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Canada's Wonderland Stabbing

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Knowing that and doing something to deal with a sudden turn in event perception, which could happen VERY quickly, are two different things.

How'd Kings Island handle Grad Night in 2014?

Oh, yeah.

That was once a huge money-maker for the park. Then, one terrible night and a death later....

Kind of like in a parking lot some ways north of Sandusky....

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I mean I think CF knows their haunt events attract a rougher crowd. There is a reason that they use metal detectors and wands during their Halloween events.

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Canada's Wonderland has had "security" in some form since a shooting occured in the parking lot on Mother's Day in 2003. Security checks at Wonderland have been miniscule at best. I got buzzed going into Wonderland and took out just my keys, and the person said go on. That's not how you do security, I could have for instance had a knife on me and they would have let me pass.

Wonderland originally had a security perimeter that covered the whole front gate area, where Guest Services and Ticket Sales are located. I recall at Kings Island in 2004, they had a similar set up. Later on, Wonderland's secured zone move to the area right in front of the turnstiles to enter the park. I personally think the position where the metal detectors were before made more sense.

Just doing a quick search, there was reports of a mugging at the Haunt in 2009 at Wonderland with a knife. Security basically shrugged and said "oh well, that sucks". Wonderland may have been incredibly lucky over the years and not suffered one serious ride incident, but safety in the park should be a #1 concern.

Here is the incident from 2009, http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Canada/2009/10/29/11565316-sun.html

Wonderland and Cedar Fair, I honestly think should acknowledge that things went wrong in the park and are seriously rethink how these events are run.

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Not to defend the park, but just playing devils advocate here. By putting a security measure in to make sure no one brings knives or anything else into the park is all well and good, but someone can leave it in the car. That person can still do a lot of damage.

Do you then increase parking lot security 10x? 100x? Firearm alerting dogs?

Unfortunately, this thing happened. Could the park have done more? Not sure how as it was in the parking lot and short of looking into each and every car....

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I'm not familiar with what happened with Grad Night. Please share if you don't mind. I've heard of how fun grad night was from my dad. I assume the park would be only for grads of that particular year? He said that the park would bring in a popular music act of the day as well.

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Not to defend the park, but just playing devils advocate here. By putting a security measure in to make sure no one brings knives or anything else into the park is all well and good, but someone can leave it in the car. That person can still do a lot of damage.

Do you then increase parking lot security 10x? 100x? Firearm alerting dogs?

Unfortunately, this thing happened. Could the park have done more? Not sure how as it was in the parking lot and short of looking into each and every car....

Sure that is very true. Of course, I can assume none of us, at Kings Island, or Canada's Wonderland or wherever want the entrance to the parking lot to resemble a border crossing. Mind you, this incident did happen in the parking lot, just like the 2003 incident, but however, it is possible that the incident escalated due to a situation of the overcrowding of Canada's Wonderland on Oct 25. As I said, I can't fathom the park being so crowded that it takes 10-15 minutes to walk half the distance of International Street.

I do recall the parking lot was fitted with many of those emergency telephones in 2003 after the incident. So what to do about incidents in the parking lot, in theory, Park Security as far as I understand the law, could choose to do "secondary inspections" of vehicles. I don't see that being unlawful because Canada's Wonderland at the end of the day is private, their rules determine their policy on people coming in. Again, I am not for this, but maybe there should be better surveillance by Park Security of the parking lot. I do not feel totally safe, even at my age, when I walk around a very dark theme park and smell marijuana. My taste of Halloween Haunt more or less reminded me of Pleasure Island as I said.

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Knowing that and doing something to deal with a sudden turn in event perception, which could happen VERY quickly, are two different things.

How'd Kings Island handle Grad Night in 2014?

Oh, yeah.

That was once a huge money-maker for the park. Then, one terrible night and a death later....

Kind of like in a parking lot some ways north of Sandusky....

If that parking lot north of Sandusky is the one outside Canada's Wonderland, I don't honestly think there will be any real repercussions from this. Someone was shot to death outside Canada's Wonderland in 2003 and that didn't really affect ticket sales. So like the poster above me, what occurded at Grad Night in 2014 anyways? Come, the spring, and next Haunt, I'm sure most will even forget that someone even got stabbed. All I was saying is that I think Wonderland is somewhat responsible due to the insane crowdiness which occured that night. It is just speculation but we do know that the incident started inside the park.

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See the astute Shaggy's post on 10/28/2002 here:

Oiy Vey.... man this board is the most mixed up KI board I have ever seen. I'll set the story straight.

Officially no one has ever died at King's Island. How so? Well, no one is pronounced dead at PKI... that happens at the hospital. ;-)

There has only been one ride-related fatality in the park's history. On June 9th 1991 Candy Taylor, fell from the Flight Commader ride formerly located on Coney Mall. The ride, an Intamin Pilot ride allowed guests to flip or rotate their individual cockpits.

But let me back up, because that day has become known as KI's darkest day. At approximately 8:30 in the evening, Timothy Benning (22)entered the park's pond located next to the Octoberfest Beir Garden to, apparently, retrieve a lost item. Upon entering the restricted area he was shocked due to an electrical current (later determined to be coming from a defective water circulation pump.) When he screamed and fell unconscious in the shallow water, his friend William Haithcoat (20) jumped in to pull him out. Immediately Haithcoat was shocked. Upon hearing the screams a park security officer, Darrel Robertson (20) jumped in attempting to help and was also shocked. Ironically the rescuers... Haithcoat and Robertson died, but Benning survived. The Octoberfest area of the park was emptied immediately, and closed off. Helicopters landed in the park to life-flight the victims to the hospital. They were undergoing CPR when they left.

Just after this at the back of the park, Ms. Taylor, who was drunk, boarded Flight Commander at approximately 9:45pm. She rode by herself which later was determined to be the cause of her death. As the ride proceeded, she passed out (her Blood Alchohol level was 3.0. ) while flipping the ride upside down. Since her body was limp, she slid to the side towards the empty seat next to her and out of the over-the-shoulder restraint and lap bar. She fell 60 feet to the concrete below in front of eye-witnesses who were horrified. A design flaw in the ride was blamed. The ride was closed the rest of the 1991 season, but re-opened in 1992.

The other death mentioned occurred on Grad Night 1983 when an un-named 17 year-old boy was found after he cllimbed a 10 foot barrier fence on the Eiffel Tower's 50-foot observation platform and fell in the elevator shaft. He plummeted to his death and rumor has it he was partially decapitated. A lot of mystery still surrounds this instance, but the general belief is that the boy either committed suicide or was showing off for friends and climbed into the restricted area. The Tower's 50 foot platform was closed and never re-opened.

Each instance above was investigated and all were determined accidental. The park was fined for various OSHA violations, and more than likely settled with the families.

Also of note, in 1976 a Wild Animal Safari Lion caretaker was mauled and killed as well.

But King's Island is also the site of Heart Attacks, Strokes, etc of which people have perished. But so have malls, grocery stores, workplaces etc etc etc.


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Wait- so for next year, for me to attend KI Haunt, I need a Platinum Pass? No, Gold pass is eligible for unlimited visits in 2015 including Haunt.

The two guys that got stabbed may not have been asking for it. Stink and I got accosted this year for having the gall to come to a stop at the end of the aisle. And you didn't get stabbed......Amazing.


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