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Baby born in Firehawk's line?

Sergeant Pepper

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My brother (who is an employee at KI) came home from work today and told me that a woman's water broke while in line for Firehawk, and that she gave birth in line. He also said that 6 people fainted from watching the experience.

I don't know how accurate this is, since he doesn't work Firehawk, but did anyone else here here of or witness this?

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  On 6/18/2013 at 2:54 AM, jcgoble3 said:
  On 6/18/2013 at 2:53 AM, SonofBaconator said:

I highly doubt that dude...

Unless there is photographic proof, I won't believe it. But if there is photographic proof, please don't show me.

So you'll never believe it?

No, I highly doubt a woman with child would get in line for a roller coaster...

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Perhaps she was escorting a young child of hers (maybe 8 or 9 years old) through the line, intending not to ride with him/her but rather to cross the train and wait at the exit for the child. I've seen parents do that before.

Edited by jcgoble3
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People do get in line just to accompany others. I am in line with my kids all the time for stuff I'm too tall to ride. My wife has stood in line with me before on days she doesn't feel like riding.

The fact that she gave birth in line for a roller coaster seems like a gross exaggeration but her water breaking seems reasonable. For those too young to have experienced children, in most cases a woman's water breaking is only the beginning of child birth. Usually there is plenty of time to reach a proper medical facility.

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  On 6/18/2013 at 4:58 AM, BavarianBeatle said:

There would have been an ambulance, the queue would have been cleared, and it would have made the news. Fake story!

Well, When I left the park Sunday at about 11:30 there were about 10 police cars, 1 fire truck, a few rescue vehicles, some ambulances, and lots of confusion going on. They had a large part of the parking lot blocked with police cars and even part of Kings Island dr. was closed out in front of KI.

I'm sure it had nothing to do with a woman being pregnant in Firehawk's line but I was curious if this was on the news locally? or if any of you might now what happened?

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  On 6/18/2013 at 3:00 AM, SonofBaconator said:
  On 6/18/2013 at 2:54 AM, jcgoble3 said:
  On 6/18/2013 at 2:53 AM, SonofBaconator said:

I highly doubt that dude...

Unless there is photographic proof, I won't believe it. But if there is photographic proof, please don't show me.

So you'll never believe it?

No, I highly doubt a woman with child would get in line for a roller coaster...

A few years ago, I did see a pregnant woman try to ride flight deck. I was shocked someone could be so ignorant.

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Son of Firehawk?


  On 6/18/2013 at 4:58 AM, BavarianBeatle said:

There would have been an ambulance, the queue would have been cleared, and it would have made the news. Fake story!

It would have only made the news if she got stuck on the lift hill.
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I am not sure, and I don't want to be sure. There are things in this life many aren't supposed to talk about, and many things that others can. BB1, just a part of the classified information zone S, type C. (Well, I almost let it slip again :ph34r: )

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Well there you go, Son of Firehawk has been born, ready to grow into a full invert just a handful of steps away from his father.

Seriously, generally speaking:

When a women's water breaks, they have ample time to get services before the baby arrives. There is a hospital just up the road that she could get to in under 30 minutes.

If the women did in fact deliver in line, it would be all over the news, you think a 15 minute delay, escort off The Beast or Adventure Express is newsworthy? This blows that away; would probably even make a footnote on several of the national news programs.

If we assume this alleged women was at full term, most women that far along in their pregnancy are so uncomfortable, that the last thing they'd be looking to do is walk around Kings Island on a hot, humid June afternoon.

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  On 6/18/2013 at 1:04 PM, teenageninja said:

^ You'd be surprised how often this happens.

In fact, I know a girl in college who had no idea she was pregnant. She didn't change her lifestyle and ended up having a premature baby.

The kid is about 4 or 5 now with no developmental issues, so that's good news!

I have heard of these stories, and completely believe they are absolutely, 100%, full of crap.

Perhaps not knowing for the first 2 trimesters- I'll give that a slim chance. But the last? No, not buying it. Denial comes into the equation of "knowing" because of the amount of changes along with severity of changes to the body.

Not knowing you are prego is comparable to a 5'10" guy that is 350lbs. and upset he can't get on DB because: "I'M NOT FAT!"

I am happy to know your college friend's baby is doing well.

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