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Server Change Notification

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As some performance issues have arisen on the current hosting company we are with now. We have decided to move on to a new webhost. For those that remember the last time we went through this, the name servers changing took some time (instantly to 48 hours) to propagate and some posts were lost. I apologize for this inconvenience and will be doing the changes as late as possible in the night to minimize disruption.

Happy Offseason,


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A TTL of ten minutes seems to have propagated, so downtime after the change should be minimal this time as long as the original authoritative DNS servers (dns.site5.com and dns2.site5.com) are updated.

If those servers change, and the old ones can't be updated with the record for the new server, the downtime could again be as high as 48 hours for some people.

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A TTL of ten minutes seems to have propagated, so downtime after the change should be minimal this time as long as the original authoritative DNS servers (dns.site5.com and dns2.site5.com) are updated.

If those servers change, and the old ones can't be updated with the record for the new server, the downtime could again be as high as 48 hours for some people.

**Translated into English for those non tech people****

Folks, you might not be able to get on the site for up to 48 hours, due to some computers taking their sweet time updating data.

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We used Hostgator who were great but a number of users started complaining about loading blank pages and slow speeds. So we had to move to a host I use for other things, Site5.

Site5 has done better but still has the hiccups of slow speeds. Last night we were actually going to move back to an old friend Nexigen hosting but Site5 offered a VPS setup and a rate I couldn't refuse. So between 10 and 11:30am this morning I migrated to our new VPS server.

Please let me know if any problems arise other than some minimal posts that disappeared. Also let me know how its going for you guys speed wise.

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We used Hostgator who were great but a number of users started complaining about loading blank pages and slow speeds.

DISCLAIMER: Hostgator is neither owned nor operated by XGatorHead 8904, nor is it affiliated in any way with XGatorHead 8904's KIC subsidiaries, Gator Racing, Inc. and the 2013 KIC Fantasy Football Champions, The Gridiron Gators.

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The DNS server didn't change, so downtime should have been limited to 10 minutes.

Lucas should restart mobile Safari and/or his iOS device. If his dad is running a DNS cache on his home network, he should reset that. (Simply restarting the router might fix the latter problem, depending on the setup.)

Some poorly written DNS implementations ignore or replace the "TTL" value, meaning that outdated server information is stored much longer than it should be.

Everything seems to be working except for e-mail notifications, which I haven't received any of for the past couple days.

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Ok, my dad did something, and I'm back for now. Could not afford to miss a Colts/Patriots game on here! 


EDIT: He said something about he was running a full server and not a cache or something like that.

I called you IndyColts lol. Sorry my brain had shut off.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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^^ The TTL was set to 600 seconds, so your server should have dropped that old entry long ago.

What does nslookup or dig say the TTL is if you query the local server? (In Windows, use the nslookup command with the -debug option) Also, which DNS server software are you using?

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A little random, but with the server change it would be nice to get an icon for iOS on the server. According to Apple's dev site (https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/AppleApplications/Reference/SafariWebContent/ConfiguringWebApplications/ConfiguringWebApplications.html), all you need to do is have an image with the file name apple-touch-icon.png in the root directory.

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