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Strange rumors you've heard


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  On 6/3/2013 at 8:56 PM, austincoffey2 said:
  On 6/3/2013 at 8:38 PM, The Interpreter said:
  On 6/3/2013 at 8:32 PM, austincoffey2 said:

ive heard there going to build a giga coaster in the old Son of Beast area and its going to be called Banshee because Cedar Fair bought rights to Cedar Fair

Cedar Fair bought rights to Cedar Fair? Who'd they buy them from?

Terp, who likes to ask questions.

they bought rights to put the name Banshee on cups and other suvineier items

Where did you get your information from?

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I don't know if these fall under "strictly rumors", but I had heard in past years from various KI employees that many park patrons were very unhappy about Pepsi being served at the eateries. Now, I don't want you to start the "Pepsi is better than Coke/Coke is better than Pepsi" argument, but the park did change to Coke and I have doubts as to park guests not wanting the other contributing greatly to the decision - it's all a business deal. However....it would be interesting to know if more Coke is sold on any given day than Pepsi once was on any similar day, if such information exists.

The other kinda/sorta rumor I've heard - even mentioned on this very site - is that the blue, soft-serve ice cream is not really ice cream. This is true, but what it really is, I believe, is still considered ice cream by many. This stuff, in various flavors, is sold across the globe and people know it as ice cream. There used to be an ice cream parlor, here in Toledo, called Stroh's (just like the beer), that served real ice cream. I was given a tour of the place and saw for myself the raw ingredients that went into making real ice cream. I doubt any of the soft-serve stuff has any of these items in their mixes, with the exception of milk, yet it all falls under the name of ice cream.

So you see - these quasi-rumors exist but are not dwelt upon such as the story of the sinking Bat replacement or the deaths on the former coaster.

I hope this gives you all something to think about as you ponder the fuzz in your bellybuttons.

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When I was typing early this morning, something in my head was telling me I had it wrong - and I did.

Cedar Point had Pepsi and that's where I heard the rumor.

As far as the blue ice cream, yes, legally it is ice cream - but I'm trying to find the archives on this site for we had quite a discussion about this not all that long ago. If someone can tell me how to get to the archives, I will try to find those posts.

Alas, I have no more fuzz in my own bellybutton to ponder - and I stand corrected, with my tail between my legs.

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Gelato, Sorbet, Sherbet, Frozen Custard, Frozen Yogurt, semifreddo, Ice-Milk, snow cones, dippin-dots, etc..

All called or refered to as ice cream at one point or another, all called by the listed name above repectively, some most definently not ice cream, some can be argued one way or another.

All that matters, does it taste good??? The blue ice cream at KI, definently tastes good.

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  On 6/23/2013 at 12:37 PM, The Interpreter said:

At one time, ice cream was required to have a higher percentage of butterfat than now. Back then, soft serve was typically "imitation ice cream." Solid light ice cream was called "ice milk."

I like the hard stuff! :) Back in my hometown we called Ice Cream Frozen Cow Juice...

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While riding the train the other day the train op was going on and on about the tram girl and was saying things like that she lives in the buildings on the train route, and haunts the train. And that she died on the bridge that the train goes over. And I'm pretty sure that's not the story.

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  On 6/29/2013 at 4:24 AM, jcgoble3 said:
  On 6/29/2013 at 4:21 AM, BB1 said:

Just for the record: I never had blue ice cream, and I don't plan on having any.

If you ask me, you're not missing anything.

Good to know I'm not the only one here who thinks blue ice cream is okay. It's not a must-eat when I visit Kings Island for me. In fact, I haven't gotten it in nearly two years.

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