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Is Kings Island Haunted?


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A man was struck by lightning in the parking lot and lived to tell (and sue) about it citing that he was not giving forewarning about an approaching storm.... if you don't count rides shutting down, rain, people running for cover, and lightning everywhere.

People have died at Kings Island, but it was almost never the fault of the park.

1983 - Tower Jonny - Idiot with a capital 'I'

1976 - Guy mauled by a lion. He was a trainer, but wasn't where he was supposed to be.

1980s - A man dove from the International Bandstand and died when he hit the bottom of the 2ft deep Royal Fountain. I think he was leaving a Devo concert at the Timberwolf.

Black Sunday - Two men died in the lake near the Festhaus after being shocked by a malfunctioning circulating pump. Yep, the pump should have worked, but they also were in a restricted area. Less than 45mins later, woman falls from Flight Commander. Ultimately Intamin was sued, but realistically she fell because she was drunk.

The moral of the story kids, is that if you play by the rules, no one gets hurt.

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Black Sunday - Two men died in the lake near the Festhaus after being shocked by a malfunctioning circulating pump. Yep, the pump should have worked, but they also were in a restricted area.

If I remember correctly, an intoxicated man jumped off the bridge. His friend jumped in after him to help him, the friend was shocked and died. Also, an employee jumped in to offer help and he was also shocked and died. The first man did not suffer a fatality.

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Well you do have the person struck by lightning in the parking lot, and the trainer killed by the lion.

If my memory serves me right, the trainer that was mauled by the lion was all by himself and had an urgent call of nature and could not wait. He made the mistake of getting out of his jeep. I have been in the parking lot during a storm and did not have to be informed that a lightening storm was in the area. I had enough sense to stay in my car and not become a lightening rod.


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Thats correct. The drunk didnt get hurt at all because he never touched bottom.

At least not physically hurt.

Can you imagine living with yourself after something like that, though? Two people died trying to rescue you?

And another may have died watching the aftermath of the attempts?

If the man was drunk he probably wouldn't remember whole lot so he might not feel so much remorse.

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I think it would be a pretty cool idea to turn that house inside the fort into a haunted house for Fearfest but i bet with all the building codes and all that jazz that they wouldnt let it fly. It would still be a pretty neat idea though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you sure about the direction the front of the house? The main road that full timers take to get to their private parking lot used to be Columbia Road before the park was built. The parking lot border with the park is essentially where Columbia Road used to traverse. When the park was built, they bisected this road, and built Kings Island Drive to reconnect the two portions of Columbia Road. The road that is located to the west of Top Gun is the southern edge of the northern portion of Columbia Road. Got all that?

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I wasnt talking KI. I was talking sites around Cincy. I would NEVER enter any private property without consent

I have gone on several haunting trips around the Northern Kentucky and Southern Ohio areas and would gladly show you some of the ones I have discovered that has actual activity that I have captured on photo and film.

Give me a time and date - count me in.

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To add to the information about the Peters Cartridge Factory. It is a very dangerous place. You are not allowed to even slow down around there at night as the Police WILL ARREST YOU. There are signs stating "NO TRESSPASSING FROM DUSK TO DAWN"

Now there are businesses that do operate in the factory in the back sections. One has to do with guitars. During the day you can park there and take walks with no issues but once it becomes dark you are not allowed to even turn around in the parking lot.

The story with the factory is that it was used during the wars. They made amunitions. There were several explosions due to the nature of the business and many lifes were lost. One major explosion blew up the entire building that used to be across the road from the one that remains standing. If you look at the walkway bridge you will see that it is open at the end where it used to connect to the building. You can also see parts of the foundation around the parking lot. Three hundrend people were killed during the final explosion. Another story I was told is that a man took hostages up into the tower. All hostages were killed with the man killing himself. There are other stories as well. I have heard things from people who lost their relatives there.

I have a website that has several pictures taken at the factory during several visits at night. Yes I have many hundreds of orbs, figures, and actual faces. One of my attacks I lifted the camera and took a picture - got several faces that were within inches of my head. The worst attack my daughter saw a black film over our car where I was sitting. She took a picture and when developed we got a very clear yellow orb. When the orb was enlarged there was a definate face looking directly at me. During that attack I screamed and beat on the window for several minutes - despite people being within a few feet of me they could not hear me. That particular attack went on for several minutes. I have since refused to go back other than during the day. For the person that stated spirits can not hurt you I think this clearly shows that yes they certainly can! My attacks continue on and are by a very dangerous demon - Bali for those that know spiritual demons will know what this means. It is not a good thing. SO my advice to all is to stay away from that place at night - it is dangerous and certainly not for the people that just want to catch a spirit.

A friend of mine and I were turning around in the parking lot and got ticketed by the police. Yea we were going to stop for a bit and just take pictures of the factory but when we caught the police behind us we were "turning around" but the police did not care for explainations and ticketed us. They are very nasty about that place.

I will answer questions about this in private pm and only to those that are not rude about this. It is a serious thing that haunts me still.

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I have seen a lot of paranormal activity, and one in which freaked me out enough to leave a place, and I dont freak out to paranormal activity at all.

I was at Western KY University, and a couple friends of mine and I were exploring an abandoned building. Nothing happened on the first two stories, however when we went into the basement, all three of us started hearing metal on metal scraping (not like chains, but like small metal tools on trays) and when we passed by a room, all three of us heard a voice ask for a scalpel. After that, we all left.

Turns out that the building we were in was an old army hospital.

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I do not know if it is haunted or not but the bed and breakfast in Kings Mills used to be a funeral home. I remember when I was a kid and attended a wake and decided to go exploring. I went upstairs and opened up a door and went inside room that was full of caskets. I guess I used to watch way too many horror flicks and I was sure there was a body inside one of the caskets just waiting to open up the lid and pop up. Let me tell you I was scared to death! :o


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What part of private property rights do some people not understand?

Would you want people in YOUR property in the middle of night, looking for ghosts or not? Police enforcing the law are not being nasty. They are doing their jobs.

You are quite right and I was very much in the wrong but did not know at the time. The parking lot is on the opposite side of the road from the factory and anyone driving by would not consider it part of the porperty at night because you can not see the destroyed remains. There are not any signs in the very small parking lot area but there are signs on the building lot and on the building. The building has a parking area through a drive that is between the front sections of the building that people would have thought was the only parking lot for the factory. In my area all factorys have their parking on the same side of the road and on the grounds - none have anything across the road. So that is my defense on private property.

If I had known that the parking lot - which is just a small section of gravel basically - was a part of that property I would NOT HAVE PARKED THERE as there are several places along the road where you can pull off and do so legally. So to clarify my "tresspassing on private property" at the time I did not know that was the factory parking lot.

The charges of tresspassing were dropped when we went to court. My daughter had a purple light on her license plate, which is illegal in Ohio - again we did not know as we live in Kentucky, and we did get a small ticket on that. WE have removed the purple light lol. Hey you know how kids like to soup up their cars lol.

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I got a cute story that Dane might appreciate. I love his sense of humor!

Years and years ago, when my mother was in school - now mind you I am 51 so this is a long time ago. My mom and her class went on a tour of the local mortuary to see how they handle the dead and also went to a crematorium when it was legal to do so. Why a school would take students there is a good question. Guess back then there were not a lot of factories they could tour.

Well mom and her friend were at the crematorium when they got a little lost of the tour, knowing my mother they were up to no good! They wandered into a casket room. In this room were the cheaper caskets that they put bodies to be cremated in. Ok mom walks close to a casket, touched the lid lightly......her friend grabbed her shoulder.....needless to say my mother jumped and screamed so loud that the class ran to see what happened. There was my mother and her friend looking like they saw a ghost- I think she got in trouble for wandering off but I was told that on future school trips she stuck with her class lol.

I can tell you that my mother refuses to get near a crematorium and it was a long time before she would go to a funeral. Hmmmmm wonder what was in that box????

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Guest TombraiderTy

Wow the topic is brought back again.

Somebody should write a haunted Kings Island book lol, the cover could be the purple Eiffel Tower from Fear Fest

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Guest TombraiderTy

Kings Island has Indian burial ground on their property, take that SFKK! :lol:

Cemetery, Indian burial ground, at least 5 deaths, Kings Island being haunted makes sense

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