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Height requirement changes?


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My son is just starting to walk, and is now able to ride Linus' Beetle Bugs with his big sister. We got him on a couple weeks ago and he loved it. Last week it was closed when we went, now it is open again but with a height requirement change from as long as they can walk, to must be over 36"!

This is a little kids ride, and toddlers have been riding it since I can remember. Does anyone know what happened?

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Space Buggies similarly has "no minimum height requirement", and we were told as long as she can hold her head up. Some require her to have shoes as well, some require just socks. I think it kind of depends on the operator. Although Space Buggies I ride with her, while Beetle Bugs she'd have to go on her own, so I'm not sure.

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A friend of ours was at the park last night and would not let their son ride, stating that "alot has changed today, and you now must be over 36"". 

The KI app now states must be over 36" as well. I just don't see what the purpose of this ride is if that is the case. 

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I saw a post from a friend on Facebook where somebody claimed in the comments that a little kid was thrown out of one of the cars on Linus' Beetle Bugs. Take that with a grain of salt, as I don't have any confirmation of that, but it's a possibility.

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This happened to us too and I was wondering the same thing! My daughter was measured last Wednesday at the doctors and they said she was exactly 36 inches. I was excited because her reward for being good was Kings Island the next day and that meant that she was able to ride more rides since she was 36 inches. When we got there she rode the kiddo bumper cars and then we went to go get her wrist band they said she wasn't even 36 inches tall. Frustrating since I knew she was but I didn't make a huge deal about it since she could still ride some. Her favorite is the Linus beetle bugs. We went to go ride and they said she couldn't ride it. I told them how is that possible she's ridden this ride several times. The ride operator said that a few days ago they changed the height requirement and they now have to be 36 inches and she told me she didn't know why they did. Which of course proceeded to my toddler having a melt down because she couldn't ride her favorite ride anymore. I just want to know why they did it. Also has anyone else had issues with the measuring they have for wristbands? 

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Based on the info on the following page, it looks like Linus' Beetle Bugs was the only ride which had the height requirement changed (that I can tell).


This is a very disappointing turn of events.  It ultimately means someone didn't do their job, because the height requirements recommended by the manufacturer and then set by the park should prevent this sort of thing from ever happening.  

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  On 6/1/2017 at 2:53 AM, bjcolglazier said:

I don't have much to add as far as park or ride requirements, but I've seen very small children on Beetle Bugs that most certainly should not have been so far as head & neck safety is concerned.


Pretty much this. There is no way to enforce the old policy other than the parents opinion. Which sometimes isn't the best.

Also the ride is so old it likely doesn't even have a manufacturer height requirement pretty sure that ride out dates Kings Island. If it did have a height requirement or even if they stated "able to sit up straight" the park has to do what it can to make sure it's operated safely and consistently. A lot of rides, especially older ones have a higher height requirement than recommended by the manufacturer.

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I bought my kids the Kings Island lisence. My son is has met the 48 mark and my daughter has met the 36 mark. We've had no issues in Planet Snoopy but I had an issues at Mystic Timbers. The kid at the front wasn't gonna let my son on. He said no way is he 48. Showed him the KI lisence and my sons purple 48 inch wrist band & he still wasn't gonna let him on. He wasn't even gonna measure my son until I showed him the pic of my sons on-ride photo of Mystic Timbers. Finally he measured him and we got on. But I don't see why I've got to go through the hassle of that when I took the proper precautions & got my children the KI license. 

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  On 5/31/2017 at 11:41 PM, pkifreak23 said:

Also has anyone else had issues with the measuring they have for wristbands? 


I had the opposite happen for my child. She measured 47.5 inches at the doctor in March and was measured well over the 48 inch mark (she was half way between 48 and 52) at the park in April.

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  On 6/1/2017 at 11:10 AM, billgonemad said:

What gets me is that there's no height requirements for the monster, but some of these kid rides have them... Just glad we found out before our visit this Saturday.

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My daughter loves that ride, she is barely 36 inches this year and she was riding it last year, though I kind of had to hold her still because she just slides all over the place.


As for the measuring thing, I had a similar problem. Doctor measured her at 37, I got just under 37 at home, Kings Island got her right on the line at 36. Wasn't a big deal for us because she still got the rides.

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It just bothers me because that seems like a ridiculous height requirement for this ride. I can see where they must be able to walk and support themselves, but 36" is the same as the Great Pumpkin Coaster for crying out loud. 

Like I said if my son hadn't already ridden it this year and loved it and want to watch the video of himself riding it all the time it wouldn't be such a big deal. 

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Outside of Planet Snoopy, ride operators really seem confused about what the Snoopy licenses even are. If the issue persists, I encourage people to politely inform guests Services about the uniformed operators. But the purpose of the license is definitely to confirm height for the season.

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The park will periodically reevaluate rides for safety. Linus Beetle Bugs was re-evaluated and they determined for the safety of the guests that a 36" height requirement for the ride. I am sure glad they do this for the safety of my little friends in the park and peace of mind for parents.

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