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FearFest Ideas


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Thanks guys; but most managers and owners I know follow the same philosophy that I am teaching my six year old now.

Treat others as you would want them to treat you.

That is basic respect training 101. If you find yourself dealing with someone that has not learned that (in any area of your life’s travels), my I suggest respecting yourself and continue on down the road.

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To get back on topic....

I've always thought it would be cool to have this old rusty ice cream truck stroll in... with the music playing but slow and a little "out of tune". The truck would pull in front of the fountains... wait just a second... and the side service window slides open and their stands this;

Old... Crusty... Warm hearted but slightly demented old man. He politely ask guest what flavor they want, but they find out that the menu has been a little "modeadfied"...haahaa....

So the guest just says "vanilla's fine"... The man would laugh. He would dissapear for only moment and come back with what looks like a popsicle (spelling?).

The guest holds the stick and peels off the wrapper only to find that it's a disgusting finger/toe shoved onto the stick.


The old man would then go to the takers spot on the platform and another character would watch over the truck. Of course KI would have to make these 'deadly treats' nightly... or make enough to last the whole season. I would just give out 2-3 a night.

I think this character would freak out alot of the teens and adults! The character should wear black/dark blue pants (dusted and weathered down to look old), a button up shirt that is dusted the same way as the pants... but different colors. He should also wear a white apron that has blood/ice cream on it and is also tattered and old looking. His face should look like this:


The creepy truck music should play the entire night. I have perfect music on my PC of what should play... Some from Midnight Syndicate, some from an actual truck!

I do think this would work... be eery as hell! I would expect some people to have nightmares like crazy if this was done right. I don't know what the park is going to do but I do think it will be better than this year! -Hauntguy

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Missing your graduation to work at the park? That seems like a little extreme. Don`t you want to celebrate the major accomplishment of your life? It is an experience that you will only get to live once (if it is from high school). Yes, I graduated from Anderson back in 2003 (my how time flies), and will be graduating from UC this June, and I won`t be missing my graduation at UC. Especially with all the hard work I`ve put in at DAAP! The bummer for me is that I will proceed immediately into grad school at UC with only one week off.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Let's just say it could be "tamed down" for the "lighter side" of Fearfest

And what would stop them from doing a "turnover" attraction, where it is for the family during the day and regular haunt at night. I know that idea has been talked about before in regards to some attractions, and has been done at other parks.

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I just came back from the Haunt & Attractions show in Chicago and let me tell you that there are some AWESOME haunt products out there! For one, if I were KI I would be calling up BONEYARD PRODUCTIONS/John Denley (if KI needs his contact info, I have it) about a new haunt! Then contact Halloween Productions/Larry Kirchsner to renovate/update the Circus of Horrors; they have made numerous updates on that haunt at other parks and the we have is getting OUTDATED!!!

I would also try contract HPI to renovate the 2 Leonard Pickel haunts... Massacre Manor and Asylum. Guys, just so you know... Leonard Pickel is an industry HACK! In a recent auction 5, count them 5, full Pickel attractions sold for $26,000! THAT'S POOR @$$ CHEAP!!!

Normally, ONE full attraction would run you $60K+ depending on where you buy it. This is where KI got the 2 haunts! To quote Mr. Lynton V. Harris (who I chatted with numerous time at the show)... "All Leonard does is sell piles of wood... none of his haunts are of decent quality or good scare for that matter!"... This comes from the guy in charge of the FIRST Fearfest at KI! Remember the Freezer, Museum, Sewer, etc.?

I certainly hope CF/KI plans to totally redo Fearfest... Not to self promote but... I AM RIGHT HERE!!! I CAN MAKE IT BETTER!!! Now, the folks at Kings Island do a great job and trust me they work their asses off while doing it... I love them all! But they need direction, they need REAL HAUNTERS to make it happen. People who are in the industry and KNOW what's going on!

I know that technically, I can't work at the park for at least 3-4 years... but I am NOT QUITTING! I want Fearfest to be the BEST! I want people to travel from other countries to come to Fearfest. Some will argue that I don't know the "theme park rules and regulations that sometimes won't allow for certain things to happen"... Well, that's why we have teams!

If KI were too create a "Fearfest Team"... One REAL Haunter/Designer, Set Designer/Construction Manager, Ent. Head (so they'll know all the park regulations/legal mumbo-jumbo), and a person from the costume dept... OH MY GOD FEARFEST WOULD BE AMAZING!

OK... Breathe... Sorry for the rant... I just want you guys to know what out in the haunting world and what IS possible at KI.

Happy Haunting,

Tyler aka. Hauntguy

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Guest rollercoasterfreak
Don't expect anything from Cowboy Carnage to come back this year! Let's just say it could be "tamed down" for the "lighter side" of Fearfest. -Hauntguy

That is soo true. I think that also.

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Guest TombraiderTy

Fear Fest... my favorite time of year :)

International Scream

Walk Throughs: Wax Museum (psycho killed and stuffed bodies for museum, some bodies are scareactors) and Scream Street (same place, completely different, has a late 1800's theme)

Scare Zones: The Forgotten (between International Scream and aaaaaAction Zone, would feature old ride parts and characters)

Shows: Monster Bash, Heckle and Howl, and Hauncert Series

aaaaaAction Zone

Walk Throughs: Slaughter Shack (pretty much walking through a Saw movie, inside of Action Zone Stunt Grill, which would be covered)

Scare Zones: Power Source (pathway to Face/Off, fire, chainsaws, and electricity all combined in this mega power plant psycho place)

Ride Redos: Creature (Son of Beast with scary scenery)

Jefferson Village

Walk THroughs: Seaside Cemetery (In and around Bubba Gumps)

Scare Zones: Garden of Gore (small pathway to Sling Shot)

Ride Redos: Lost Mine (AE, trains in reverse, scary scenary)

Coney Maul

Walk THroughs: Psycho Path, The Asylum, CUrse of the Crypt, Massacre Manor

Scare Zones: The Worksite

Shows: Elvira's Superstition and Zombie Zone (in Action FX THeater)

Ride Redos: ExTERRORestrial Encounter (Flight of Fear) and Wreckage (Italian Job: Stunt Crap)

SLeepy Hollow

Walk Throughs: The Beast: UNLEASHED (along service roads and through woods under The Beast), Cowboy Carnage, and Headless Hollow

Scare Zones: CornSTALKERS

Ride Redos: Murder Mill (Wild THornberry's, scary props and scareactors, lotta fog)

Nightmare Realm

Walk Throughs: Circus of Horrors 3D (the LBGC station is in the shape of a circus tent, so it would look like one) and Scary Tales (starring Sinderella, Prince Alarming, Snow Fright, Reaping Beauty...)

Scare Zones: Clown Town (Along SDATHC)

Ride Redos: CarnEVIL (my personal favorite, take out almost all SD props, have actors and side show freaks (people like Ripley's stuff) and combine with darkness, clowns, and slower moving vehicles)

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Guest TombraiderTy

I'm glad we don't have to pay for Fear Fest... the idea of the number of things, since no one would even notice, is that there are 6 areas, 6 scare zones, and 6 shows... wait, there are only 5 shows, can't think of a 6th.... but there would be a 6th. So, anyone could guess what that all comes to. Also, there are 13 walkthroughs, making it a total of over... 33 attractions made just for Fear Fest, but 33 isn't unfortunate in anyway.

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How about having the Asylum moved under the Effiel Tower. Not only that but have part of the Haunt go up into the tower where the floor at the top would be replaced by plexyglass so you can see straight through the floor! There would be a problem with the lines and getting up and down of course, but im sure theres a solution. Sure, its a bit unrealisitic but hey... why not?

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Guest TombraiderTy

Thank you! :)

beastfan11, I had thoughts about putting the Asylum up onto the 50 foot platform, but that would be hard to do. The lines could go up the staircase, but what about handicap people? Don't most of the Fear Fest attractions, if I'm not mistaken, allow handicaps to walk through or ride through in a wheel chair? I think that the Asylum needs to be moved though, cause with (if I was in charge) Psycho Path, The Asylum, Curse of the Crypt, Flight of Fear, and Firehawk all in one small area... talk about conjustion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I also think it would be creepy as hell if KI played a horror montage video.. not the one they've used before... but one that really mess with people if one were to sit and watch the whole thing! I think if they, in the video, were to show the cartoon "Salad Fingers" (search it on youtube, watch ANY episode)... it would creep ALOT of people out!

KI DID have a haunt up the tower... it didn't work. Why do it again.

As for Area 51... I think that it WILL be one crowded nightmare come Fearfest time. Hope no one has claustriphobia!


I think that to advertise 666 would be a "bad idea" here. Why? Believe it or not we are in the "bible belt" of america! KI would get so many complaints from religous groups, churches, and just your average joe... It works in Florida (HHN), but it MIGHT not work here. But a great idea none-the-less.

The one thing I think KI couldn't do is the 6 shows! The few we had last year were great! I think that by having just a few shows works best for KI!

Just a thought. -Hauntguy

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Halloween Town-Int. Street

Couldn't come up with a better name, but this is mainly the entry point and start-off to the REAL terror of FearFest. Mainly shows here instead of mazes/midways.

Phantom Theater: R.I.P. (Reconstruction In Progress)-Paramount Theater

Originally came up with the idea two years ago, but it basically stars the original cast of the Theater seeking vengeance for the sudden demolishing of their old home (expect an attempt by Scooby and the Gang to save the day, only to be met with an untimely demise).

Breaking Point-Int. Street Bandstand

My favorite year of Universal's Halloween Horror Nights (14) inspired me to come up with this game show, a hybrid of Fear Factor and Double Dare/Slime Time Live. Cue Jigsaw: "Oh, yes. There will be blood."

Heckle & Howl-Beside Starbucks Coffee

No need to explain this one.

Monster Bash: Revenge From The Grave-Showplace Stage

Again, no need to explain this one, except a live band is included, replacing the regular prerecorded music from before.

GangLand-Action Zone/Oktoberfest

Themed to a cross between the classic Paramount flick The Warriors, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series, and the scene from Batman Forever involving Robin squaring off against a gang of neon-colored freaks.

The Cage-Festhaus

The old Maze of Madness/Asylum house layout moved to Festhaus and given a freakish nightclub theme (Festhaus is renamed The Hive for FearFest).

Nightmare Alley-TimberWolf Entrance from FaceOff/Drop Zone

Midway set up to resemble a rundown alley in a haunted city. Facades are created to model old apartment buildings, decrepit drug stores, and a dilapidated police station.

The Gauntlet-Sling Shot/Adventure Express Midway

2005's "WorkSite" midway (never received a name but I gave it the title of Gauntlet) extended to AE entrance and stopping just before reaching Viking Fury entrance.

The Strip-Coney Mall

The most elaborately themed scare zone in the park (at least that's what I think it would be). I believe the Games in CM really screw up the atmosphere of FearFest, which is why I'd have a majority of Games workers moved to Entertainment as extra scareactors/ushers (they're also the most "energetic" of all departments) and facades put up over the Games buildings to resemble city streets. It's pretty much a town under attack by zombies, plague, madmen, ghosts, anything you can think of. Also, there's a number of cars, trucks, vans, and a set of school and metro buses scattered across the zone that have either crashed into stuff or have blown up. Not to mention the amount of chaos in the air with sirens, strobe lights, fire, screams, tons of fog, and, of course, MONSTERS.

House of a 1000 Screams-Paramount Story/Games Building beside Scrambler

This one is billed as the scariest maze of the ones I have here. It's a complete redesign of the old House of Darkness/Massacre Manor so that it resembles much more of a decrepit mansion. The Paramount Story serves as the entrance to the maze as well as the gardens to the mansion itself, the mansion facade being massive and seen towering over Story ominously. The interiors include a library (where, like the original Maze of Madness, entire bookcases can be rotated to confuse guests) , a grand ballroom, a Trophy Room (), as well as the generic bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and more. What makes this actually scary is the use of truly ghastly creatures-boogeymen, Banshees, and the monsters that hide under your bed-that look and act downright disturbing. I need to go find some masks to show you what I mean.

Maverik Asylum: The Maze of Madness-behind Racer/Arcade

Almost an exact replica to Knott's Halloween Haunt rendition of an insane psychiatric ward-gone-bad, except the facade you enter actually "breathes" in and out as if it were actually alive.

Destruction Zone-beside Flight of Fear

My original idea from the end of 2005 before Entertainment actually used it and just changed the name to the WorkSite. The difference here is the use of real construction equipment that comes to life and wreaks havoc upon patrons, such as bulldozers, cranes, backhoes, dump trucks, and whatnot.

PsychoPath2-behind Flight of Fear

The 2 is supposed to mean 'squared' as in the maze has simply doubled in detail and quality. The majority of the props are from an older Halloween Haunt classic maze entitled Blood Bayou (now re-themed to 13 Axe Murder Manor), where you traverse a Louisiana swampland infested with an unruly cast of carnivorous creatures. Also stars a backwoods family that loves them some fresh human meat.

Nightmare under the Big Top in 4D-Action FX Theater

A first attempt at combining a 3D motion simulator ride with a walkthrough haunted maze in the form of an old circus appearing out of a thick fog. Guests first enter the FX Theater (themed to a giant Big Top Circus of EVIL) and ride the "Main Attraction"-a romp though the Three-Ring Scarecus and a nearby haunted amusement park. Then, they hop off and walk through the real draw of the attraction-the Fun House. This is a redesigned Circus of Horrors maze with props and talent from yet another Halloween Haunt maze, the Carnival of Carnivorous Clowns (otherwise known as C3). This can also be billed as the scariest maze of the event, if you have a certain fear towards clowns. Especially ones that eat you.

I'm lazy so I'll type out the rest later, which encompasses Rivertown (The Woods) and the Picnic Grove (Headless Hollow).

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Here's yet ANOTHER way I would do Fearfest...

International Street:

The windows of all the street shops/houses are boarded up and turn white sheets/curtains wave in the air through the windows. The fountain is at ease with only a gentle, continuous spray... the water is red. The Eiffel Tower glows a dark purple, and the streets are covered in fog. Haybales and pumpkins line the street as scareactors do their bidding amungst the crowd; the screech of a chainsaw echoes through the air.

Int. Street will feature:

-MonsterBash 2 in the former Paramount Theater

-Heckle and Howl: And The Curse of the 21st Century, located in the Showplace Theater

Action Zone

As crushed cars, steel barrels, dumpsters line the perimiter of Action Zone... and flames are thrown high into the air, only the bravest will make it out alive! The area resembles a grunge junkyard wear the term "metal" is only a way of life. Chainlink fence and lit police cars create midway obstacles that allow the scareactors to torture at their best. The sound of chainsaws, clanging metal, compessed air drills, and screams are heard all around.

Action Zone will feature:

-Fearfest Hauntcert Series: Nightly metal/industrial bands play all night long, only to compliment the terror of course!

-The Asylum: Can you find your way through the twisting and turning... and dead-ending, path of the Asylum? Located in tent in "backstage area" of Action Zone.

-The WorkZone: Survive through this deadly construction and you'll be able to tell one incredible story. The habits, or victims, of this forsaken worksite is still "hanging" around to haunt your every step... will you make it out? Located at connection street between Action Zone and Oktoberfest.


This show has just rolled into town and your all invited! The "RingMaster" is perched high up in his podium at the gates of the ConeyMaul and welcomes guest in. Here you will the worst possible nightmare of a carnival is haunting at your every turn... and the "carnies" are OUT to get YOU! The carnival have gone black as night and the games are, lets say, deadly!

ConeyMaul will feature:

-The Circus of Horrors in 3D: Come and see the circus as you've never seen it before. Gaze at the escaping animals, and be horrifyed by the deformed and nightmarish clowns. Located at the old Massacre Manor building.

-Sideshow Museum: New for 2007! Come one and all and see if you can stomachs the ringmasters newest creations! Witness the devil baby, the half man/half woman, the man eating chicken, and the man-eating chicken! Be warned, not for the faint of heart or weak stomached!


Can you walk yourself cowhide through this famous ghosttown? Witness famous shoot-outs and see if you can conjour enough gut to beat old Doc at chess! The scareactors are dressed in ghostly-western attire, and a few are even on "dead" horses... Fog engulfs the entire area.

Rivertown will feature:

-Massacre Manor: With only a flashlight, can you navigate your way through the judges old house? You decide whether or not you believe in ghost? Rethemed for 2007! Located in grove behind TRTR.

-Headless Hollow: Rethemed for 2007! Take the old train back to dark woods of Rivertown and walk your way back through hell! You'll travel the same path that Jonathan Fischer traveled every night as he slowly, and brutaly, murdered the townsfolk of Rivertown. Can you make it through the ghost of the past... or Jonathan himself?

Area 51

All hell has broken loose at this top secret military base. Scareactors are franticaly running around confused, injured, dead and pleading! But no one knows what "really" happened? Find out for yourself! Beacon lights, sirens, and fog cover this area...

Area 51 will feature:

-PsychoPath: Take the trip into the woods of Area 51 and discover for yourself what happened to all of the soldiers at the base! This dark trail will delve into your deepest psycological terrors and reveal the true meaning of fear! Rethemed for 2007!

Fearfest would also feature Elviras Superstition and the Funhouse in the Action FX Theater!

Also, limited backstage tours are available during the day that include fast pass line passes for all haunts at night.


That's what I would like to see! -Hauntguy

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