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The worst.


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I'm having a really hard time figuring out how this will contribute anything to the site. The lack of proper spelling and capitalization isn't helping either. I'm not trying to be rude. This is just ridiculous. Why? Just why? Happy Sunday.

With love,


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I'm having a really hard time figuring out how this will contribute anything to the site. The lack of proper spelling and capitalization isn't helping either. I'm not trying to be rude. This is just ridiculous. Why? Just why? Happy Sunday.

With love,


I disagree with some of what you are saying. Original's spelling and grammar are sub-par. Regardless, the idea for this topic is relatively unique and by every means discussable, and thus so contributing.

I would say rewording the first post that it is more formal (and easier on the eyes) will make the potential in this topic far more obvious. I would also say Original could use a few friendly pointers on forum etiquette.

Original, every member has an individual style on how he or she organizes language in order to clarify thoughts regarding any topic. (Or, in this case, bringing into the discussion a new topic.)

The purpose of communication is collective understanding. You want to be both clear (as in giving the necessary information to be understood) and concise (as in keeping with the focus of your writing.) Always remember, communication is not about what you're putting out there, but what others are understanding as a result.

Also, you want to follow at least the most rudimentary rules on English grammar. (Capitalization, periods, commas, paragraphing.) These standardized rules were set that English speakers would be far less likely to misinterpret each other's writing.

Look at these two sentences, as an example: "The panda eats shoots and leaves." "The panda eats, shoots, and leaves." Of course, this is an extreme example, the point being: Grammar seriously determines how others can/will understand your words.

In conclusion, I will retype your ideas above as I would have done it, but only as an example. My rhetoric and grammar are by no means perfect... and by every means eccentric! I ask you to develop your own personal, yet communicable style. With such, you, as an individual, will be better understood.

"Worst Experience

I know this is a rather gloomy topic, and I sincerely do not wish to darken your day, but...

I ask you to share your worst ever experience at Kings Island (or any other Amusement Park.)"


Keep practicing... This is a great place to do so!

//Your overall posting etiquette is sensational compared to many of the other new KICentral members... You consistently contribute good things.

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There was a video completely full of allegedly bad experiences at the park. It was posted here yesterday. It isn't here now.

Guest relations and the park will try to do what they can to address "worst" experiences. The park can best remedy them, and has set up an avenue to do so. This isn't it.

This site exists to discuss the park, our mutual experiences, both good and bad, in a constructive way.

The Terms of Service proscribe posting disruptive topics.

You start out by saying this is a negative topic, that you know it, but...you just want to know. FaceBook, a different environment, is replete with "worst" experiences. Many here have decried that environment. That isn't what KIC is about, and we don't want or need it to become like FaceBook.

With all due respect, you knew this topic could be disruptive, to the forums, to the park, and even to your relationships here.

A moderator will probably be by soon and close this. There have been many such threads in the past. Nearly all soon dipped into needless park bashing.

You've gotten some very good advice above (and no on topic "worst" experiences). That, too, should tell you that your topic wasn't a wise idea.

Please think before you post. If you have to start with a disclaimer, it's almost certainly not a good idea to post.

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