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Ohio Sales Tax increase effective Sunday 8/31/13


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State income tax will decrease. Try going to states like New York and California and compare their sales tax rate with Ohio. Major interstate routes through PA (I-70,I-76,I-80) are all toll roads. Same with NJ and other states. Now imagine if I-70, I-75, I-71, I-77 in Ohio were all toll roads from each end of the state. We have it made in in Ohio. We can afford not to travel on the Ohio Turnpike on the northern part of the state.

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To provide a relevant example, the after-tax cost of a burrito from Hank's Burrito Shack will go up from $8.08 to $8.10.

...if you round down. It seems that nowadays, sales tax is typically rounded to the nearest penny, be it up or down. When I was a kid, sales tax was always rounded up; 6% tax on $1.01 was seven cents, not six. Anyone here (see, I Terpy-proofed it) know why that change was made?

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Has anyone else here noticed that a milk jug at Kings Island last year cost $2.99 (I think) but now it's approximately $3.97 and they don't even put the price on the menu board. If you ask me that is a complete rip-off.

And not to mention the price of arcade tokens have increased from 4/$1.00 to 2/$1.00

Also the price of a hoagie is up about 20 cents from last year.

The prices of a lot of things has gone up over the years...and I'm becoming quite weary of it.

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State income tax will decrease. Try going to states like New York and California and compare their sales tax rate with Ohio. Major interstate routes through PA (I-70,I-76,I-80) are all toll roads. Same with NJ and other states. Now imagine if I-70, I-75, I-71, I-77 in Ohio were all toll roads from each end of the state. We have it made in in Ohio. We can afford not to travel on the Ohio Turnpike on the northern part of the state.

We pay a very large amount of dollars for those interstate routes, just not directly upon use...billions and billions.

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Its not the fact that sales tax is going up to me but its more of how that money is spent, There is a lot of waste in the government today. The street car is one example. Something not needed voted No on by the voters yet its being built anyway. The millions of dollars this thing is going to cost is ludacris. Now build a light rail running up to traders world, downtown, and to Kings Island I would be all for it.. Gets some of the cars of the highway (save money on repaving roads) and you get cleaner air and boost business along the routes. Whats the street car going to do? Likely get over ridden by thugs and gangs.

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