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Haunt 2014


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It certainly does drive home a LOCAL message.

Local dealer.

Destination parks have national sponsors.

Fast Lane at Kings Island has a local Chevy dealer.

Yet visitors from 39 states kicked a soccer ball into the fountain.

(No word given on visitors from other countries, districts, or other non-Ohio location.)

How likely is it that a local picnic and rides park would spend around half a billion nickels on a big steel thingy?

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  On 8/25/2014 at 12:15 AM, jdf21972 said:

Now Driven by Safe Auto?? Fast Lane now sponsored by McCluskey Chevrolet?? KI what is going on?

$24,000,000 as well as future investments have to come from some where....

Product placement is the one of the few things that doesn't seem to irk me compared to the average enthusiast. As long as The Beast remains without advertisement and the only thing it's promoting is itself, then you can pretty much stick anything anywhere...I'm just in it for the coasters, and ads like those are what helps bring more of them....

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I agree. And having companies sponsor stuff is an easy nonintrusive way to bring in ad revenue. I wouldn't even mind some signs around the park. Might get a bit irked if we had ad wrapped trains on rides or huge banners on the sides of coasters like certain parks do as I think those are total eyesores. But letting companies sponsor stuff or buy some ad space for a few signs on buildings or even some ads over the park pa system when they are doing announcements about showtimes is fine if it means more revenue for the park to do more improvements and aditions in the future.

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& while I'm thinking about Haunt, (title of the new maze which will remain untitled until the park announces it) better be a good maze to live up to the title as "Kings Island's largest maze"

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  On 8/28/2014 at 4:15 AM, pkifreak23 said:
  On 8/28/2014 at 3:54 AM, ki95 said:

What happened to the Halloween Haunt 2014 topic?


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I know i was looking for it too and it just disappeared!

Looks like it's open again & all the leaked info has been removed. In my opinion if it's leaked, it's leaked, move on & let it be a surprise for those not on the forums

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Exactly its not our fault if they are the ones who slip up and let it become available to the public and we happen to come across it. We already know and found it so whats the big deal? If they dont want people to find out early then dont let it be available for us to find out. Also you notice they havent removed your comment yet that still mentions the new maze's name on this forum. They obviously arent too upset about us knowing and more so that we found the information.

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My advice (being a Web & Multimedia student) for the media people at CF/KI is, if you don't want something leaked/found before it's supposed to be released, post it the day you want it released. Don't post it days, weeks, months & years in advance. People WILL find it someway, somehow.

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  On 8/25/2014 at 1:35 AM, The Interpreter said:

Like Kentucky's YOs-mite.

Or Ver-sales.

Or A-thins (KY).

Or Ae-Thens, as I learned it. Silly Kentuckians, but, sadly, I know a few from that region.

  On 8/25/2014 at 12:59 AM, jcgoble3 said:

Check your geography. Paris, Athens, and Rome can all be found within the borders of the state of Ohio. :)

EDIT: Beaten. :P

One could go to FrankFurt, Athens, Paris, and California, just to name a few, in the bluegrass state of Kentucky.

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  On 8/31/2014 at 5:46 PM, pkifreak23 said:

It looks like the Halloween Haunt 2014 topic is gone again.

Well it was no longer a discussion really and what little there was was no longer about the event but general park bashing so it needed to be locked or removed until calmer heads could prevail and new information was out to talk about.

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