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  The Interpreter said:

WHAT damages they RECEIVED from what court battle back in 2000?

Also, if you are going to clarify, there is no such thing as publicly offered stock in Cedar Fair. There is such a thing as units. Those who buy FUN get units, not stock.

NO ur wrong those you buy FUN get units of stock. Why do you think its called a stock market? and yes they probably got nothing out of the court battle but I am sure that money is coming from some sort of emergency fund or insurance benefits.

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  Rumor Smasher said:

No man is perfect, no one can spell perfect , no one can talk perfect. So telling me my spelling is bad, is just telling me im human.

The great thing about humans is that while none of us are perfect, we as a people have continually strived to better ourselves and our conditions ever since the cave man discovered fire. In fact, I would say that being complacent and not striving to better yourself (in this case spelling) is a very unhuman characteristic. Imagine if after Edison's first failure at the light bulb he would have said "oh well, I'm just human and not perfect, so this will never work" and given up. If everyone carried your attitude of saying they couldn't improve because they were "just human" (which by the way is a great thing to be), we'd still be living in caves. Luckily for the human race your line of thinking and complacency is an anomally and not the trend.

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Interpreter is right....


-publicly traded

-stock known as "shares" offered to the public

-share holders vote on operations with one vote per share or one vote worth a percentage.

-shares are bought to raise capitol for the company, however they also provide direct ownership and input

Limited Partnership

-like corporation can be Public or Privatly offered

-again stock is refered to as a share, but does not carry the same authority as a Corporate stock offerings

-Share holders do not vote on operations unless given consent by the partnership

-Shares are sold to raise Capitol however these are purely investment based and provide no input or physical ownership of the company

Hope this clarification helps!

basically, in a "Co." stock=complete but partial ownership and in a "LP" stock=incomplete and partial ownership!

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  thejoker8388 said:

  Rumor Smasher said:

No man is perfect, no one can spell perfect , no one can talk perfect. So telling me my spelling is bad, is just telling me im human.

The great thing about humans is that while none of us are perfect, we as a people have continually strived to better ourselves and our conditions ever since the cave man discovered fire. In fact, I would say that being complacent and not striving to better yourself (in this case spelling) is a very unhuman characteristic. Imagine if after Edison's first failure at the light bulb he would have said "oh well, I'm just human and not perfect, so this will never work" and given up. If everyone carried your attitude of saying they couldn't improve because they were "just human" (which by the way is a great thing to be), we'd still be living in caves. Luckily for the human race your line of thinking and complacency is an anomally and not the trend.

Im just saying! Is that if i dont wanna improve my spelling, i dont have to. And haveing a choice will be the best thing in your life. Also give me a fact that caveman discoverd fire, also , Sicence can only go so far, then comes god =)

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This is probably absolutely nothing but I feel like adding it for pure amusement, on techinicians section under jobs it says you need to be able to work up to heights of 370 feet. Last time I checked highest point was 315 or something(give or take some as i'm not 100% sure!)

Now, discuss flame and argue!

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  Rumor Smasher said:

  thejoker8388 said:

  Rumor Smasher said:

No man is perfect, no one can spell perfect , no one can talk perfect. So telling me my spelling is bad, is just telling me im human.

The great thing about humans is that while none of us are perfect, we as a people have continually strived to better ourselves and our conditions ever since the cave man discovered fire. In fact, I would say that being complacent and not striving to better yourself (in this case spelling) is a very unhuman characteristic. Imagine if after Edison's first failure at the light bulb he would have said "oh well, I'm just human and not perfect, so this will never work" and given up. If everyone carried your attitude of saying they couldn't improve because they were "just human" (which by the way is a great thing to be), we'd still be living in caves. Luckily for the human race your line of thinking and complacency is an anomally and not the trend.

Im just saying! Is that if i dont wanna improve my spelling, i dont have to. And haveing a choice will be the best thing in your life. Also give me a fact that caveman discoverd fire, also , Sicence can only go so far, then comes god =)

According to wikipedia, the first controlled man made fire remains that have been are at the Cradle of Humankind in South Africa. According to the page it states that the humanoid ancestor, Australopithecus, lived there. This means that I was incorrect earlier because Australopithecus came long before the caveman, or Cro-Magnons. I'm not sure if you consider this a "fact" that fire was discovered, but using the definition of discover "to find out what one did not previously know" it's common sense to know that some where along the line some humanoid creature discovered fire.

I've already fed the troll too much, I'll attempt to stop feeding it and hopefully it will starve and die.

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  2oo64ever said:

oh god.

it seems like some people are gonna eat each other in here.


relax people when they are gonna make the announcement we are all going to find out whats up.

no fighting please.

If there shall be any eating in here, it shall be I doing the eating.

.....with some fava beans, perhaps.

....and, maybe a nice Chianti.

....On a more on-topic note, I am kind of hoping for a big ol' flat ride to coincide the arrival of X-Flight. :)

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  RingMaster said:

  2oo64ever said:

oh god.

it seems like some people are gonna eat each other in here.


relax people when they are gonna make the announcement we are all going to find out whats up.

no fighting please.

If there shall be any eating in here, it shall be I doing the eating.

.....with some fava beans, perhaps.

....and, maybe a nice Chianti.

....On a more on-topic note, I am kind of hoping for a big ol' flat ride to coincide the arrival of X-Flight. :)

HAHAHAHAAH you made me hungry here....mmmmmmmmmmm

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Hey now, I still remember how in mid-September of last year we were all discussing the stupid rumor of them taking out The Vortex when, all of a sudden, there's reports and rumors of X-Flight being taken down started up.

And don't even get me started on the Nick expansion talk early to mid-2005. ;)

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And look how that turned out. Today we have Kings Island without the Shooting Star, and Coney Island and Sunlite pool are still open. Although Coney as an amusement park is a mere shadow of what it was when it "closed" in 1971.

And technically, that rumor about X-Flight being dismantled didn`t arise until early November.

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