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Holiday World: "Something New" for 2013 - UPDATE: Announcement Tuesday 10/23

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Voyage is far from the only reason I'd want to visit what is one of my favorite parks. However, being 6 hours away without the Timberliners and without much going on in the dry side since my past visit I will be delaying my visit to Holiday World for this year maybe for Halloween but so many other parks spark my interest there. I'm going to unsafely assume that "something" came up during their testing this time as if testing had gone well there should have been time plus the remaining time for the Timberliners to be fully tested. Oh well maybe next year I can add Kentucky Kingdom to the trip and hopefully Indiana Beach will be in a better shape to add to it as well.

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^I sorta do, for me a lot of parks are a once a season type thing for me including Kings Island. Well I do tend to end up at Kings Island twice a year once in the Summertime and once in the Fall but I digress. I admit it's a bit unfair to avoid Holiday World because of the lack of Timberliners but that is what would've sparked my interest enough to squeeze the park in this year. While I'd rather Kentucky Kingdom be primarily a dry park if I get a chance to see it open I've never been there or to Indiana Beach so I'd like to make a nice little loop of parks that I can't do this year. If it weren't for limited time and budget I'd be at Holiday World regardless, but I work too much to stay this poor so I'll priortize my trips this year. SFOG, BGW, KD, CP, DW, IOA are already on the list for this year and I may have to cut one of those already. That said I do still love the park.

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Sigh...reading the HW post, it seems GG failed to deliver the new trains in time for proper testing yet again...or is that the truth? Could there be more problems with the Timberliners than previously seen...GG has not used Timberliners yet on any large-scale wooden coasters, although this will change when Hades 360 opens. And I'm not 100% sure on how well that ride will even hold up once a few years pss, given Mt. Olympus' track record in recent years. And imagine the backlash against Gravity Group if, for whatever reason, Hades 360 can't even open. :o

What really upsets me a bit here is The Voyage is an awesome coaster, but due to its sheer size and raw intensity, it's slowly ripping itself apart (After a painful ride in 2011, I thought of Original Texas Giant, a massive-yet-awesome woodie that had trouble with the test of time before being reborn into New Texas Giant). It needed a major overhaul just 5 years after its debut season...the ride needs help if it wants to survive long-term. The Timberliners were supposed to be that help, and they are MIA...Holiday World, if this does not work AGAIN after testing again in the fall, you may want to consider other options. Wood coaster puruists may scoff at the idea, but Rocky Mountain's topper track might be enough for The Voyage to become smoother, keep it together, and have it keep its wooden coaster "edge". Or, if it is really bad, the Voyage might even need Iron Horse track, which would make it a steel coaster. I'd perfer if it stayed wooden myself (thus why I am really pulling for the Timberliners), but I'd still rather have Iron Voyage than pile-o-scrap-that-was-once-The-Voyage... :wacko:

Just my two cents, and a little venting frustration here...

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What a ****ing joke. Im sorry, but.... like they say on Monday Night Football.... COME ON MANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brad is right about the reality of pretty much scrapping the idea of seeing these things on Voyage, with the way those GG/GK people are running this show, they may as well have not even tried to B.S. us back in FEB of FREAKIN 2010and said this train was designed specifically for Voyage. For people with Legal knowledge, HOW ON EARTH does this not qualify for breach of contract litigation?

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That would depend on the terms of the contract. Only if a term is broken or not met is there a breach. And the parties may have changed the terms.

As for litigation, anybody can litigate anything. Cooperation often achieves more. Only when a situation is no longer amicable or appears to have no satisfactory resolution in sight does litigation become the best alternative. It is not cheap, not quick and often results in mutually unsatisfactory outcomes. And Holiday World has other, highly distracting litigation ongoing at the present.

There is no specific legal advice contained herein. The author is not engaged in the private practice of law in Indiana, the District of Columbia, or any United State. Consult a competent lawyer in your jurisdiction if you have, or think you may have, a legal problem. Disclaimer terms slightly different in some states, such as the state of confusion.

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That would depend on the terms of the contract. Only if a term is broken or not met is there a breach. And the parties may have changed the terms.

As for litigation, anybody can litigate anything. Cooperation often achieves more. Only when a situation is no longer amicable or appears to have no satisfactory resolution in sight does litigation become the best alternative. It is not cheap, not quick and often results in mutually unsatisfactory outcomes. And Holiday World has other, highly distracting litigation ongoing at the present.

There is no specific legal advice contained herein. The author is not engaged in the private practice of law in Indiana, the District of Columbia, or any United State. Consult a competent lawyer in your jurisdiction if you have, or think you may have, a legal problem. Disclaimer terms slightly different in some states, such as the state of confusion.

OK, understood, and thank You. I guess I just kind of looking at it along the lines of a letter from a Law Firm being a "We are tired of this garbage, and it would be in your best interest to make this your NUMBER ONE priority" bit of motivation.

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Sometimes the best you can do isn't as good as you thought it would be. Sometimes, priorities change. Sometimes, management changes mean different priorities, maybe several times. Sometimes, unexpected problems happen. Sometimes you find out there's a reason, or many reasons your competitor does things the way she does. Sometimes, your genius employee is no longer with you. Sometimes, as a supplier your suppliers fail you.

It could be a combination even. Or something entirely different.

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Remember how some of us exclaimed about how cheaply the park purchased the Timberliners? I specifically remember one or two members noting how the ~$500k price tag for both trains would be an absolute steal for even one train.

Anyone noticed how quiet the park has been about the trains since June 2010? It takes several people asking about the trains online to get a response. If I remember correctly, it took people discovering the new Voyage trains on PTC's website in early 2011 to reveal that the park would return to 7-car trains indefinitely.

I think Holiday World had and has a good idea of what they've gotten into with these things. There's a reason Timberliners haven't even gotten so much as a dedicated Facebook status update since that November 2010 test run video with Mike Graham and the youngest Will Koch. Admittedly, I would likely be disappointed in how long it's taken if I were Holiday World, but The Gravity Group has to be providing legitimate reasons why the trains aren't ready yet. For as long as it's been, they simply can't be buying time with "hold on, we're almost there".

The thing that I find curious is the fact that Hades is receiving a Timberliner train. It's not like Voyage, where they're just going to switch trains--they're literally adding an element to the ride that I'm guessing is not approved for/compatible with any other model. It has to work out without years of waiting, or else Mt. Olympus is down one of its star attractions due to failed promises, which sounds an awful lot like liability to me. I can't say I've ever heard Mt. Olympus's coaster maintenance praised--from what I understand, they're at the other end of the spectrum from HW's maintenance reputation. They don't do things like HW did in 2012 with footer realignments and entire structure replacements. The Hades 360 conversion apparently will include a massive retracking, but I don't understand how there can be that much of a difference between putting Timberliners on a retracked ride and putting them on one of the best maintained Gravity Group creations thus far. Voyage isn't flawless, but it could undeniably be a lot worse. I'm very curious to see where this is headed...

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I will tell you where its headed. Headline, Oct 2013.... "We are happy to announce that we are staying with the tried and true reliabilty of 7 car PTC trains for the duration of Voyage's service here at Holiday World. So sorry for leading you all on, come have some fudge and forget all about it".

Sparky, out of optimism and out of patience with the half (or less) truths of Management in this and ALL other industries, including the one I am currently employed in.

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