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Cedar Point 2014

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From dictionary.com:

[pros-i-kyoot] Show IPA verb, pros·e·cut·ed, pros·e·cut·ing.
verb (used with object)
to institute legal proceedings against (a person).
to seek to enforce or obtain by legal process.
to conduct criminal proceedings in court against.

The term prosecute is not just criminal. It can be used in a general legal sense also.

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Hmm, Planet Snoopy one side, Kiddy Kingdom on the other and a dark ride doesnt have to take up the whole floor. Boo Blasters at Carowinds' building measures about 89'x75' wheres the Colisuem measures 148'x 309' according to Google Maps. Thats 6, 675 sq feet compared to 45,732.

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Ok, here's just a thought. What if this dark ride will be a Vekoma Pandora's Box? http://www.vekoma.com/index.php/specialities-and-attractions/pandora-s-box

Ouimet said the dark ride would be interactive and would set a new industry standard. Well, I don't believe a Pandora's Box has ever been built before, so if CP builds one, it technically would set a new standard since it would be the 1st ride of its kind. Plus it might not be interactive in a shooting style way, but more of a flying into different scenes type interaction. This concept really intrigues me, and it fits all that we've heard so far. Plus this thing needs a decent amount of space, and after all there are rumors that our dark ride will go in the colisseum...

Just a little food for thought, but to me a Pandora's Box would be a perfect choice for a dark ride, and I think it fits everything we've heard about the ride so far.

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