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Annual Pride Event


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  On 9/9/2016 at 7:25 PM, SOBwasaSOB said:

I hate to say it but some people would definitely boycott the park for this. Luckily, this number seems to decrease every year. I would definitely go if my pass got me in, but I can't justify buying a ticket when I can get in any other day with my pass. I've never been since not part of the lgbt community but it sounds fun.

The nice thing is that a portion of the ticket sales, depending on attendance is donated to the local Greater Cincinnati Gay & Lesbian Community Center each year. The Center is a non-profit organization as recognized as by the IRS 501©3.

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Chiming in here, KI does not host this event. KI is merely the place that the event takes place at. Any company/organization can rent out the park for a private event.

On the topic of "black lash and public disapproval" one year a religious group proceeded to gain entry to this event and started handing out flyers, it's to my knowledge those groups of individuals are still banned from the park. Remember folks Kings Island is private property!

Another great year in the books! Also good news there will be a Pride Night next year.

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First off, attended the event and absolutely loved it. What a great time, great atmosphere and great cause. If the event is held next year, we will be attending :)


Secondly, there was an incident at Banshee. So, I'm curious if anyone knows the guy. If you are unaware of the incident, I'm not detailing it here, but I did happen to be *right* there when it happened and rendered first aide (RN is never off-duty, it seems). I'm just curious how the guy is doing...Feel free to private message me with info.

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I have to say that Pride Night seems to have hit its pace this year!  Wonderful event for a wonderful cause and SO happy it will be returning.  Unlike the speculation previous, knowing that Kings Island is so accomodating toward this event is the prime reason I renew my Cedar Fair Platinum Pass every year and feel better about spending the additional money (even if I don't get to go to any other park).  I know it is a buy out night, but clearly with the additional decorations and the obvious mentions on the main sign for the park, they are approving of this event.  

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It was one of my favorite days there this season. Money well spent and it went to a good cause. I wish the environment could carry over every day like it was that night. Even the ride ops seemed far more chipper than they normally are. I plan on returning next year.

Sent from my SM-G860P using Tapatalk

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From the perspective of someone who has worked the event as a Park Police Officer, I would highly recommend this event! We kept a very close eye out for anyone looking to cause issues, but luckily that never happened at the events I worked. Everyone always seemed to be having an absolute ball! I wish the same for anyone who attends the event this year!

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