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track spotted @ PCW


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track has been spotted a PCW in the parking lot, it looks to be, floorless coaster track. Maybe we are seeing the truth to the footloose rumors coming true. If any one has more information please post. The track was spotted on a slat bed in the staff parking lot.

lets al hope for the best

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Well if this is true then the possibility of PKD getting a B&M floorless as PKDfan has been saying may be true also. Remember Paramount has this thing for building rides in pairs. Hopefully though they break from that trend and build 3 of them this year. Hey, you never know there is a reported third coaster coming to the Louisville area. Even though I'm pretty sure that it's just wishful thinking and we'll be getting Nick Expansion.

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Well, I have not been to PCW before but I know the rides they have there, and desperately need a good rollercoaster. IJSt doesn't really count. Minus the theming there, IJSt, just ilke ours doesn't have any inversions or speed or height with it. Yes, rides dont have to be like that to be good, but most parks should at least have a ride that goes 60. Their closest one I think goes upper 50's if I believe. If it is a floorless, I hope its a pretty decent one with speed. Dominator at Geauga lake is just awesome.

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IJST doesn`t count? It is a fairly major coaster, and is quite a fun ride. While it not be super tall or have inversions, it is still a fun ride, enjoyable by all age groups. And no, parks`s do not have to have a coaster that goes faster than 60mph to be good.

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I don't doubt wonderland would add a good coaster, i am just doubful they will add it this soon after their largest investment yet with IJ.

However, last year did our attendance not rise like 35% which is pretty big increase.

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hey all...i work at PCW and I am in the Staff Parking Lot ALL THE TIME!!! And It Is True!!!! but the track isnt for a floorless its for a b&m mega....but it isnt gonna be that big at all.....nothing likeSFGA Nitro which is like 215 feet tall ive seen some set up designs and supposively is just over 150 feet....thats why if you look towards medeval faire and you see the there taking ap[art cliffhanger "for mechanical reasons" youll know that thet is the future home of this coasters begining queue line. Ive seen designs and its only available for staff to view but wont be availabe for the public to see till late 2006 if not the early 2007....i would guess for a 2008 or2009 release!!!

Keep our fingers crossed!!!

The Name is "BORG Assimilator"

Itll be on the rcdb.com in two years.....according to my guesses of public release!!!

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tsorry my mistake.....the queue line starts at Vortex area and goes over the lake and through soon to be constructed tunnels and then those tunnels lead to behind top gun....then the light is shown and the station is where the kingswood music theatre is.....(good bye kmt) then itll strech out from behind ijst and halfway to the mall past the waterpark over minebuster...soaring past white water canyon and back to former kmt place

so its considered to be a mountain ride if not an expo''

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Honestly. Grow up.

You've only got four posts on this forum...4 posts of pure rumor mongering and pure lack of grammar. When you've gotten a fifth grade education, some proof to back up your claims, and some sense, by all means, post these rumors again.

Next time, though, you may want to pick the right forum. This topic is in the Kings Island > Rumors section. You may want to check out the "Other Parks" section in the Community Forums.

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Haha, agreed with PkiJake a rollercoaster that had track at the park would be opening in 2006, no park just stores track for a new coaster. Plus the fact that this is coming from the guy who stated what a 190 acre rollercoaster? Hahaha, you really do need to grow up and stop making rediculous claims.

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This is pretty close to the rediculousness of the moving rumor...

Even this "staff" member is stupid. Why would they get Cliffhanger up and running if they were to get rid of it the next year?

This thread is censored.gif. It's not even PKI!

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  RollerNut said:
  thejoker8388 said:
no park just stores track for a new coaster.

False, check out the gallery of SFFT at Lone Star Thrills. Boardwalk Canyon Blaster. Rides and roller coasters do sometimes get put in storage without being constructed.

Checked it out and found nothing, could you provide a link or something.

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"False, check out the gallery of SFFT at Lone Star Thrills. Boardwalk Canyon Blaster. Rides and roller coasters do sometimes get put in storage without being constructed."

Even if what you are saying is true, it is far from the norm. So no, I don't believe that there is track at PCW that won't be used for a few years.

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