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Mid Winter Boomerang Bay Tour


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I arrived at security post 3 at 9:15am. I waited around until more people showed up. Sparky, sobgun, shaggy, PKI_man, tyson ECT ECT were there.

Now as for PKI_man heres the little troll in the flesh(not work safe)

Jeff came in at 10:00. We walked down International Street and saw some of the off-season stuff. We made our way around HB and Nick central. Seeing the rides disassembled was pretty cool.

We made our way back to the grove. You could see a lot of the rides taken apart. Vortex, Top Gun and SOB are just some of the rides that are being worked on.

When we get into Boomerang Bay a lot of work has been done. Stuff is in full swing. When we were there in November not much was done yet but now you can really see stuff taking shape. It looks good. We walk around and we get back to where the White Water Canyon rafts are. We have a big announcement

Coney mall is getting refurbished. Zepher, Monster, scrambler are the 1st 3 rides getting redone.

We then walk back to the front

Next announcement. SOB is getting major work in the rose bowl double helix. It’s on the 6 year plan like FOF was. There is a flood of announcements planned too.

The sign issue is still getting worked on. The sign dept showed up as well. The drawings are going though paramount corporate and pictures. They are trying to keep the same size sign. Current zoning laws do not allow this. They are trying to get variances.

Photos will be up later. If the camera plays nice I will get it on the net soon. Its about 25 mins long so 5, 5min segments. The video is low quality because my hands are FROZEN!

Edited by sobrider
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For every steel coaster, the trains are taken off and stored in the picnic grove. I'm assuming FOF trains are kept in the building itself. Scary thing, even the Delirium ring had been removed and seats placed in the grove, allowing a view of the inside.

Basically every flat ride in the park, as well, is taken apart and either kept around its location, moved to the picnic grove, or taken to the maintenance buildings. So, while walking through HB, we saw all the kiddie rides taken apart. It looked as if HB where a traveling fair and they were starting to pack up and move to the next town.

What Pat didn't mention, and I had suspected for a few weeks.. The green/white tent that has popped up in Boomerang Bay by Taz is indeed set up to piece together the tubes and slide segments. As Jeff explained, in order to build them, they must put caulking between the piece to make a water tight seal. This caulk must be applied in a temperature of 40degrees or higher in order to seat properly. Since its below 40degrees, they must do it inside. This is also why the work on the funnel itself has stopped. The same caulk must be applied to those sections, and they just can't control the weather around the funnel. So, Jeff assured us that as soon as the weather warms up to above 40degrees for a few days... the slides and Taz will start going vertical quickly because of the prep work done inside the tent.

At this time.. Aaron is putting last minute touches (logo, copyright) on photos (60+) and will have them posted soon. And for those that can't get enough Jeff or PKI... I am leaving Cincinnati here soon to go to Chicago for the annual ACE "No Coaster Con", which Jeff will be presenting at. Stay tuned for pictures and a trip report from that Sunday after I return.

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I don`t know where the PTC wood trains are stored, but the SoB trains were in the grove with the Top Gun, Vortex and Delirum stuff. When Jeff mentioned the Coney redevelopment, he also commented on how they have hired people to repaint the artwork on the Zephyr. Also, he mentioned how the Scrambler which is undergoing a major overhaul as already stated, will be painted a brighter color than the structures existing dull blue/gray. Instead, it will be painted, as I believe Jeff said, yellow. I have a hunch that these three rides are just the first part of a Coney renovation/expansion that will continue in 2005 with at least one new ride, possibly a coaster.

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I was planning to go to the tour, but I got a job interivew - obviously (at least to me) that had to take priority. I'm glad the tour went well and I'm VERY glad Coney is finally getting a well-deserved makeover. Heck, I'm just glad PKI is taking the time/money to actually work on up-keep. As CoasterRZ said, I have a feeling that's going to lead into an expansion in that area of some sort...whether it's a coaster or not remains to be seen...but I'm guessing something will be added in the not-too-distant future! cool.gif

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Knowing Jeff... he dropped his "hints" at that during the tour. As in him saying... Coney Mall is getting a make over... hmmm... HMMM.... Then he went on to say that Rivertown was redone with the installation of Tomb Raider, HB and nick have been redone with the additions of new rides, that Action Zone was redone with the addition of rides, now WW being redone with new rides, and the only area left is Coney Mall being redone.... HMMMM. biggrin.gif

Take that as you will.

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Another hint he had was that "Next year your favorite rides wont seem the same."

Aaron, you should have at least put up the pic of me standing in front of the section of tubing just to show how tall it was. I got one (in development stages now) of Pat standing in front of it. Its kinda funny.

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Where are the wooden roller coaster trains stored? Or are they stored at all?

Jeff touched on that, at least to a few of us...as we were waiting for the rest of the group to catch up.

He said the trains are currently in pieces. He described the boxes and boxes of wheels, nuts, and bolts...and piles of lap bars.

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