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Racer being dismantled?


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No, because Beast is known for one thing. Its record. That is what makes it popular. That is its defining characteristic. It is really long.

Other rides, such as those mentioned above, have other things going for them. IJST is not a record ride. It is a movie experience. Record breaking rides are not the only rides that should be around. But think about it. You have a ride sitting on 35 acres of land that you could really use for expansion, that draws people because it is the longest coaster in the world - and then it's record is broken. It no longer holds its record, and many people lose interest with it. The only people still liking it would be the die hard people. Look at the Flying Eagles. They were very popular, yet park development required that they be moved. The Beast's time will come.

To think that any ride is safe from removal is naive.

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^I'd disagree, although Paramount is often out of touch with what we want they aren't that stupid. I mean there's freaking foot prints leading you to The Beast and last year they advertised it as "PKI home of the legendary Beast." Believe me Paramount knows how popular the ride is and it won't be going any where for a long time; it still offers in my opinion one of if not the best night rides of any coaster out there. As far as expansion PKI hasn't used half their land as has been discussed countless times. They have plenty of room to expand without ever needing to touch The Beast.

And still if you want to go along the lines of only being known for a record that still implies that Top Thrill Dragster should be removed. I mean less face it, TTD is only known because of the records it held. So do you think Cedar Point should start the process of tearing down TTD?

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ok, whatever.... PKI removing The Beast is like predicting Disney World taking out Space Mountain. Take the technology behind FOF and Space Mountain.. and you can't compare it... Space Mountain is obsolete- but it is classic to the park that made it famous and therefore not likely to come out anytime soon. Same goes for The Beast..... so, rest your doomsday predictions for The Racer and Beast.

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OK - I can see your point. My question is: do you believe that its reputation will continue to drive its popularity even if its record is lost? I can see that although it is not that exciting of a layout - some people could still like it simply because it is The Beast. So do you think this would be the case? Would people still come from around the world to ride it?

As far as Top Thrill Dragster goes - yes it was the first to break that height. But Kingda Ka is bigger. Top Thrill Dragster isn't the type of ride that I would think would be considered classic. I am sure the park will hold onto it for a while - but it probably won't be there forever.

Perhaps PKI will do the popular thing, and keep Beast. Who knows. I just happen to be among the people who think that it is highly overrated. I do realize that there are many who still love it. One thing I will admit - Beast is way better at night. I actually enjoy it at night. During the day it is OK - but there are a lot of other things at PKI that are much more thrilling.

By far, the best part of The Beast is the 540 degree helix. biggrin.gif

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Well The Beast hasn't been the best wooden coaster for the last 26 years for nothing. Even if another park would bulid a longer wooden coaster then The Beast, just think no one has bulit a longer wooden coaster in 26 years so that says something for The Beast IMHO.

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Are you guys seriously discussing this?

Removing either The Racer or The Beast would be the biggest bonehead move ever made. There is way too much history and popularity there for that to ever happen. I find it comical that there are 3 pages worth of replies to this topic.

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Man I'm sick of all this "I bet they will remove Racer and The Beast in 10 to 120 gazillion years from now" crap. I meam come on people are you that bored or just that high? Both Racer and The Beast are classics, both are popular, not to mension The Beast is rated as one of the best, if not the best night ride in the world. I mean come on, it's the parks staple ride, the main attraction, and I think the best ride in the park. As for saying that it will be removed when it's record is beat, that's like saying that Ford will stop making the Mustang because they now have the Ford GT, it's just rediculous.

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^Haha, yes I have heard the same crazy rumor; it won't happen I can assure you of this. Holiday World is a great little family owned park, but its just that, a little family owned park. While I do believe that HW is building a new coaster it won't be the longest, the cost would be way too much for HW to be able to cover. So hopefully HW will build another amazing wood coaster but I can guarentee you that it won't be nearly as long as The Beast.

As far as there being no point in The Beast I still stand by the fact that I believe it offers one of the best if not the best night rides of any roller coaster around. I also personally believe that The Beast still offers an amazing day ride too but maybe thats just me. So I still strongly feel that even if The Beast's record is broken it will still be an amazing ride. And no its not taking up land space, if PKI really wants to expand which they haven't seemed to apt to in the last years, but if they do there is other land that would be cheaper and much more practicle like the land behind FOF. I can't even believe I'm wasting my time debating something like will The Beast be removed.

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  erniebald57 said:
Are you guys seriously discussing this?

Removing either The Racer or The Beast would be the biggest bonehead move ever made. There is way too much history and popularity there for that to ever happen. I find it comical that there are 3 pages worth of replies to this topic.

As you can see, most of the replies are defending The Beast and Racer and why PKI would not remove them. smile.gif

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  Coasterfan said:
Man I'm sick of all this "I bet they will remove Racer and The Beast in 10 to 120 gazillion years from now" crap. I meam come on people are you that bored or just that high? Both Racer and The Beast are classics, both are popular, not to mension The Beast is rated as one of the best, if not the best night ride in the world. I mean come on, it's the parks staple ride, the main attraction, and I think the best ride in the park. As for saying that it will be removed when it's record is beat, that's like saying that Ford will stop making the Mustang because they now have the Ford GT, it's just rediculous.

The Beast is no longer rated one of the best anymore. I dont even think it is in the top 50 any more.

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Im sorry that I started an argument. I didn't figure that it would begin a PKI war, but all I heard was a rumor and you know how rumors are after they get started it spreads as fast as wildfire. I thought I would ask to see if anyone else heard it or if there was any truth to it. Again, I apologize for starting this argument. You are all my friends and I didn't mean to start a war.


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You forgot to mention 1 important thing about The Beast. Not only when it was built was it the longest, fastest & tallest coaster in the WORLD, it held ALL THREE records for TEN YEARS! That is a feat that will NEVER be duplicated. It didn't break records, it CRUSHED them. It was so far out on the edge and even today it rivals any coaster built. Long live The Beast!

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  PKIVortex said:
^ Thank you!!! The Beast isn't going anywhere anytime soon. I mean sure one day it probably will be removed, but i'm sure it won't be for a very very long time.

Yeah thats probably true but i hope it doesn't. I know that all my friends and I always ride The Beast at least twice (once during the day and once at night) and if it was removed then that would be a big blow to the park. So as it was said before LONG LIVE The Beast!!!

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IF The Beast ever loses it's title.... PKI could very easily UPDATE and add-to The Beast. Just some "roller coaster plastic surgery"... They could just remove some track, add more turns, some drops and then connect the track again. There, The Beast WILL have it's title back. If PKI went this route, The Beast should have NO CHANCE of losing it's title. It owns it! -Hauntguy

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  hauntguy said:
IF The Beast ever loses it's title.... PKI could very easily UPDATE and add-to The Beast. Just some "roller coaster plastic surgery"... They could just remove some track, add more turns, some drops and then connect the track again. There, The Beast WILL have it's title back. If PKI went this route, The Beast should have NO CHANCE of losing it's title. It owns it! -Hauntguy

Such a thing is much more difficult than you make it out to be, and very very rare.

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^Oh, its happened. Probably the best example is Phantom's Revenge (Steel Phantom) at Kennywood. In 2000, it had its four loops removed and the total length of the track increased a couple hundred feet. So it could happen to The Beast but I don't see them doing it due to the cost, but who knows, I always felt that the train has too much speed left coming into the station after the second hill and helices. They could add a couple air time hills or something after the helix but like I said before, really really unlikely.

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  flightoffear1996 said:
  Coasterfan said:
Man I'm sick of all this "I bet they will remove Racer and The Beast in 10 to 120 gazillion years from now" crap. I meam come on people are you that bored or just that high? Both Racer and The Beast are classics, both are popular, not to mension The Beast is rated as one of the best, if not the best night ride in the world. I mean come on, it's the parks staple ride, the main attraction, and I think the best ride in the park. As for saying that it will be removed when it's record is beat, that's like saying that Ford will stop making the Mustang because they now have the Ford GT, it's just rediculous.

The Beast is no longer rated one of the best anymore. I dont even think it is in the top 50 any more.

Depends what rating you look at. It's ranked top 50 in every poll that I've seen but its in the 40's on some. Now if you look at what many parks consider the most important set of awards, The Golden Tickets, Beast was ranked 6 in 2004, so its top ten in what lots of parks consider the most important poll, not to mention number 1 in the Coasterbuzz.com poll just finished around a month ago. So yes Beast is still ranked really high and is still very respected around the coaster world.

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Is someone REALLY dissing The Beast????????

I can understand why kids (people under 18) may not like it. It's not near as terrifying or record breaking as some other rides. But those kids are the same people who don't understand why the original Halloween is far superior to any other horror movies or why The Simpsons in its prime is 10 times better than any episode of The Family Guy!

The Beast is an original. It still gives the BEST nighttime ride in the park. It's the roller coaster that made Kings Island famous!! People still jam in for one last ride at night even though it's in the friggin' back of the park!!!! You still get whipped around pretty good and you still end with quite a rush!! And if you ride it at the right time at night you get the best way to look at the fireworks anywhere in the park!!!

Likewise, The Racer is an original! Before Gemini and before The Beast, there was The Racer! And what other ride in the area goes backwards?? Plus, you still get airtime, it's a great coaster to introduce rookies to and it's just fun!!

Its the same censored.gif s who predict the removal of The Beast and Racer that often call for the removal of Blue Streak or Magnum at Cedar Point. Blue Streak will never be removed because it is integral to the park's history. And whoever says the Magnum is useless now that they have Millenium force or TTD is smoking something pretty strong. The Magnum still is the best ride at Cedar Point!!! Consider them oldies but much-betters!!

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Personally, I would rather ride Gemini then any thing else in the park, Millenium Force included. I don't know what it is but Gemini never has long lines and usually during the ride all I can do is smile and laugh. Gemini just like The Beast may not be that tall or that fast but both offer a much more fun ride then almost any other roller coaster around. Say I'm doing drugs, I don't care, Gemini and The Beast are still two of my favorite coasters after all these years.

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  Admiral Ackbar said:
No rides at PKI are totally safe except for possibly the Eiffel Tower. I would expect both Beast and Vortex to be removed in the next decade. Beast will probably go out sooner, when its record is broken. Aside from being the longest wood coaster in the world - it really is kind of a stupid ride.

Nothing in the world is totally safe. Hell, even the keyboard your typing on now is wearing down the joints in your fingers. blink.gif

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Read it a little more closely, along with the post I made before it. By safe I mean safe against removal. There are no rides at PKI that are totally safe - meaning that they are exempt from ever being removed. Any of them can be removed at any time at the park's discretion.

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  Admiral Ackbar said:
Read it a little more closely, along with the post I made before it. By safe I mean safe against removal. There are no rides at PKI that are totally safe - meaning that they are exempt from ever being removed. Any of them can be removed at any time at the park's discretion.

Thats very true, nothing we can do about it either.

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