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PKI to be no more


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I didn't see this previously posted, and am not sure of the relevance of the issue, but I just took the online park survey that was e-mailed to me.

It's official;


Thank you for your patience with all of these wierd questions! Here's why we're asking. Viacom, the media conglomerate that owns (among other things) CBS, MTV, Nickelodeon, Simon & Schuster, the Comedy Channel, Nick@Nite, etc will soon be splitting in half. One half will be called "Viacom" and the other half will be called "CBS."

When this split happens more than likely Kings Island and all of the other Paramount parks will be joining the CBS side of the business. The purpose of this survey was to give us some sense of what you, our guests, will think of the shift.and how much you like or care about CBS, our new owners.


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This just means that the two higher-ups at Viacom will now be leading each company individually, I believe.

Whats-his-face will get Viacom, while that other guy will get the CBS division. That's probably all the changing you'll get...at least for now.

Park management probably won't change. You may see more money invested into the park, though. PKI was part of that huge conglomerate, where money was more spread out, and the parks were not a huge deal in Viacom's mind. Now, as part of a smaller division (the small-growth division we've heard about?), the parks will be a larger part of the company, and should therefore receive more money.

I, for one, think this is a good thing.

Hey Dane, CKIcentral.com is available! wink.gif

(would it be CKI or CBSKI? tongue.gif ) I'm putting my money on PKI still.

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I agree with that this should be good for Paramount Parks. Here's the news release from Viacom re: the spin off:


The CBS company will still retain Paramount branded business units (the television production group), so there's no reason to think they'll abandon the Paramount Parks name. (It's not like it's called "Viacom's Kings Island"...) Plus, while these will be two separate companies, I'm sure they'll maintain very close ties to each other, and will work together as synergistic opportunies present themselves. (Not to mention that Sumner Redstone will still be the largest shareholder in BOTH companies...)

In my opinion, it's always better to be a big fish in a little pond, than a little fish in a big pond. As such, I think this change will be good for the park chain...


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Yes, the parks will now be a more integrated part of the new company. The success of the parks will have a greater impace on the new CBS division than they currently have in the large Viacom company. As such, there MIGHT, as has been mentioned before, be an increased focus on the parks in terms of capital expenditures to try and increase revenue generated by the parks.

However, if you recall the recent article about PKI and ticket prices, it said that the market is alreasy saturated and that they can`t really charge more or attract that many more visitors, so it will turn to extending the length of stay at the parks, and the amount of money visitors spend in the parks. New rides, while they attract visitors also keep people in the parks. So if they add more rides, there will be more things for people to do in the park, and thus, they will extend there stay in the park to experience all the new things the park has to offer. So the park will not necessarily increase their attendance figures (althought that would likely happen because there would be more demand to visit the park, despite the high prices that the article a while back was talking about.) But the park would most certainly gain from the per capita spending by guests in the park.

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I think that they should focus on putting in a hotel that is near the entrance gates, so that it becomes a resort destination. And no, Great Wolf Lodge doesn't count because PKI will not own it. And the prices are a bit steep.

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Well, as we read in the other article, they want to extend the average stay in the park from 6hrs to 8hrs... the only way to do that is to create more "stuff" to do in the park. In my opinion, this organic growth kick that they're on now will only be good for us in the end.

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Hopefully, the size of the park qill gro some, as as they expand in the future. As has been mentioned before, the park has not expanded or added many new attractions in the last couple of years. What I mean by this is that they have replaced attractions that they have removed with new attractions, which cause people to keep visiting the park. But the park as a whole has not grown in size or amount of rides that drastically in the last five years. If they want people to stay for longer periods of time, they will have to add to their ride base, not just replace attractions with new ones.

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So you guys don't think this will affect anything? I did the survey and it just ruined my day. I mean CBS Kings Island or Kings Island, a CBS Company... The survey made it very clear that it will no longer be Paramount's Kings Island. Just another park chain - no different than Six Flags or Cedar Fair...

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Again, the CBS company will still have some Paramount branded business units. Namely, Paramount Television Productions. So, it doesn't seem like the Paramount brand name will be completely purged from the CBS spin off.

There were also rumors back when Viacom bought Paramount from Gulf+Western (Paramount Communications) that the parks would be renamed "Viacom's [Park Name]" or even "Blockbuster's [Park Name]" (since the parks were operated under the "Retail & Recreation Group" as part of Blockbuster immediately after Viacom acquired them...)

Who knows...they may rename the parks. Personally, I care much less about what the park is called, versus what they do with them as far as development. Personally, I'm not sure a return to the "classic" King's Island name would be such a bad thing...


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Well PKI might not be any more, but the classic Kings Island name might come back with Paramount themes still in the park. Also it would be nice to see the park with just the old name and not a Paramount's (name of ride or park) infront of it.

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Paramount Parks will still be referred to as such. Additionally, we will not see any change in names at any of the Paramount Parks. Just because Paramount Parks will be under the umbrella of the CBS side of the company compared to the Viacom, fast growth side shouldn`t change much about the parks. Other, than more emphasis put on the parks, with possibly more capital expenditures since they will play a larger role in the success of the new company.

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  Admiral Ackbar said:
So you guys don't think this will affect anything? I did the survey and it just ruined my day. I mean CBS Kings Island or Kings Island, a CBS Company... The survey made it very clear that it will no longer be Paramount's Kings Island. Just another park chain - no different than Six Flags or Cedar Fair...

That's not necessarily true, if they put Paramount's Kings Island on the list, of course everyone will vote for that. This is likely a "if they do change the name" type of question.

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Plus, wouldn't PKI's brand new signs look weird without Paramount logo above them (parking lot and infront of fountain)! I told them that nothing could replace Paramount and that not to advetise that their part od CBS because no one watches that station and some people have never even heard of it! On a side note did anyone else find it odd that they mentioned Six Flags in there, I told them that SF has nothing to do with the magic of hollywood! I put Fox as my favorite choice for new owner because they have all the good movies!

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  Skippy said:
Plus, wouldn't PKI's brand new signs look weird without Paramount logo above them (parking lot and infront of fountain)! I told them that nothing could replace Paramount and that not to advetise that their part od CBS because no one watches that station and some people have never even heard of it! On a side note did anyone else find it odd that they mentioned Six Flags in there, I told them that SF has nothing to do with the magic of hollywood! I put Fox as my favorite choice for new owner because they have all the good movies!

Ok, let me first say that I agree with you that "CBS's Kings Island" is a stupid name, and would be a big marketing mistake. Hopefully they won't do it...

However, some of your points just won't support that point. I really doubt that there are too many people who have "never heard of" CBS. Also, your comment "because no one watches that station" is wrong. CBS is actually doing very well in the ratings over the past few seasons. In fact, during the most recent ratings perod (6/27-7/3), eight of the top 20 shows, and four of the top five shows aired on CBS!


Again, I COMPLETELY agree with your opinion on this--I just think you should rethink your argument. When push comes to shove, Paramount Parks' management will be most swayed by thoughtful, logical reasons why renaming the park "CBS's Kings Island" is a bad idea.

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Having not taken the survey, I can`t comment on the actual possibility of them renaming the parks. But from a common sense viewpoint, I don`t forsee any major changes noticable to the gp, as I have already stated, in the way the parks appear to be run. If there was any name change, which I doubt since the parks will still have use of the Paramount and Viacom properties, it would most likely be to drop the Paramount moniker. Then, Paramount`s Kings Island would be refered to as just Kings Island. While I don`t foresee this happening, it would be cool to have the old Kings Island logo back.

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So if they do drop the Paramount moniker. Which old Kings Island logo would you what back?

The one from the 1970's or the one from the 1980's?

I would like to see a redesign of the old 1970's logo that they had showing off at Coney Island before it closed. How many people really say hey who whats to go to Paramounts Kings Island? All my friends just call it Kings Island they could care less who owns the place.

Also if they do have a name change would this site be call Kings Island Central?

Edited by Vortex
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They are talking about just dropping Paramount from the name, which is fine with me. I have never called it Paramount's King's Island and if they re-name it CBS's King's Island or MTV's King's Island (another suggestion made in the survey), I'll still just call it King's Island.

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It was just "King's Island" long before the Paramount was added. I think that most younger folks just find the idea of dropping the "Paramount's" from the name odd because it's what they're used to. Much like us older folks never really got into the habit of calling it "Paramount's Kings Island". If they spend more money on the park bringing it back up to the standards of its heyday, then I'm all for it. They can call it "Cousin Buford's Trailer Park" for all I care.

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  • 2 months later...

so... we had access to the CBS franchise all along? I like the prospects of new ride names: IJST renamed to reflect the line wait.... like "60 Minutes, the Coaster?" The entire Fear Fest could be themed CSI, KI? Because of it's extreme roughness, SOB could be re-themed Survivor. Racers, renamed- "The Amazing Race"- oh, I forgot- they don't "Race" half the time.

actually as a serious mention. If they have access to the CBS library, why don't they/didn't they utilize that relationship as well? They could have set up a venue for shows- ie, the Price is Right. Could have had actors play cast members and call Audience members forward... for actual prizes, not cars or anything... but KI items.... etc,... MGM Studios in Orlando does this with "Who Wants to be a Millionaire."

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  Elmer Fudd said:
so... we had access to the CBS franchise all along? I like the prospects of new ride names: IJST renamed to reflect the line wait.... like "60 Minutes, the Coaster?" The entire Fear Fest could be themed CSI, KI? Because of it's extreme roughness, SOB could be re-themed Survivor. Racers, renamed- "The Amazing Race"- oh, I forgot- they don't "Race" half the time.

actually as a serious mention. If they have access to the CBS library, why don't they/didn't they utilize that relationship as well? They could have set up a venue for shows- ie, the Price is Right. Could have had actors play cast members and call Audience members forward... for actual prizes, not cars or anything... but KI items.... etc,... MGM Studios in Orlando does this with "Who Wants to be a Millionaire."

Yes, CBS has been a Viacom property, and therefore Paramount Parks would have had equal access to those media franchises as well.

Why didn't they do any substantial tie-ins in the parks with CBS media like Disney has done with ABC? My only guess would be that Viacom has proven to be much less capable with leveraging synergy between their brands than Disney has been. (Of course, Disney pretty much invented the concept...)

Do you know who has proven to be masters of cross-promotional synergy? NBC-Universal!

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Elmer you are an idiot, just cause CBS was under Viacom doesnt mean Paramount Park's have the rights to use thier show. If you remember correctly, PKI had a Survivor contest a couple years ago. The Racers do race.....and you why they dont when they dont? BEcause they have to take the time to place a disabled person on the ride who may require extra time to get situated. So I guess we can just not allow dissabilities at the park so you can get teh Racers. You dont like SOB? Dont ride it then and quit complaining, it is how it is and PKI can do little to change it. You said CBS is a viacom company therefor Paramount Parks had rights to the show all along.......are you kidding me? You are an idiot.

Post Number: 123456789101112

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