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Son of Beast Trains


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I was at the park today 8/14 on arrivel the train was still on the lift and covered up. Top Gun was my first ride of the day, and on the walk out, I noticed someone was on the lift taking the covers off the cars. Then later in the day I noticed the train was gone. I walked down the Top Gun exit and noticed that both trains are now on the transfer track of Son of Beast.

I wonder how they got that train off the lift. I doubt they cycled the ride thru, I wish I would have stayed around and seen how they did it.

I think this means Son of Beast will not be opening for the rest of this season.

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That`s what I was wondering. I mean, I supposed that they could have been taken off when the train was held by a winch. But I highly doubt that they sent the train through the circuit. So they either came down the hill via some sort of winch system, or they were removed with a crane.

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I would think that you could remove the anti-rollback devices from higher up the lift hill. Then move the train up to where you removed the anti-rollbacks and remove all of them from below where the train is sitting. Then it should be no problem to get it to roll backwards down the hill. I have no clue how easy it is to remove them from the track though.

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Flight of the Dead, I would like to direct you to the community's Terms of Service.


Specifically, the first paragraph:

Spelling and grammar: You guys know how to write; I have no doubt about that. Please take the time to read over your posts before you post them to ensure that it’s not confusing. This includes proper spelling, punctuation, and capitalization mainly.

I've never been a spelling/grammar "police" but my Lord, please just look at all of your posts! They're awful. You said in another post that it doesn't matter how you spell something, so long as the first and last letters are the same. These forums aren't one big word game, though. As such, we shouldn't have to work extra hard to decipher your posts.


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I've never been a spelling/grammar "police" but my Lord, please just look at all of your posts! They're awful. You said in another post that it doesn't matter how you spell something, so long as the first and last letters are the same. These forums aren't one big word game, though. As such, we shouldn't have to work extra hard to decipher your posts.



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Thats what my cuz said^ they got home around mid night(2hour drive for them) and he told me ,he seen Son of Beast go its full cycle, he got flimed it to, hes goma come to my house tomorow , so im gona tell you what the flim look like.

WHy not post the film if he really has it, we all know what you say cant be taken with even the slightest grain of salt.

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I somehow doubt they actually ran the trains thru cycles. When they were working on the train on the lift, I didn't even see the train in the station so I have no idea where that one went. But as of yesterday both were on the transfer track.

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