547/ohiocolts/Indiana%20Beach%207-11-12/#!cpZZ1QQtppZZ24

Sorry for the long delay of this report, I have just been busy. But anyways, as always,

Thanks for reading!

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Sure do Terp!

Great PTR Ohiocolts!

Funny you mention that
Tig’rr only has seat belts. That ride has only had seat belts for about 4 or 5 seasons now. Before that there were no restraints. When I was your size and smaller I would ride with my dad and thought I was going to fly out of that ride.

Galaxi was my fist ever steel coaster. I cried and my parents had to c
onvince me to get on. After I rode I wanted a second ride! That day a coaster lover was born! LOL!
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