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Banshee Construction Progress


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^^^ Nice. I'm going to media day, (hopefully) SFAKA, and opening day. I have the minimum raised for SFAKA but haven't yet gotten an email saying I can attend so Idk. I'm only halfway to my actual goal on that though.

Edit: I also see a lot more orange on Delirium than that of just a "reflection".... not to mention there is a bucket truck by it again working on it, probably painting it...

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While we're talking about paint jobs, I haven't seen it mentioned, but as I drive past KI in the evenings, it has struck me more than once how nicely the paint job on Invertigo last season blends in the with visuals on Banshee from 71. I don't know if it was planned out that way (I assume it was), but those 2 coasters, plus the rethemed Bat look really make that area "pop" so to speak, as you drive up/down 71 imploring you to come into the park. Very well done.

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I asked Mrs. Gator last night if she had given any thought to what she and GatorGirl will be wearing to Media Day. Mrs. Gator knew what she was planning to wear (Banshee shirt, just like me) but hadn't really thought about GatorGirl's. Mrs. Gator mentioned this nice shirt that under other circumstances would be perfect... bright blue with the word Ohio in big letters, with that Ohio encircled by CP's Corkscrew's corkscrew. It's not a specific park shirt (I bought it at Meijer for her), it just happens to have a Cedar Fair coaster on it promoting our state. But, I told her we better not chance it. Luckily they were already planning on going to Once Upon a Child this weekend, so if it turns out she doesn't have any plain shirts, they can find one there for cheap.

Heck, in the past few years I've had to get plain shirts for when I went to Bert the Conqueror at Holiday World and for Gatekeeper's Media Day. They always have them at Target for less than $10. I never saw the need to complain, it was just great to be at the parks for a special event.

All this talk about Delirium being painted made me think, I can't wait to ride that next week. With Banshee right next to it now, that will provide a great new view from the ride.

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she's testing!!! :D so is Drop Tower.


Image captured from Kings Island's live Banshee webcam

Edit: maybe I am imagining things, but Delirium seems to be getting more and more orange from what it looked like this morning, and not just the inside. I'm talking about the outside looks like it is getting rather orange as well.

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I'm not trying to be a party pooper or negative Nancy, but must we post every time Banshee or another ride is testing? The park opens in a week, so rides will be cycling. I think the multitudes of previous "(insert ride name here) is testing" posts has conveyed the point that the park is ramping up for the operating season. ;)

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Does make you wonder, if Mr O or someone else was down here recently, saw the paint job on Invertige, Skyflyer and The Bat, as well as the installation of Banshee and said "you know, this ride here really could use a change to help it blend into the area better". If so, that would be an awesome display of "paying attention to the details" that often got overlooked in the recent past.

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Well the thing about Action Zone now is that there isn't a common color scheme, so it'll belong pretty much not matter what.

Delirium's ring is definitely orange. There's no sun shinning on it and it still appears as such.

But I take back my presumptions of a walkway for guests where they poured the concrete between Slingshot, Banshee, and Delirium.

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Not sure if this falls into the category of media day information since I've seen people talking about similar subjects here, but what about shoes? I get that it's easy to find jeans without logos on them, but most tennis shoes they make come with some sort of insignia on the side or the sole. Will they make an exception for it or will I need some without? Again, sorry if this crosses the line, if it does I'm cool if a mo removes it.

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Not sure if this falls into the category of media day information since I've seen people talking about similar subjects here, but what about shoes? I get that it's easy to find jeans without logos on them, but most tennis shoes they make come with some sort of insignia on the side or the sole. Will they make an exception for it or will I need some without? Again, sorry if this crosses the line, if it does I'm cool if a mo removes it.

I'd wear dress shoes, if anything, the usual BB1 approved (As in the ones that I say are good, not the park)sandals would probably do.

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I'd like to see at least a few crooked ones, to make it actually look older than it actually is. Also, I do like how they made the whole area for the queue, it is amazing to see how much it changed.

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I could be imagining things but Delirium does look different. Was in a meeting at work, now on break not at a computer so I apologize for the crappy cell phone pic and for being off topic lol


Image captured from here: http://www.visitkingsisland.com/Banshee/live-view

The Earth is the proper name of a planet, and thus should always be capitalized.

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Man, I feel like I'm back in kind"e"rgarten the way people keep on trying to make grammatical posts!

So here's BB1's Methods to English and Posting in General (BMEPG):

-Name? Capitalize it!

-Not yours? Source it!

-Not sure? Look it up!

(Reference for more information to MLA Format, and books discussing basic English principals and etc.)

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^ Soooooo....you don't want me to make a post every time that the park is open this season either?

I'll give you a personal handshake and a smile if you do that everyday.

Yeah, I'm definitely not that dedicated. I'll try to hire someone though.

BB1 & Co. may be able to help in such an endeavor :P .

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Does make you wonder, if Mr O or someone else was down here recently, saw the paint job on Invertige, Skyflyer and The Bat, as well as the installation of Banshee and said "you know, this ride here really could use a change to help it blend into the area better". If so, that would be an awesome display of "paying attention to the details" that often got overlooked in the recent past.

It probably has more to do with the fact that Delirium will likely end up in many of the Banshee photographs the park has taken for promotional purposes. It's not uncommon for surrounding rides/buildings to get "spruced up" around a new attraction since they are photographed and filmed extensively in their inaugural years. I doubt it was a last minute decision, but even if it was, it is more than likely photo driven.

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