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Kings Island Opoly!

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In the spirit of having these few months between Winterfest and actually seeing noteable attraction construction, we have decided to dedicate this front page article to the one thing that will help most of us make it through these offseason blues, a good wholesome game of Kings Island Opoly!

In this wacky adventure of Paramount proportions, you and your friends challenge each other to buy out all of the rides and attractions of Paramount's Kings Island and charge your friends some pretty heafty fines to step foot on your property! While all of this realestate exchange is going on, you make money by braving Son of Beast, or loose all of your change on The Vortex, or even get sent directly to security for line jumping!

Click here to see some special photos of Kings Island Opoly!


PKICentral.com -- "Advance your token to your favorite PKI fan site, if the site is not PKICentral.com, pay all of your money to the other players, grab your coat, leave, and never ever come back... EVER."

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Hey Uncle Henry, what else is PKIC to do during the off-season? There is nothing to do... unless out of the blue some guy who happens to have a plane and fly around the park shows up on the site, but what are the chances of that... oh well it's good to have dreams.

About the game, I bought myself a copy the week it came out. From the funny and corky cards and swell looking game pieces, this game has no flaw. Any pure PKI fan or someone who visits the park a lot must get this game. Like the phrase on the box... It's "A game a Paramount proportions"

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They should have actually put the rides in ranks, i mean come on Beastie and The Racers right in front of Boardwalk and park place and face off is like right past security. The game look awesome though i would give anything to have it. Can you buy them online anywhere. i think it would be neat to like have a board game that was actually in the shape of the park map and you had to travel around it thatr would be sweet.

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