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Michigan's Adventure

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In early July I will be going on vacation (plant shutdown for 1 week) and my plan is ---

Day 1 KI for ERT and a few more hours in the park then leave and head to CP for a little evening riding.

Day 2 CP ERT till close (may get FL+ depending on crowds)

Day 3 CP ERT for a few more rides on Maverick then leave around noon.

Now this is where I need info---Michigan's Adventure is roughly 4 hours from CP (about the same as it would be to get home and from MA to home is about the same) and hit it that night and the next day for a while.

Is MA worth the trip? Will I regret not going to MA if I chose not go there? Are there any "must do's" ?

I am a platinum pass holder so admission cost is not an issue all I am out is another tank of gas,food and a cheap hotel for another night.

I am not a water park guy so please factor that into your views.

Thanks for your input,


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Michigan's Adventure is, in my opinion, a somewhat underrated park. Personally, I love the park and would absolutely say go. However, if you are only looking for big thrills and record breaking rides, then it is probably a park you can skip.


- Shivering Timbers: Timbers is an absolute blast and the only real 'must ride' in the park for most people. I prefer the back for the nice bit of ejector air you get back there coming out of the turnaround.

- Short lines: The water park is the main draw of the park and especially on weekdays most rides are 15 min or less. Mad Mouse is the only coaster that will get an appreciable wait due to its capacity being lower. While the quality isn't quite up there with what you find in most other CF parks, you can get a ton of rides in on most days.

- The Mad Mouse: Yes its a Wild Mouse and yes I'm sure you have been on a similar ride before...but have you been on an Arrow mouse before? It really is an unexpected treat.

- Water Rides: The three water rides are all superior examples of their kind and all three can get you SOAKED. (Logger's Run (the park's log flume) is hit or miss in the soakings but the other two will drench you pretty consistently.)


- Coaster Quality: Cedar Point this is not. If you are looking for the biggest baddest rides on the planet then you have come to the wrong place. Wolverine Wildcats is fun, the SLC is one of the smoothest around, and Corkscrew is a nice ride, but Dragster, Millie, and Maverick they are not. If your expectations are in line going in then it can be a very fun day.

- Flat rides: The only truly thrilling flat was lost when they removed their Falling Star a couple years back. They flats are all very family friendly and, honestly, skip-able for the most part unless there is a particular model that you happen to enjoy.

- The Park Layout: The park is horseshoe shaped with Shivering Timbers and Wolverine Wildcat anchoring one side and Thunderhawk on the opposite end. It is a long haul between the two points. The train does connect the two sides and can be a nice way to relax.

If you do decide to make the trip, and again I would say you should, I would love to hear about your experience!

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From each according to its revenue potential; to each according to its revenue potential.

Frankly, I'd expect waterpark improvements and/or a sale before I expected major investment in the dry park. Unlike, say, Dorney Park, not even rotated rides have shown up at Michigan's Adventure of late.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I found it odd that while I was in Southern MI this past wknd, I saw multiple TV ads for Cedar Point, but none for MA. The TV stations were out of Grand Rapids. To Terpy's point above if the revenue doesn't come into that park on the level of the other ones in the chain, one can't expect Cedar Fair to invest too heavily into it. Of course, it would be nice for CF to spend some ad $ promoting its only Michigan park. I was prob about 60-70 min tops from MA from where I was staying.

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  • 1 month later...

“I’d already been in the lazy river and the wave pool and then my sister in law went up to go down the slide. And that’s when I was stopped,” Sweeney said, according to WSBT. “A supervisor had come up and she said, ‘Ma’am, you have to wear a women’s bathing suit. You’re not allowed to wear men’s.’”


Interesting incident. Being of someone who identifies under LGBT, I hate that she is using the reason she got singled out was because she was a lesbian. It kind of irritates me in all honesty, but people will give any reason as to why they are targeted.

But to support this woman, MA's website does not say anything about gender specific bathing suits. Also, there isn't anything that says a sports bra is not allowed, but the site does say no athletic wear....so, maybe that includes a sports bra, but maybe not. There's not a line really that draws the basis. The woman shows what she wore into the waterpark, which included swimming trunks for men, a tank top and a sports bra. The sports bra was under the tank top. So what would it really matter? At least she was wearing one.


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As a Ohioan, all I can say is that nothing good has EVER come from that state.

Never been to *ichigan & proud of it

Nothing good has ever come out of Michigan?

You must enjoy walking everywhere you go.

My car was actually built in Ohio

^You're missing out on a lot then!

The only reason I would go up there is an Ohio State game

As a Ohioan, all I can say is that nothing good has EVER come from that state.

Never been to *ichigan & proud of it

As a Hoosier I could say the same about Ohio.

But I won't because that would be very shallow and show a lack of intelligence.

Yet your username is based on an Ohio roller coaster on a website for an amusement park in Ohio.

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Guess again.....I've had this username WAY before Mantis at Cedar Point was even built.

I also post on multiple websites, concerning multiple topics and geographical locations covering the vast majority of the United States of America. Just because I post here has no bearing on my feelings towards the state of Ohio.

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