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Don Helbig Named as New Public Relations Manager at Kings Island


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The position of Marketing Communications Manager is been vacant since Maureen Kaiser left the company to pursue other interest a few weeks into the season. It is my proud responsibility to inform you that the position has been filled by a Racer riding legend, proud family man, hockey broadcasting legend, and most importantly long-time friend of KICentral, Mr. Don Helbig.

If that name rings a bell, it may be the fact that he's acquired local fame by holding the world record in rides on The Racer at just short of 12,000. Of course, you may recall hearing about a special ceremony a few years ago for Don's 1,000th visit to the park. Then again, you may be familiar with Don from hearing him as the head of PR and broadcasting for the Cincinnati Mighty Ducks and Cyclones.

Don left town with his family less than a year ago to continue his career doing PR for the AHL's Albany Riverrats and their arena football team, the Albany Conquest. Doing this, he left the Cincinnati area just shy of his 12,000th ride on The Racer.

Kings Island Central wants to be one of the first to welcome the Helbig family back home to Cincinnati, and to say, “Welcome aboard!”

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[double post] -- sorry

Since I prefabricated this article, I figured I'd go ahead and throw it into the forums for public view.

Let's all hope Don Helbig enjoys his new job. The job seems perfect for him, and he's certainly perfect for the job.

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Awesome news! Good luck with the new job Don! For a guy that has visited Kings Island so many times, it seems like this job would be a natural fit.

Wouldn't that be a heck of a fulfilled dream for someone like him?

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I think this is great news for everyone involved including the guests and fans of the park. Don gets to come home and get paid to work at a place that he has shown passion for and did it just for the love of the park in the past. Cedar Fair gets a PR person who is known and highly respected in the community to help them communicate further dealings with the community. The guests and fan boys/girls have someone in the PR department who understands their love for the park and knows what type of information the community really would like to have or know about.

I would like to give congratulations to Don and his family, but in truth, with this combination I think this is a more of a congratulations to everyone who is concerned with the park omatter what affiliation they have with the park.

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First task as the new talking head of KI....explain to the thousands of folks who showed up on July 4th why the fireworks spectacular took place a day early on July 3rd! I am sure GR was not a fun place to be working last night!

While on the surface, the hiring of Don Helbig does sound like a dream fulfilled, I think in the end, he will be disappointed. Once you go to work for King Island and see the "ugly underbelly" of what really goes on behind the scenes, it will be a definite eyeopener. Of course with his previous experience in PR, maybe this will not be much of a suprise to him. I still feel bad for his predecessors, MK especially. I think the final insult to her was PKI making her say what a success the new Winterfest was. How she kept a straight face while speaking of the "success" of that event, I will never know.

At any rate, goodluck Don!

(now let the flames begin!!!)

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...While on the surface, the hiring of Don Helbig does sound like a dream fulfilled, I think in the end, he will be disappointed. Once you go to work for King Island and see the "ugly underbelly" of what really goes on behind the scenes, it will be a definite eyeopener....

This is what prevents me from wanting a job at KI. I think some of the magic of the park would be lost by seeing behind the scenes.

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Well said Interpreter! I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Helbig and his family many times back in 2005 not only at KI but at Mighty Ducks hockey games, when I first heard the news I was over joyed. Welcome aboard Don and welcome back to Cincy!

Best of luck to you!


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I was certainly tickled pink when I ran into Don yesterday at the front gate. It's going to be hard to fill Maureen's shoes (OK, trying fill Jeff Siebert's shoes might be a better idea...) but Don Helbig is just a great fit for the park. I sure missed him when he left for Albany, and likewise I'm sure he missed Cincinnati... I hope he does well for the park and continues a great relationship the park has with coaster and park lovers all around!

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...While on the surface, the hiring of Don Helbig does sound like a dream fulfilled, I think in the end, he will be disappointed. Once you go to work for King Island and see the "ugly underbelly" of what really goes on behind the scenes, it will be a definite eyeopener....

This is what prevents me from wanting a job at KI. I think some of the magic of the park would be lost by seeing behind the scenes.

You need not worry about that aspect! My working at the park has only made the magic even greater, as I can now see first hand all of the hard work that goes into making all my previous visits so great and all those visits of other guests great as well! And of course you do get to see the internal workings of a theme park, which is actually really cool stuff!

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That could go either way I guess. I kinda feel my magic of theme parks kinda went away after my 3 years of employment at KI. I guess cause now I know how everything works, and know how a coaster operates. But don't get me wrong, I still highly enjoy KI and theme parks.

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...While on the surface, the hiring of Don Helbig does sound like a dream fulfilled, I think in the end, he will be disappointed. Once you go to work for King Island and see the "ugly underbelly" of what really goes on behind the scenes, it will be a definite eyeopener....

This is what prevents me from wanting a job at KI. I think some of the magic of the park would be lost by seeing behind the scenes.

You need not worry about that aspect! My working at the park has only made the magic even greater, as I can now see first hand all of the hard work that goes into making all my previous visits so great and all those visits of other guests great as well! And of course you do get to see the internal workings of a theme park, which is actually really cool stuff!

I agree with you, Corey. I've worked closely with the park for the past two years or so to do this site the way it's done. Even more so now with... well, you'll see... part of the KI magic for me is the great people I've come in contact with.

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