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X-Flight coming to PKI?


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One of the brake fins became mis-aligned during a cycle one day and when the train passed through the LIMs the train basically ripped itself and the LIM motors apart resulting in MAJOR damage.

Wow was anyone on it when this happened? I've been looking all over the internet for more information/pictures but can't find anything.

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I believe that this occured during morning test runs, and as a result no one was on board the train when the incident occurred. I do believe that all the similar Intamin launched inverted coasters were temporarily shut down after the incident occured.

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Seeing as how this topic has cooled off I was doing some looking around to see if X-Flight has been or started to be dismantled yet. According to GeaugaLakeToday there has been no site of construction or equipment around X-Flight. They have also taken pictures to show it is still standing. The update is from December 2nd so construction may have started by now, but they speculate that the ride will not start to be dismantled until after the new year, just like with Mr. Hyde.

How interesting...

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With no visable signs of the coaster being dismantled and no visible signs or reports of preperation at either KI or MiA I would assume that assembly of the ride may not happen until after the winter months. So that is basically 2 months till general opperations to have the land ready, coaster constructed, and testing done. Seems like a very tight schedule so maybe the goal is to have it up and running by the busy Summer months.
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