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Celebratory gunfire injures woman at Busch Gardens Tampa on New Years Eve

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Why would one bullet cause two holes?

Entry wound and exit wound seems the most likely explanation.

- Homestar92, owner of several fine firearms, but enormous advocate for proper training and responsible usage thereof.

EDIT: After reading the whole thing, definitely not an exit wound... Weird... Carry on then.

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Maybe it was an indirect tension laceration. She was standing, and bullets cause shockwaves. Leg skin is tight to the muscle when standing, so I can imagine skin breaking elsewhere from the 'snap' of the skin reacting to the bullet's entry. This is gross. But it seems logical. It might also be the cue ball effect, where tissue and such get "knocked" out the other side, while the bullet stays inside. This makes me cringe; but it's fascinating in a "makes-ya-think" kind of way.

(Not a medical specialist of any kind.)

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Uh, exit wound?

Did you not read the story?

The bullet is still contained in the victim's body, clearly shown in X-Ray images.

No, I'll openly admit that I did not until just now. That's why I refrained from offering any in-depth commentary. If the bullet is still in there, then that is definitely beyond the realm of what I'm qualified to even begin explain.

I've never understood firing guns for celebration. Even if you fire straight up into the air, what goes up must come down, and will, at nearly the same rate at which it was shot into the air (drag will slow it down a fair bit, but it will still be fast enough to do some very real damage)

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If you fire straight up, it will come down at its terminal velocity, which is considerably less than the speed at which it exits the gun. It can still do plenty of damage, though.

Hopefully the individual who fired the gun in this case is found and prosecuted.

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It's highly unlikely the individual will ever be found. There were multiple reports of gunfire in the area, and they have no info on which direction the bullet came from relative to where she was standing. Plus, people who do things that are illegal often don't come forward and admit to their crimes.

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