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Complimentary ice water


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i'm pretty sure theres some kind of law that any kind of public venue must provide drinking water in some form (either water fountains or tap water). i'm pretty sure you can get it at concession stands but just be sure to ask for a cup of ice water so they dont try to sell you a $5000 bottle fo water rolleyes.gif

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If you're going for a few days, the best thing to do is buy a souvenier cup of pop and then bring it back each day and fill it with ice water. You're spending some money, but you don't have to stop and get water 10 times a day (it lasts awhile) plus you get a cheap souvenier :-)

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  Captain Picard said:
They must be selling some or they would have to lower the prices if they wasn't.

No one wants to pay high prices but if you can't pay for a drink you shouldn't be spending what money you have to go to the park to start with.

Well, it may as well be a monopoly seeing how you cannot bring outside food or drink in the park. And unless you want water, you will pay what they charge or be thirsty.

And as far as not being able to pay for a drink, thats 1/10 of the price of admission, thats a lot when you think about it. Especially when you can buy 3 drinks at the gas station down the road for the same price.

And dont think they arent making money on the drinks. I know what I pay for a case of pop off of the Pepsi truck (~$0.50 a bottle) and thats only for one case. They are probably buying truckloads from Coke. Lets say they are paying $0.40 a bottle, which is probably high. That would mean for every bottle of pop they sell, they make $2.85. Tell me thats not a rip off.

Now if they were to sell them at $2.00 a bottle, I would bet they would increase sales 3:1. This would mean they still get a profit of $1.60 per bottle.

Lets assume sales DO increase 3:1


Its about the money right?

Then we would all be happy. We get cheaper pop, KI makes more money in the long run, and Coke sells KI 3x more pop, in turn, making Coke more money.

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The Coca-Cola Company would be a LOT happier with YOU if you spelled the name brand of its beverage with a capital C. They've been known to send nasty, nasty letters to people for much less...

In any event, next year the chances seem to be good (or not) that the price will be less, and the drink Pepsi Cola.

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  The Interpreter said:
The Coca-Cola Company would be a LOT happier with YOU if you spelled the name brand of its beverage with a capital C. They've been known to send nasty, nasty letters to people for much less...

In any event, next year the chances seem to be good (or not) that the price will be less, and the drink Pepsi Cola.

Somehow I knew you were going to find something wrong with my post.

In any case, I think they have better things to worry about...

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buy Dansani Water and Cokes in the plastic bottle before you get there, they sell those at KI and you can carry them in because they can't tell if you bought it at KI or not, we carried Dasani in all day today without any problems and have done so on all 4 trips this year.

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You guys want to hear something really funny. Well last year during fear fest my sister Bought a Coke form the Park the biggest size you can get and she took a drink out of it and guess what there was no Coke syrup in the drink and the park refused a refund so she was ****ed off and she will never buy pop form Kings Island anymore. And they do give out free water out of the Bulidings but no off of the cart people.

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I think we all know that amusement parks charge an absurd amount for food or drink. This is one of their money makers that allow them to build million dollar attractions every year. If they only charged what McDonald's does, it would mean a huge dent in the budget. Especially if you get a fountain drink. Mad money can be made from fountain drinks.

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But look at parks like Holiday World, they get away with not charging anything for soft drinks or parking, and they were still able to spend more than $13 million this year on capital expenditures. I think that they might sell more soft drinks if they lowered the price a little bit. But they wouldn`t necessarily make more money by doing so. The increased number of units sold would only offset the difference in price.

And the reason they don`t give free water from any stands is that those are bottled water that they are selling. Naturally, they aren`t going to just give that away at any of the stands either.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been repeatedly told they will give you water at any food stand or restaurant, not the carts since they don't have a water fountain or supply of clean ice.

Also, they do allow you to bring in your own water, even in a small cooler with some ice. They will, however confiscate any other drinks you try to bring in (or send you back to your car with it).

Sometimes it depends on who is checking you through security on the size of the softside cooler, but they will ALWAYS check larger coolers to make sure you are not brining in lots of sodas, etc.

I even saw them confiscating a 12-pack of soda out of a cooler recently that a family was brining in with their stroller and small kids. they were told they could keep the water, kids drinks and kids food, but the sodas had to go to their car or be given to the security people.

We always bring a bottle of water in a fanny pack for each of us and they have no issues with it...then just refill them as needed.

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  The Interpreter said:
There was a time when Kings Island didn't give out straws, either.

And the Lion Country Safari was there at the time.

I'd never made that connection.

Thanks! smile.gif

Nope, was not because of the animals.

That was an ecology issue. The folks in ecology did not want to have to deal with all the straws and had a concern that they would make the park look trashy.

We received questions all the time about straws.

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  The Interpreter said:
Now, with ADA, straws must be available.

But, I must admit I was surprised when KI brought them into the park, prior to the ADA.  When did straws first appear at KI?

I never realized this was an ADA compliance issue...so, what do they do at zoos where "animal safety" is given as the reason for not handing out straws? Give them out upon request if an ADA consideration is indicated?

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