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Windseeker ride malfunction strands Knott's visitors

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I hope the park plans on giving the customers stranded on the ride something, 3 1/2 hours is a lot of time taken from a day at a park.

They gave them free, "I survived WindSeeker" shirts. They just took a hand full of t-shirts from their gift shop and gave it to the stranded riders once they were on the ground. Now wasn't that generous <_< ?
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I doubt that's all. If it's even true. If it is, I doubt Cedar Fair's counsel was amused when they learned that.

Not smart.

Not smart at all.

When I heard what happened I automatically assumed that all the people involved would get a free ticket.

EDIT: About midway through the video it says what they got (or what that one guy got).

Skip to 1:45 http://www.huffingto..._n_1898952.html

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The free meal was a Knott's chicken dinner. (Presumably from the Knott's restaurant outside the park, since they didn't get off until 2 hours after park closing.)

The T-Shirt is actually for sale on the Knott's website: http://marketplace.knotts.com/I-Survived-WindSeeker-Brown-Adult-T-Shirt-P587.aspx (Probably not for long, though)

I'm pretty certain that the park would have been required to collect names and addresses of all riders on an incident report, so a written apology and proper compensation would seem likely. Perhaps even lawsuits.

(I should probably reference Terp's lengthy IANAL disclaimer here)

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How much do you want to bet that they have received letters and or phone calls from various lawyers that see a big pay day? I am sure that Cedar Fair's legal lawyers are at work on this.

I don't think I would sue Cedar Fair if I was in the riders' shoes. It is not as if CF foresaw this event and tried their hardest to make sure it would happen with riders aboard. It's a machine, a prototype, and prototype machinery especially are prone to breakdowns. These are unfortunate, but I don't believe this is worth suing over. If anything, CF should sue Mondia.

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I don't think I would sue Cedar Fair of I was in the riders' shoes.

Some of them could be suffering from lingering fear/stress from the situation. Depending on the person, real medical issues could result from being stuck that long. As a park enthusiast, your perspective of being stuck on a ride is likely a lot different from an average guest.

If this happened to me, assuming no actual injuries/damage, I'd want to be compensated for my expenses and be offered enough for a replacement trip.

It is not as if CF foresaw this event and tried their hardest to make sure it would happen with riders aboard.

They didn't forsee something that had happened 4 previous times, including less than two weeks ago at the same park?

If anything, CF should sue Mondia.


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I have issues with fear of heights, that's why it's a big win when I conquer a ride like that. Three hours, I don't know how I would reacted, but after my guts untwisted themselves, I would given myself a big huge Cowardly Lion sized medal, compensation or not.

Funny that when my parachute strings got tangled, I was as calm as a cucumber, like I was changing a lightbulb, but that was me saving myself- not me waiting for someone else to fix the situation. I hate relying on others to fix things, I have superiority issues that way.

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