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PKI 10-22, Cold but no lines!


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I made a sojourn up to the park today, figuring that crowds would be light because of the cloudy, windy and cold day. I also figured that the Bengals game might keep some people away. Before I departed for the park, I checked their website to make sure they weren`t closing early because of lack of people. (I know they closed at 4 once last October with similar type weather conditions.)

I arrived in the parking lot shortly after 1 o`clock to find an almost empty parking lot. They only had one lane open for the metal detectors, but due to the lack of crowds, this was a non issue. The Beast was a walk on, in stark contrast from the night before when it was about a fifty minute wait. Drop Zone and Delirium were also walk on lines (and they were not assigning seats because of the lack of people in line. The two coldest rides of the day were on Drop Zone (the wind was really gusting up at the top) and Delirium.

I also managed to get back to back rides in on The Monster without having to leave my tub. I also rode The Beast six times, and talked with CombatStupendous89 while at The Beast. My final (and coldest) ride on The Beast was a walk on for the front row!

Needless to say, I spent a lot of time over at Flight of Fear because it had both walk on lines and HEAT! By the time I left at 6:30, I had taken 15 rides on Flight of Fear. Some rides were down due to the cold temperatures such as: Face Off, Congo Falls, IJST, and Wild Thornberrys River Adventure.

If only next Sunday the park would be as empty as it was today! It was essentially like exclusive park time because there were no lines. I was sort of surprised that they did not close early, say like at 5. Because I don`t know if they ended the day in the black (based on the crowds the last two hours, I doubt it as park employees seemed to outnumber guests). So in summary, I had an awesome five hours in the park.

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Probably most of the guest who went today was AP holders. We had a very busy day yesterday or we would have been there with you to help get enough rides in for everyone who didn’t go. I’m surprised with the winds today that they were still running Drop Zone. Thanks for the report and I’m glad to hear you got some rides in after missing so much during the summer from your job.

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Well, I was at school in the summer at DAAP at UC. I only worked at Coney on select days when I had time without homework. I also worked at Coney essentially every day they were open from Labor Day weekend through there final weekend on September 30-October 1st. Now I`m on co-op at Cole & Russell Architects working on a major project downtown.

But yes, it was nice to have a fun day at the park with little or no lines!

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It was good seeing you again RZ and getting to talk with you breifly. Yes, walk ons everywhere but it was soooo cold. There was also a special guest in the park today! Allen Sarven and his family were visiting the park today. Allen Sarven is better known by his ring name "Al Snow" from the former World Wrestling Federation and now World Wrestling Entertainment. He's originally from Lima ohio. He was also featured in The Beast 25th anniversary video which aired in The Beast que line in 2004 and 2005. This was the 2nd time I met him at PKI, he's an extremely friendly guy. Best wishes to his future career and to his family.

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