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Kings Island 2014 Discussion Thread


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There were quite a few people at the park today, but crowds were very manageable. Days like last Friday and Easter Sunday have people spoiled. :)

I also visited KI on the first Sunday of May 2012, which also had great weather. Wait times on major attractions (outside of Action Zone) were comparable to yesterday's.

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While watching hoards of people pile into the Diamondback Fast Lane line I have come to agree with whoever said they should sell them at a higher price and limit them a lot more in the amount of passes that are sold each day.

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  On 5/5/2014 at 7:50 PM, The Interpreter said:

That would be me.

But then, I feel the same way about season passes.

Yes, me and my dad were talking about how its actually cheaper to just get a Gold Pass instead of a regular single day admission. The Gold Pass pays for itself in just a few visits plus has a ton of extra goodies that aren't provided with a single day admission. Same goes with Platinum Passes. If you're a traveler and want to visit all the Cedar Fair parks, it's cheaper to just use the Platinum Pass instead of just buying a single day pass for all the parks. It also has the little goodies but can be used at any Cedar Fair location. That's why I hate how when they have special Gold Pass offers, almost everyone who goes to KI has it. For example, this Friday there is a special offer for Gold Pass holders to ride Banshee until midnight. There are so many people who have Gold Passes now that it would be just as crowded considering Banshee would be the only ride open. Plus only letting Gold Pass people ride actually only shrinks the park attendance a little bit.

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Well, KI Is a working class park. I have a gold pass this year because I can afford one, last year I had to choose to make home improvements.

I can't jet off to the Bahamas for a three day weekend, so I go to the local park. Everyone's complaining about the high cost of the food, but they want the pass to be higher? I'm a graphic artist in Ohio- if it weren't for the 'net, I'd have no job at all. Let me at least enjoy an amusement park. I don't go anywhere else.

Besides, I get a kick out of Fastlaners on a slow day. Sometimes I pass them in line.

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  On 4/27/2014 at 3:40 PM, Nick_Plummer said:

I don't know if you guys have seen this or not, but they updated the pictures on Banshee's thril ride page to real pictures instead of the animation. https://www.visitkingsisland.com/rides/Thrill-Rides-12-14-11-44/Banshee#panel1-5

Yeah and it lists the ride as 2 min 40 sec when (if not mistaken) it really is 1 min 40 sec.

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Interested to know what is happening with Drop Tower. I found it interesting that the park has said it will be down for a few weeks, but the employees (granted, they may know as much as myself) were saying that "Drop Tower finally dropped" and then laughed and said it would be closed for a long time. I hope the parts they are receiving make it in soon. Action Zone was looking pretty dead when Invertigo and Drop Tower were both closed. I feel that as compared to Six Flags St. Louis, Kings Island really does keep the ride open and operational as much as they absolutely can. Six Flags always played the "wind" card when their ride was down- I haven't seen KI use that one in recent times.

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  On 5/8/2014 at 12:22 PM, thoe124 said:

I heard that DT doesn't have all it's seats certified :unsure:

If you just heard someone say that, it might be incorrect information. As CoasterOhio noted, a source should be cited.

Posting incorrect information can result in needless calls to the park, untrue rumors, and even questions from the media. Kings Island really appreciates it when we don't let that happen.

Kings Island maintenance staff and state ride inspectors have a lot of work to do with each ride in the park before it can open for the season. Drop Tower is apparently a bit late this year. Rides are complex machines with a lot of individual parts which must be inspected, refurbished, and/or replaced on a regular basis.

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  On 5/8/2014 at 4:12 PM, thoe124 said:
  On 5/8/2014 at 4:03 PM, CoasterOhio said:
  On 5/8/2014 at 2:30 PM, thoe124 said:

I heard it from Andrew on May 4 2014 in line for Banshee with malem and ohiocolts.

Then it's not true then.

How would YOU know?

How do YOU know if Andrew is giving you legitimate information. I'm not saying Andrew is a liar but you should have asked him where he got the info. He could also have been just saying his theory on why it's not operating.

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A lot of people read this message board, so there are often real consequences when bad information gets posted.

Something overheard from a member of the public, another KICentral member, or even a ride operator isn't necessarily something that should be published online. I don't mean to single you out; this is in general.

The terms of use of this site require that any "insider" information have a source cited. Unless this source is a person authorized to represent the park (Guest Services, public relations, etc), posting it here is probably a bad idea. You don't want to post incorrect information, and you don't want to get any park employees in trouble.

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Ok. Sorry. Forget what I said earlier.

I observed that Drop Tower had a mechanic doing some jiggling on a restraint. I later asked Andrew what he thought, and he said that he thought it was that it didn't have all the seats certified yet. This is not positively true, it's just what he thought about it.

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^ The way you worded it there, what you posted is absolutely fine.

Posting your own observations, or even speculation, is perfectly acceptable. Just make sure that they are presented as such.

The things to be careful about are starting rumors and presenting information about the park that might be false. (Saying that you "heard" something can give people the wrong idea.)

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My personal opinion is there is something mechanically wrong with Drop Tower currently. I base this on two observations. Number one: On media day there was briefly a crew of ride ops at the ride and the catch car was moved up and down the tower a few times but it never took the gondola to the top. I watched this from right in front of the ride hoping it was about to open. After 10 minutes or so I decided to go do something else for a while and eventually went back over to the ride about an hour later after riding The Bat to see if it was about to open but no one was there at that point. I believe they had intended to open the ride but for some reason did not. Number Two: I was at the park on Sunday May 4th and noticed the catch car at the top of the tower and leaning at a slight angle as if something was not right with it. It sure does not seem like it is simply waiting to be certified, more likely waiting on a part.

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