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I bet it would cost a lot of money but if we get everyone to pitch in we might be able to do it. I am sure Employees would also get paid for staying there. They would get paid a lot.$$$$

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My class is doing a "lock in" but its at a sports complex, that would be so awsume to be at pki all night long with all your friends. They would probably charge you for two days if you would be going in the day and staying all night, enless you show up at 12 at night then they wouldnt get you for two days.

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If the park did something like that im sure they wouldnt runt he rides pass closing and wouldnt open them till the regular time, what they would probably do is give the lock in kids a tour of how things get cleaned up at night and how they prepare for tommorow, then in the morning they get to go wathc the mechanics set up and maybe get on a few rides early.

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HAH! Like anyone at the park would authorize that one. I for one would NOT want a bunch of kids following me around during startup (no offense intended, I like my privacy at 7am). So, ummmm, yeah. Thats what I got on the subject.

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Guest TombraiderTy

That would sure be pretty cool but where in the park would you be locked in? Also, when somebody got tired enough to actually sleep were would they? The only indoor places in PKI besides restaraunts, shops, and warehouses are: Tomb Raider, Flight of Fear, Scooby Doo, Paramount Theater, Action Theater FX, and that is all. I am not including places like International Theater of course.

If they did do a lock in you would probaly sleep up where International Restaraunt once was and inside of Paramount Theater. smile.gif

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You could shower in the employee locker rooms... but I don't think that would fly well either.

Hmm... if you do a lock in a tour of the park at night would be great, and think of the ghost stories we could tell and get you all freaked out about!

In all seriousness, I highly doubt that it would be possible. There is way too much that has to go on after the park closes that a bunch of kids would be in the way.

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How much would two days be 80.00$?



Maybe to stay in the parking lot.

Look at it this way, you basically would have to buy out the park for an evening which costs mucho dinero (lots of money). This isn't even considering if you want food or games or anything. Add on paying our employees to pick up after you.

Believe me when I say that it would be much better for you to have your lock in somewhere other than an amusement park.

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Guest TombraiderTy

This would probaly be the scheldue (sorrry about my misspelling)-

The park would close at 10:00 PM and they would get where ever you are going to sleep ready. At 11:00 PM you would enter the park and you would get your sleeping supplies ready, that is if you are actually lanning to sleep. At about 11:30 the after dark tour would start (hey, that is a good name) and you would start in Action Zone. You would go through the pathwat below SOB and they would have a train with nobody in it running. The tour guide would give you a bit of history on the ride then a fake spooky story, like how they advertised the ride with a baby carrige. Probaly some baby flying off the track and her cries can be heard when you flip through the loop, for they baby disappeared right in the center of it. I could go on with a long detail thing about it. They would tell about the 5 deaths and of course Racerboy they would include.

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