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X-Flight Videos


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I've added a good deal of videos to Youtube.com There is a lot of Cedar Point videos, as well as KI. All of them are mounted POV. I also was able to find a video from Batwing, an identical coaster to X-Flight. Just search xflight pov and you should be able to find it.

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1, that's not my POV.

2, I agree with illegal POVs being bad..but again, you're preaching to the wrong person...I obviously did not take that video. The giveaway was when I said "after a quick google search"

C'mon...Honestly. Before you go preaching to someone about POVs, you might want to ask yourself if you really think the person in question was stupid enough to do such a thing. Obviously, someone was stupid enough to take a POV...but that idiot was obviously not me.

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  mutedarkness said:

Here is an offical POV of batwing. just pretend the colors a green and black.

Mods. can u edit this back into my other post?

Ya, thats the one I was talking about. I didn't take any of the videos I posted. I never edit them either. The only exception to the edits is Batwing, but the video was filmed upsidedown...

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It's time for KI to add a ride that is unique to the park. Beast put KI on the map and gave them worldwide publicity. Beast couldn't be duplicated exactly anywhere. Marketing was able to run with that promotion. Even SOB is somewhat derivitive of Beast. X-Flight will be a nice addition, but KI needs an attraction that is so unique and so different that it's status in the industry as a trend setter will be retained! KI has one thing that Cedar Point does not, hundreds of acres of undeveloped land to hold any idea they can come up with! The future holds great possibilities!

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A new rollercoaster that isn't a clone.

To explain further, the most recent rollercoaster that they have installed that wasn't a clone of or extremely similar to another rollercoaster somewhere else is Son of Beast. And before that was Adventure Express, although I'm not completely sure. AE isn't a clone is it?

A new coaster with a unique design would be a very nice and welcome addition.

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I wasn't saying it mattered to the public, all I was saying was that a unique coaster would make the park more unique because that was the question that was asked.

And don't underestimate the General Public. If someone from out of town is coming to the park and they live near the park that has the clone of a coaster it may matter then. Also people remember coasters from trips they may have made in the past. But yes most will not notice if the ride is a clone or not. And clones coasters can be very fun, hence why the layout is used in numerous parks.

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