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April 17th


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  Captain Picard said:
I was there Sunday and it was a slow day. Rides closed was SOB,FO,TR and there was no waiting for the ones that was open when I left at 1:00 pm.

then you were not there sunday, face/off and trtr were not down sunday


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I was at the park this past Sunday, and Face Off was running. However, Son of Beast was down. One train was parked half way up the lift hill with the second train on the transfer track storage. I highly doubt they are expecting 50,000 on Sunday (and hope otherwise as I am going up for a couple hours. 50,000 just seems incredibly high for a weekend in April). Based on the weather and the band competitions, I would expect that it would be crowded, or at least more than it was this past weekend.

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Yes, crowded will be the word of the day. I heard that last weekend there were around 5,000 people in the park, and the lines were minimal and manageable. Just imagine 10 times that amount of people. I`d say Beast will have about a 30 to 45 minute wait at least. Which, is how long the line for that ride used to be even on the non busy days several years ago!

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I just got word! There is a line of cars going into Kings Island this morning and they are backed all they up to the fields ertle exit to get it! If you have any idea where the fields ertle exit is in relation to where the Kings Island exit is, you will know that THAT is a HECK of alot of cars!!! I would suggest not going to the park today at all costs!

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I just got back from the park. I got there for the morning ACE walkback. Where Jeff Siebert greated us at 9:30 and told us that there would be a lot of people in the park so ride as much as you can as early as you can. I got in two quick rides on The Beast, a ride on The Vortex, two quick rides on Fllight of Fear, and by that time, at around 11:30 the lines were starting to get insane. All the flats in Coney had at least one queue line open. I rode the Carousel and left. When I was leaving the main gate, they had practically every single ticket line open accecpting passes and tickets, and the same was true for the metal detectors. Upon leaving, the line of cars to get into the parking lot did stretch onto I-71 for about a mile. They had Mason Police controlling the traffic light at Western Row Road and Kings Island Dr. By the look of how many cars were waiting to get in, I`d venture to guess the park will be at near capacity today. In the Grass lot South of Deep South, they had cones and Construction mesh set up, to park cars. When I left at 12, the entire lot (minus the gold pass lot which was about half full) was almost completely full already! The crowds, as stated above were due to the 35,000 tickets sold to the group. 35,000 people is a lot when you add in the pass holders and other general public that shows up to enjoy the park. Needless to say, most pass holders will not be at the park long today!

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