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What is your favorite eatery at PKI?


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My favorite eatery at PKI is Mandarin Cuisine - even though I love Festhaus and Bubba Gump Shrimp Shack dearly. At Mandarin Cuisine, I get the most for my money in terms of portion size. And I like being able to use chop sticks and feel some international atmosphere in International Street. Though the Chinese food at Mandarin Cuisine isn't as great as its counter-part in Chinatown, NYC (I grew up close to there)....it is quite good!

What about the rest of you? What is your favorite eatery at PKI and WHY?


Italian Chef :chef:

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My old favorite place to eat was Skyline. But I can't eat Skyline now :( wich is really sad. So I guess Laroses because they have cheese pizza :) But i get tired of it. P.s. can't eat meat if you couldn't tell :P

Why can't you eat meat anymore? I feel very sorry for you. Do you have IBS or a similar condition? :(

I am the king of bad stomachs. In my life I've suffered from colitis in Europe, ecoli food poisoning in Asia (and lost 30 lbs), and developed IBS in the Kentucky. Hence, I must limit my meat and dairy product intake, seldom touch beer, must eat before 7 PM, and take metamucil. I can never eat until I'm full, have to skip breakfast, and can't digest most of the rich dishes that I cook for my wife and friends.

I do hope that your health condition, whatever it is, will improve. No hard feelings about our past disagreements.

Have a great day!

your favorite Italian-American author & EFT specialist with a Japanese wife,

Italian Chef


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Hey Chef,

I voted for LaRosa's International Street because we like to grab a last slice of pizza and watch the fireworks/fountain there, it's just perfect. However, my actual favorite is the footlong hotdog place by WWC. Love the hotdogs, love the fries, it's shaded and I like the peace and the trees around.

How ironic to be a chef with a bad stomach! You would think there would be more that modern medicine could do to help you, but, a bout of e.coli - yikes! I can't imagine that. I'm the opposite, I can't cook, period, but I can eat anything anytime (as long as somebody else cooks).

Anyway, I would vote for the footlongs, but that place is closed too often. At least we can always get pizza!

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After living in Sharonville, Ohio all my life, I moved to Dayton about 6 years ago. I really missed the Skyline and Larosas. About 2 years ago, they put a SkyLine here in Dayton, only about 5 minutes from my house! So I go there often, and still get my fix. However, there are no Larosas nearby, so Larosas got my vote :)

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There was 2 skylines in Kettering now there is only 1 we have a white castle tho hehe. I havnt really ate anywhere special at PKI next year when I get a season pass Ill probly try them though. Just not enough time to really wanna eat something you havnt had b4. (I always have that rush rush feeling) so I usually hit up subway turkey, pepperoni, lettuce, pickle, and mustard (wish they had mushrooms and honey mustard like the other subways :( )

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