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Avitar on site!


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While I was driving to work today I noticed a semi trailer in the PKI parking lot. They were unloading all of the parts for the Avitar disko ride. It looks like all the pieces including the car are in the lot waiting to be taken out to their new home!!! The track seemed to have a blueish color.

Edited by Dane
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I wonder if PKI will get all the new rides ready in time for openning day. I would not mind if they had a sign that said they where testing or still not done. Its better to get all the bugs out of the rides before letting the public on them.

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while i was driving to work today i noticed a semi trailer in the pki parking lot. they were unloading all of the parts for the Avitar disko ride. it looks like all the pieces including the car are in the lot waiting to be taken out to their new home!!! the track seemed to have a blueish color.

You would think that they'd be able to just leave it on the Semi and just park it in the center of NU for the season. <G>

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I don't know if this has been posted yet but PGA has the big disc car thing on their Survivor, just to give you a better idea of what Avatar will Look like.

-Off Topic-

Survivor the Ride is beginning to look pretty nice.

and no, Avatar will not be this large!

Avatar os for the family scene, it will not be like Survivor.

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yeah when i went thursday to fill out the final bit of paperwork, i saw some blue and green thing in the parking lot. there was a short crane with a hook getting ready to do something (the cable was lowering when i had to go in or i would have watched...plus it was raining).....that what you're talking about? o.o; thats all i saw...they havent even painted The Beastie/Fairly OddCoaster yet...just the trains as far as i know... *prays for no opening day/week/month problems with the new rides...shades of face/off and tomb raider....(*shiver shiver*) *

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Survivor the Ride is beginning to look pretty nice.

and no, Avatar will not be this large!

Avatar os for the family scene, it will not be like Survivor.

Actually, from what I understand, the two models are IDENTICAL in dimensions. The difference that sets the two apart is the actually vehicle itself. PGA's features the standard Disk'O seating arrangement, with the seats facing outward. PKI's version will featuring the seats facing inward.

As for construction, no doubt the new rides will be ready on opening day. Park model or not, they are very simplistic carny rides. They will fly up.

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I'm certain the rides should be ready. After all we get carnivals all the time here in Atlanta. They're able to set the rides up in a matter of hours. Now if they just take the NU area and turn it into a a giant parking lot - put a Walmart and a Dollar Store in - we'll really have the carnival theme down. <G>

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I like how almost every single flat ride in existance can be trailer mounted, yet you guys choose to attack PKI simply because these rides are for kids. Not every year can be a year for enthusiasts. Seriously, can the kids have their time? I'm sorry to say it, but PKI knows what they're doing. You guys are only a SMALL DEMOGRAPHIC and they need to do what is best for the most people. Tell you what, let's let the kids play with it and see how they criticize the "carnval attractions" and then decide how it is, rather than having grown men and women judge the whole thing before the rides are even vertical.

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I like how almost every single flat ride in existance can be trailer mounted, yet you guys choose to attack PKI simply because these rides are for kids. Not every year can be a year for enthusiasts. Seriously, can the kids have their time? I'm sorry to say it, but PKI knows what they're doing. You guys are only a SMALL DEMOGRAPHIC and they need to do what is best for the most people. Tell you what, let's let the kids play with it and see how they criticize the "carnval attractions" and then decide how it is, rather than having grown men and women judge the whole thing before the rides are even vertical.

No, but it would be nice if we actually concentrated as much time and effort on the kids rides as we would for an adult ride.

You can put as much creativity and imagination into a the kids attractions as they can to rides in any other area of the park. Heck, take a look at the first time HB was upgraded.

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You guys seriously need to know when to shutup and just listen. The new area will be fine. Every flatride can be trailor mounted, and they have trailor mounted versions, its how the amusement industry works. Their are portable top spins and frisbees as well as many portable full size inverted roller coasters by vekoma and b&m in germany. If your going to ***** about the park at least offer ways to improve something and be smart about other. Other then just blabbing more and generally giving ACE a bad name.

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The only thing I can hope that they do is provide some shade in the newly renovated area of NU. If anyone can remember, they had bulldozed over a nice forested area where Ghoster Coaster used to be. Artificial or natural, I want some shade, gosh dang it!

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The only thing I can hope that they do is provide some shade in the newly renovated area of NU. If anyone can remember, they had bulldozed over a nice forested area where Ghoster Coaster used to be. Artificial or natural, I want some shade, gosh dang it!

I was kind of bummed to see a lot of the trees cut down during the construction tour. Along the path, they had a ton of tree stumps still there... I really hope in the future PKI concentrates more on a greener park. Heck, they did it with the parking lot.

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It is a LOT less expensive to remove trees than to build around them. It is only lately that most parks have seen the light and tried to preserve trees. Others have gone the other route.

In the last four years, Camden Park in Huntington, West Virginia has removed virtually every tree in the park. What was once a tree lined midway not unlike a small forest (somewhat reminescent of Knoebels) is now an asphalt midway with no trees. Very hot in the summer. This detracts from the guest experience bigtime.

For that matter, the Kings Island of today is a much nicer place than it was when it first opened, with saplings everywhere. When I go to Kings Island these days and see those great oaks and maples where once were saplings, I feel very old indeed.

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