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Is Cedar Fair is the new owner of Paramount Parks?


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I have word from a VERY Reliable source at Cedar Fair that indeed they have purchased Paramount Parks and a Cedar Fair announcement will be coming very soon. Now I know a lot of people are not going to believe this but, let be the first to tell you that it is very very true. The announcement will be coming in the next few weeks. I am very happy for this and I think Cedar Fair will be even better for the parks, No word on if they will keep the license to the paramount library.

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Guest faceoff

If this is true, i wonder if Cedar Fair will include pki on the season pass in

following years. Like this year, you can buy a combo Cedar Point/geauga lake

season pass with parking included. Will it be a triple season pass or pki remain

separate? I have a Cedar Point/geauga lake pass and a pki pass. smile.gif

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No word from my source if they will keep the rights...I am kinda of hoping they do not...Cedar Fair do not do themes very well not there strong point. So I am looking for some really Awesome coasters to go in over the next few years at the parks. Also since Paramount also has ownership in the Great Wolf Lodge Cedar Fair will now have stake in that company as well.

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Well, I think that Cedar Fair could be a good fit for the Paramount Parks. But, I would not want them to nessecarily abandon the franchises they have, such as Nickelodeon. Also, theming adds to the experience and atmospher of the park. True, PKI has lost some of the theming to areas of the park, but some of the theming on the rides (FoF and TR:TR in particular) are more grand than anything that CP has.

Yes, they will likely install some more roller coasters. If this is true, that begs the question what happens with the season passes? Currently, season passes for GL are not good at CP and vice versa I believe. Will they extend that to PKI? Also, with Cedar Fair owning all the major parks in Ohio, will there be less emphasis on new capital expenditures?

I think Cedar Fair will be a much better company to run the parks than a private investment group, IMO.

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If I were Cedar Fair, having acquired Paramount Parks, I would do different types of season passes. It might be like what the Busch parks do...

1) Specific-park pass, the cheapest, but least flexibility. If you buy the pass at Kings Island, it can only be used at Kings Island, but not Cedar Point, Geauga Lake, Dorney Park, Kings Dominion, etc. and vice versa. This pass could cost less than $100.

2) Gold pass. Access to all Cedar Fair amusement parks, except separate-gate water parks, like Soak City, though the Boomerang Bays and Wildwater Kingdoms would be included... CPt holders can get access to GL and KI at no additional charge. Cost, probably around $150.

3) Platinum pass, most expensive, most flexible. Access to all Cedar Fair parks, including water parks. Plus, an option to have a parking pass at more than one CF park.

This year, Cedar Point is offering its passholders the chance to buy a parking pass to Geauga Lake, and vice versa. Cost, around $200 or more.

I personally hope that CF becomes the new owner. It's likely that there will be less emphasis on theming, but more on overall quality, including landscaping, cleanliness, pathways, and service. While the loss of Paramount movie themes won't have a severe impact on the park, I honestly think CF should acquire the Nickelodeon licensing.

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...and service?

Surely you jest!

Ever buy a pass from Cedar Fair?

How long did you wait in line to get it processed?

Compare to Paramount Parks.


Try reriding ANY coaster.


Have a problem and talk to guest relations.

Sorry, Paramount Parks has CF beat to pieces in service.

At least that's the way it looks from where I sit.

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For PKI's sake, let's hope your lying sad.gif Cedar Fair's hate of themes, that expanded since there Disaster Transport disaster, has destroyed any and all darkrides or themed attractions they had. Just look at what's left of the once Disney quality Pattlewheel Excursions dry.gif They think the GP hates all darkrides because their experiment with theming was a failure, in reality it was hated by the GP because it was a CHEAP theme job, but they claim it's just too expensive and nobody appreciates it!


PKI does it right with the themed family experiences, at about the same price as the expensive unreliable coasters, and it's defiantly being appreciated! Back on track, like I was saying just look at Geauga Lake's kids area, Kidworks Playzone. It's an embarrassment of it's former self. Geauga Lake took one of the most elaborate, HIGHLY themed, and highly praised kids area in the world and killed it. Where Looney Tunes theming once stood is now just pure concrete and mechanical parts that were once hidden with theming are now left exposed. If Cedar Fair purchased Paramount Parks, I can guarantee you that the same fait will be bestowed upon Nickelodeon Universe, and it will never again win the best kids area award EVER AGAIN!!!

Anyway, I work for Geauga Lake and have alot of friends in high places. I'll be sure to let you know if anything is going on wink.gif And yes, I do know what's going on at Cedar Point...

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I actually would rather Anheuser-Busch buy the parks. Because where CF emphasises more on the coasters and PP more on the themes, AB has a nice balance of theming and thrills (Not to mention they theme better, maintain it and the ride itself is very good). Anheuser-Busch has better service than CF and the atmosphere is a lot better. So I hope AB buys te parks rather than CF.

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Sooooo were does this "source" work? I can gurantee you the only people that know anything about the sale are the CEO's of viacom and other companys making bids on us. I've heard "reliable" sources say time warner bought us, sony, a random company in Mexico. I'm just asking you to backup your "source" until then your just spreading rumors from people that have no pull or weight within this high ranking of the company. Keep in mind the marketing department of pki didn't even know they were on the selling block until they read it in the papers that day. I to have sources within paramount parks corporate and they do have no clue about what companys have placed bids.

On another note, Cedar Fair isn't the godsend everyone thinks it is. They dump all of their money into one park. The park would be much better off being bought by a diffrent company. The best company for this would deffinetly be Busch, but I question their interest since I know they like to involve animals as much as tehy can within their parks. I guess only time will tell for this.

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Can I say Shivering Timbers was contracted for and built by the old owner, before selling to Cedar Fair?

Can I say Ghost Rider was also contracted for by the old owner, before Cedar Fair?

Villian you say? Six Flags contracted for it.

Cedar Fair now owns three CCI's. It agreed to build not a single one of them.

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  The Interpreter said:
Can I say Shivering Timbers was contracted for and built by the old owner, before selling to Cedar Fair?

Can I say Ghost Rider was also contracted for by the old owner, before Cedar Fair?

Villian you say? Six Flags contracted for it.

Cedar Fair now owns three CCI's. It agreed to build not a single one of them.

OK then, they still have Xcelerator and Silver Bullet at Knotts.

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  The Interpreter said:
The CEO of Viacom knows nothing about the deal. Viacom has no ownership of or connection to Paramount Parks. None whatsoever...other than as a licensor of film related rights.

Oh, come on...don't you think Les and Tom still go out for happy hour? biggrin.gif Or, maybe Sumner forgot which board meeting he was at and spilled the beans...


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  TheBeast said:
Sooooo were does this "source" work? I can gurantee you the only people that know anything about the sale are the CEO's of viacom and other companys making bids on us. I've heard "reliable" sources say time warner bought us, sony, a random company in Mexico. I'm just asking you to backup your "source" until then your just spreading rumors from people that have no pull or weight within this high ranking of the company. Keep in mind the marketing department of pki didn't even know they were on the selling block until they read it in the papers that day. I to have sources within paramount parks corporate and they do have no clue about what companys have placed bids.

On another note, Cedar Fair isn't the godsend everyone thinks it is. They dump all of their money into one park. The park would be much better off being bought by a diffrent company. The best company for this would deffinetly be Busch, but I question their interest since I know they like to involve animals as much as tehy can within their parks. I guess only time will tell for this.

i lived in tampa bay florida for about 14 years and ive been to busch gardens countless times and i have to agree. they can do some great stuff for the park.

but when i go to busch gardens it feels a lot like im going to the zoo. now dont get me wrong, it really makes the park look good. busch gardens is a beautifu park, but im afraid if they get ownership of the park there will cease to be any new and exciting rides. theyll probably change the look oif the park significantly... but i think it could use it.

who knows though.. a lot is expected from Kings Island, as far as rides and such. so maybe if they do get ownership theyll continue to live up to them. i mean they have to if they wanna see an increase in their profit margin. one can only hope though.

as far as ownership of the park.. i hope anheuser busch gets the park.

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There is NO WAY in the world that the HR department at CF would know this information before it was released to stockholders and the public. The SEC would be on this in a heartbeat.

Further, there has been no recent movement of FUN stock consistent with any such a leak.

Sorry, I chalk this one down as a bunch of hooey.

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I sure hope Cedar Fair does not aquirer PKI.

I really can't believe that any PKI fans can think this would be a good move for the park. Do you really think Cedar Fair is ready to downgrade Cedar Point to the third top performing park in their chain behind Canada's Wonderland and Kings Island. I doubt it. So, that means KI would be second class in the state, what a joke. It might also mean for all us coaster people out there, that Ohio will only get one coaster per year since they would not want to compete with themselves. I don't see how a true coaster fan could see this as positive. I think Cedar Point is a great amusement park, and PKI is a great theme park. I hope the new owners continue to see PKI as such.

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