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Temporary season passes


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How are the temporary season passes issued at the end of last season going to be dealt with? Do we have to get permanent ones processed? If so, is there a deadline? Can we still get in the park with the temps? Thanks in advance.

just take them up to the season pass building and they give you a real pass...........

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And from what I understand, there is no need to get your picture retaken. You will simply go to a window give them your temporary pass, and they will then hand you your permanent 2007 season pass.

So there won't be a long line after all? I have got a season pass a couple times but never the year before

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Well, I live 2 hours away and can't get there before the season opener. I just would like to know if I can get in the park with the temp pass on the 21st. That way, I can pick and choose my time to get the new pass, like before the park closes. It would be nice if they have a bypass line for people who already processed the passes last year or in the off season with their pictures already taken.

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Well, I live 2 hours away and can't get there before the season opener. I just would like to know if I can get in the park with the temp pass on the 21st. That way, I can pick and choose my time to get the new pass, like before the park closes. It would be nice if they have a bypass line for people who already processed the passes last year or in the off season with their pictures already taken.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the answer to that question is yes. I just bought my passes online and if you look at the fine print, it says that the barcode on the paperwork grants you one entrance to Kings Island, so I'm guessing the temp passes will work the same way.

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Guest kwindshawne
the temp passes are good all year if you wish, although it is highly recommended that you get the real one.

good to know-I was hired, and in case something does not work out, I want to keep that pass just in case.

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