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Do you miss Phantom Theater?


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The Phantom Theater has been missing for over a year. Personally, I miss it very much and even wrote a fictional story based on it that'll be on this site soon. I have old pictures of it and REALLY miss the Phantom Theater. Yes, I appreciate SDATHC....but both Mrs. Chef and I prefer the Phantom Theater and miss it.

How do the rest of you honorable and responsible citizens feel?


Italian Chef

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I never really liked Phantom Theater. In my opinion it was just a bad rip-off of the Haunted Mansion at Disney World. I always assumed that since PT was built almost 20 years after the Haunted Mansion, it should have newer and better effects. That just wasn't the case. The Haunted Mansion still blows it away. I rode PT mainly to sit back and have a relaxing ride, but it just never clicked for me as a very good dark ride. I've haven't ridden the new Scooby ride, but I hope it's better than PT. I guess I'll find out in November.

Edited by LongLiveTheSmurfRide
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It is quite obvious that Phantom Theater was at very least, somewhat inspired by Disney's Haunted Mansion. However, it isn't fair to expect PKI to match Disney in special effects as PKI doesn't have Disney's deep pockets.

SDATHC is cute and fun.......but I'd trade it and the rest of H-B Land to have my beloved Phantom Theater back. And I am serious.

Have a grandious weekend!

Italian Chef

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The technology used in Disney's haunted mansion is one of the best kept secrets in the world, especially the use of the special effects used to create the ghostly apparations in the ball room scene. I miss PT and everyone here knows that. Chef's right on. I'm currently writing a paper in college about how far I go to make memories and I make mention that I have a rare piece of audio from Phantom Theatre. It intrigued some of my classmates; they had never heard of such a thing.

I hear some of the old characters are making a cameo appearance in FearFest so that should be neat to see.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I liked PT to some degree... but i love Scooby doo and the haunted Castle when i rode Scooby i was totally amazed at the work PKI put into it!as you Prob all ready know by my Screen Name iam a Hard Core Scooby doo fan.. so i have to give my choice to Scooby...i rather ride scooby than PT anyday of the week...PKI You guys did a Great Job at the Loading station..those spooky lookin windows are a Great Touch! biggrin.gif

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I don`t really miss Phantom Theater because, IMO, Scooby Doo is a lot more fun to ride and makes for better rerides. Also, it is obviously more popular amonst kids and anyone who is a Scooby Doo fan. However, Phantom Theater was a ride that was unique to PKI. You couldn`t find a ride like it anywhere else in the world. Scooby as of next year will be at every Paramount Park except PGA as well as a couple of Six Flags parks. I think PKI`s might have the highest capacity Scooby ride, which is just a result of the leftover PT. Who knows, in ten seasons, Scooby may be out and a new ride in, at least thats been the trend with the previous three dark rides to inhabit the building.

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