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KI Closing Day Videos and such (And the 1,000th post)


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If we do go through with the idea, I think dark grey would be a good idea.

Or something bright, like flourescent yellow. Then it would be REALLY easy to notice one another! :D

As for my Sling Shot video, it is in the process of being uploaded. :)

As I know you are kidding, florescent yellow isn't a good idea. Some people may bee (haha) sesitive to what color they wear. I for one wouldn't really wan't to wear that haha. Dark grey is a neatral color, we can't please everybody, but dark grey is a color that most people that should be pleased with.

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Nice video!

8:08-(Person in the Backround) "Haha, Look! We got TheCrypt on video!"

8:14- (TheCrypt) *Looks back at Carmera*. In his mind-"I cant belive I just did that" XD

Haha, that was me!! Nice face into the camera, Crypt! We had too much fun that day, can't wait to do it again!

You guys are all slowly, and painfully rubbing this all in my face. xD

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how do i get in on these shenanigans

Considering that this is November, you have a pretty long wait. :)

Pay attention to meet-ups that are being discussed, and show up to one. Threads about them are in the "meet ups" forum: http://www.KICentral...ntral-meet-ups/ .

The bigger meet-ups, like this one, will have lots of replies. Read the thread for details on how to find the others, and reply to let everyone know you're coming.

Do be on time at any designated meeting location, or you might miss the group. Lots of people missed us on closing day.

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Ok, I’m a bit late here, but I decided to finally write a PTR for the day. Me, my mom (DiamondAceExpress) and my sister stopped in the Great Wolf Lodge parking lot to get some photos of SOB. Hopefully you notice a different in photo quality, as I now have a 5MP camera on my iPod instead of a 0.7MP camera.



All it has though is a digital zoom.




We now headed to the other side of the lot.




No longer existent.


Flight Deck’s train’s sleeping on the lift.


We now drove over to the park. We got there at around 9:40. When we got out of our car, we saw that Matthew (malem) took our spot we usually go to for ERT. Anyways, we walked up to the front gate.


I waited for the park to open, and I also saw Jonathan (jcgoble3) inside guest services. I later heard something like someone who works at KI saw one of Jonathan’s posts on KICentral about how he was able to use more than 1 FUN Perk or something. Then they made his pass invalid, and he had to pay whatever the ridiculous fee now is to park. I may have had that story not completely accurate, but it’s what I could remember.


At 9:58, the National Anthem played, and then we headed for Diamondback. I walked right on to Diamondback, and I already forget who I rode with. But, I ended up riding a total of 5 times until I had to get off. All were chilly rides, riding threw the wind. I got off and headed for another ride on Diamondback. Also, I found this in DB Trading Post.


Sweet! I walked onto Diamondback for 1 more ride. It was a nice, cold ride on Diamondback. When I got off, I attempted a Panorama of the Diamondback station.


On my way to the Eiffel Tower for rope drop, my dad found us. He didn’t come because he said he wanted to sleep in. So, it was I, Matthew, the other Matthew (dad), my sister Lucy, DiamondAceExpress, and Jonathan at rope drop. We agreed on heading to FOF when the park opened.



Here’s another attempt at a Panorama.


So, we all walked to Flight of Fear. I think we got 2nd ride of the day. It was a lot of fun, as always. We then headed to Firehawk, except it was only the men, while Lucy and DiamondAceExpress didn’t want to go on. We walked onto Firehawk.



We went into our “Flight Positions” and stayed there. And stayed there. And stayed there. And then we found out “We are experiencing a minor technical delay”. This was only my 2nd time being “stuck” on a coaster, the first being on Lost Coaster Of Superstition Mountain at Indiana Beach.

The Firehawk crew was nice and making sure we were all ok. My dad was texting my mom and it turns out they were riding Racer and Dodgems. We waited about 20 minutes, and we were finally raised. We decided to wait it out, as I thought it wouldn’t be too long until it would run again.

After a test ride, we got on.





We safely had a fun ride on Firehawk. We ended up meeting up with DiamondAceExpress and Lucy again and headed for Delirium. Delirium was a walk on, and a fun ride. We now wanted to head to Drop Tower, but it was closed, and would be closed for the rest of the day. I had my FUN Perk for Xtreme Skyflyer, and decided it might be good to use it while in the area.

I was able to ride with Jonathan, who paid the $5. Unfortunately for the others, they waited about 15 minutes until we finally got on. This was my 2nd time riding Skyflyer, and Jonathan’s ?? time. But, for both of us, it was our first time actually riding with somebody.

We got on, and soon headed up to the top. I heard “3,2,1, fly” and pulled the ripcord. We free-falled to our doom, but the rope grabbed us just in time and we flew over Action Zone. We flew around for a minute, and then returned to the ground. A great, thrilling ride on Skyflyer.

At this time, we were getting a little hungry, and decided to head to Rivertown Junction, hoping it wasn’t closed. But, it was. It was about 20 minutes until the 1:30 tower drinks meet up, so I suggested a quick ride on The Beast, so that’s what we did.

The Beast was a walk on, and another great ride on the world’s longest wooden roller coaster. We now headed to Tower Drinks for the group photo. There was a bit of people there, including Don Helbig. Don talked with us, and also mentioned taking us all on a FREE Beast tour at 3:00. That sounded great, so we were looking forward to that. IndyGuy4KI and his kids found us. He mentioned Beastie1980 is almost here, so we waited for her to come.

She came about 10 minutes later, and joined us in the picture. We asked Don to join us to, because he is a KICentral member, so he did. My dad took the photo. Then, Beastie1980 and her mom joined us to go to Hanks. I used a 30% off food voucher for our whole purchase. I scanned my pass, as nobody else cared anymore, and got a free Dinosaurs Alive! Ticket. I was unable to use it nor give it away in the day.

We headed to the Festhaus to eat where it was warmer. I ate my taco salad and we watched part of the Graveyard Shift. The Crypt finally, after all these months, snuck up on us and said hi. We told him about The Beast tour, and soon it was actually time to head to that.

We met up with a big group in front of a fence, and Don let us in.



This is pretty cool.















An offseason fun idea. Whenever it snows, sneak back behind The Beast, brink a sled, and sled down the hill next to The Beast’s second lift.





My last attempt at a Panorama. Beastie1980’s head got chopped in half.

I've "Posted more Images tha I'm allowed to", so Part 2 should be here in a few minutes.

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Ok, so here is Part 2.


















It was a great 2nd Beast tour for me! Matthew suggested doing a group ride on The Beast, so we tried to do that.




We waited about 15 minutes to get on. We couldn’t really get a group ride, it was more like 3 group rides. But it was still a very fun ride.


He missed his old ride. I was now with DiamondAceExpress, malem, and Beastie1980 and her mom. Matthew was texting VortexBFForver and heard she was in Action Zone, so we headed to Action Zone.

On the way to Action Zone, we stopped at the Hank’s bar so I could see how bad the Colts lost. When the Colts score displayed, it said Colts:19 Titans:13 Final OT. I got real excited now. My mom said she could go check on my FUN Perks and see if I leveled up to Level 4, while we go look for VortexBFForever.

We went to Flight Deck. It was a walk on for a fun ride on Flight Deck. When we were in the brakes, I swear I saw VortexBFForever walking in line, with a penguin hat on like she said she would have. When we got back to the station, we waited for VortexBFForever’s train to come back.

It came back, and she was reriding, and it was too late for us to get on. We watched her ride it. When she got back again, we then got on, but there was only 1 restraint open in each row, so we rode single file. Another fun Flight Deck ride!

When we got back, we headed to Sling Shot. We also found my mom again. When we got to Sling Shot, I got a free Sling Shot FUN Perk, and VortexBFForever payed $10 for one. It was both of our first times riding Sling Shot. We waited about 10 minutes to ride.


We soon got on. We waited for us to launch to the sky, and soon we did. We launched up and got flipped forward, then went down, and up again, and upside down again, and yeah. It was a lot fun.

When I returned to earth, it turns out my nametag flew off of me on the ride and flew to The Racer. We then talked with the Sling Shot ticket op for a while about KICentral and such. VortexBFForever and Beastie1980 suggested riding Adventure Express, so we headed to AE.

We walked on to Adventure Express, and had a fun ride. When we got back to the station, there was nobody in line. No exaggeration. Literally nobody. So we rerode, and there was only KICers on the train! It was a great KIC only ride on Adventure Express! We then headed to Vortex.

We walked onto Vortex. I rode in my new favorite seat, 7-1. A great ride on Vortex! Beastie1980 and VortexBFForever stayed at Vortex, but I had a $25 Merchandise Voucher to spend that I got for Level 4 on FUN Perks!

We went to the Emporium.


They still had The Crypt hats. My mom got a Funnel Cake with her FUN Perk. I ended up getting a Beast shirt, Beast snow globe, and Diamondback hat. Pretty sweet. It was 20 minutes until Kings Island closed for the year, so I went to get my first and last ride of the year on Grand Carousel. It was a walk on, but I was pretty stupid because I forgot the outer horses don’t go up and down.

With just more than 10 minutes left before the offseason, I headed to The Beast. On the way, we ran into Don, who was also heading to The Beast to take photos. I ran into a big crowd in front of The Beast, meeting up again with more KICers. There were also plenty of people from ACE. Just before closing, we all headed into line for The Beast.

I pretended to wait for the front row to buy time to make sure I got the very last ride of the year. Luckily, I was able to catch the very last ride. I waited a few seconds until getting on, to make sure, and I was the very last one all year in the que.

The ride, started, and it was about to be the end. I tapped on The Crypt’s shoulder, who was in front of me, And we both lip synched “Remain seated throughout the entire ride. Please keep hands and legs inside the car at all times”. Then, for one last time this year, we dropped into the first tunnel.

We carried along in the night, turning into the 2nd tunnel. The speed picked up, and we were then stopped by the 2nd lift hill. We headed up a lift for the last time all year. We then dived into the double helix one last time, and then it was over. The season was over.

We had a loud applause as we got to the station, and we said goodbye to The Beast crew. When we were out of the exit, the line still wasn’t closed off! Nobody wanted to ride again though. We walked to the entrance for one last time this year.






Thanks for making it the best year ever, Kings Island!

A couple notes:

*Water rides and Drop Tower weren’t running on the last day.

*I hope to do lots of meetups like this next year.

*The employees seemed nice and happy on the last day.

Thanks for reading!

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I waited for the park to open, and I also saw Jonathan (jcgoble3) inside guest services. I later heard something like someone who works at KI saw one of Jonathan’s posts on KICentral about how he was able to use more than 1 FUN Perk or something. Then they made his pass invalid, and he had to pay whatever the ridiculous fee now is to park. I may have had that story not completely accurate, but it’s what I could remember.

Basically, they saw my post on KIC earlier in the month about a glitch giving me an extra drink wristband and didn't like me taking advantage of that. They voided my pass when they saw it, and when I arrived at the park, I had to pay to park and go to guest services, where security had a little talk with me. They then reactivated my pass and refunded the parking fee. Lesson learned: don't take advantage of glitches, and don't post about it in public if you do (I got the impression that they were more annoyed that I posted about it than that I did it in the first place).

Nice report! :)

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Excellent report and pictures! You took a lot more of them than I did, and somehow I avoided every single one.

Thanks for posting, and sorry I took your parking space! :)

*Water rides and Drop Tower weren’t running on the last day.

Slight addendum - the small log flume (Race For Your Life Charlie Brown), being part of Planet Snoopy, was actually operating. No one in the group was brave enough to ride it in those temperatures, of course.

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Excellent report and pictures! You took a lot more of them than I did, and somehow I avoided every single one.

Thanks for posting, and sorry I took your parking space! :)

*Water rides and Drop Tower weren’t running on the last day.

Slight addendum - the small log flume (Race For Your Life Charlie Brown), being part of Planet Snoopy, was actually operating. No one in the group was brave enough to ride it in those temperatures, of course.

You actually dodged the pictures better than TheCrypt did that day, that's amazing, good job! TheCrypt asked me if I wanted to ride the Planet Snoopy log flume, and I told him he was crazy. It was way too cold to even think about being wet that day. It was a great day and I can't wait to do more of the meetups in the park next year.

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Great TR, ohiocolts! I still don't know how I ended up in more pictures than malem did..

Passing through Rivertown was a bit melancholy, I admit.

*Water rides and Drop Tower weren’t running on the last day.

Slight addendum - the small log flume (Race For Your Life Charlie Brown), being part of Planet Snoopy, was actually operating. No one in the group was brave enough to ride it in those temperatures, of course.

I think I was the only one in the group who wanted to ride. I would have, too, had it not been for the fact that I would have rode alone.

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Great TR, ohiocolts! I still don't know how I ended up in more pictures than malem did..

Passing through Rivertown was a bit melancholy, I admit.

*Water rides and Drop Tower weren’t running on the last day.

Slight addendum - the small log flume (Race For Your Life Charlie Brown), being part of Planet Snoopy, was actually operating. No one in the group was brave enough to ride it in those temperatures, of course.

I think I was the only one in the group who wanted to ride. I would have, too, had it not been for the fact that I would have rode alone.

Well if you would've told me that, I would've rode with you!! I thought you were kidding!! :lol:

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